I'm perplex are the prices regulated? Why don't the farmers refuse to sell the eggs unless they are sold at a profit?
People over 60s are generally the same people who own, invested into public companies that generate 80% of the pollution both actual and carbon so I guess this article make sense
Those urn sure got advance over the last few years
Make your exemption request and prepare to sue
His entire career is a fraud what made them think his behavior would change
Tested it out with one if the most common last names in the world cap out at 53, I was pretty stun.
Oldest continued central bank
Curious if you know what happen 431 years ago
Rookie number; it actually been at least 431 years
Sue the company if they fire you and sue the fed as the scotus already ruled agency can't arbitrarily impose these regulations with the rental/home freeze by the cdc.
25th week of the year would be late June
PUBLICLY traded companies aren't private.
Publicly Trade Companies who are being paid/funded by the government is absolutely not Private. The economic ignorance of the masses is quite shocking.
Correct, already had the government and the insurance companies approach my business to convince me to make it mandatory for my employees. I made it clear if they want to sign a document making them 100% liable of any injury and death and will pay the employee or his family what they make with inflation adjustment yearly till the end of time I'll go along otherwise f off.
P.s. next phase is the insurance companies threatening to increase the nonvax insurance four fold
I'm at the point as well
What approve vaccine, Emergency use isn't approved, a mrna gene therapy injection that doesn't prevent catching an illness, spread that illness, or dying from that illness isn't a freaking vaccine. It a placebo at best, poison at worse
I always viewed it that the independent hackers no matter their goal are the true white hats while the people who work for the public entites are the black hats
If your right, great news for you. I'm sticking with the historic safer bet.
I got 4000 years of history backing my position you have your opinion and hopes of dreams. Just remember digital currency can only work if you have energy which oddly enough is skyrocketing and may become difficult for the peasant to afford making your digital currency difficult to access.
Land, tools, crops, and rare metals > any digital currency that can vanish at the flip of a switch.
Historic data collection in the ocean, fast freezing of animal while eating (showing something happen in an instant), human 'legends' across the world describing similar calamity, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus atmosphere all showing odd behavior such as speeding up, and so on. That or you believe Co2 is effecting everything and the sun has no influence on out climate or ice ages (btw if the sun output is consistent why do we have ice ages where does all the heat go?)
We got 20 some years before the sun reset itself which occurs every 12,000 years and it effect the entire solar system you can see the other planets have irregular behavior just like the earth and it magnet field and it climate. They been trying to blame co2 to tax us and finance underground bunkers in preparation for the solar reversal and the calamity that follows it. Public institutions vs the Individual the battle as old as man. "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public (should be people as it referring to the individuals) believes is false." - William Casey director of the cia
The pending solar disaster that the government been trying to hide for 70 years.
You can't control other people action you can only control your own and hope to inspire others to follow suit.
Example when Covid was still in China I prepare informed others and when the panic hit I was fine and so was everyone else who listen to me. Those who didn't remember my warning and have been more open to listen to me on other issue going on in the world such as the issues with the MRNA injections and the pending hyperinflation.
In the states farmers are able to sell direct to consumer, so when the grocery store don't buy the product the local community generally does especially if the item is hard to get at the supermarket