Onedude123 9 points ago +9 / -0

"A Republic if we can keep it" If we take as long as the Scots to respond this country will be a giant Brazilian favela.... Actually already been 100 years since the FED took over and the cities are almost there

Onedude123 4 points ago +4 / -0

It increases.......................... mental illness

Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

500 yrs? Man! Im already backlogged on interesting things i need to look into ill add this to it haha

by pkvi
Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its going to be mainly europeans(descent) dying again huh?

Onedude123 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had great relatives lived to 80s-90s walking and sound of mind no high blood pressure pills etc. But i think many died from treatable heart defects diabetes or at child birth which lowered life expectancy numbers but i believe otherwise they lived longer. The generation after lived to 60s-70s with health problems on medication.

Onedude123 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rabiesis the only shot needed and thats only after a rabid attack

Onedude123 1 point ago +1 / -0

Somebodyll say thats because china is sooo developed now they can make buildings better than we could we didnt have the technology then.

Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nope Haha wont lie I had hopes at first kept getting disappointed the "never again" law was not very freedom of speech.... I noticed the internet culling ~ 6 years ago but I was able to find last year (shouldve saved) the auschwitz interviews showed to someone that kept bringing it up They just stuttered changed the subject

Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Took a break off this site Im video watching now ..... A few days ago my uncle was equating trump and him saying election was stolen to Nazis and people denying the Holocaust. I asked him but he didnt know of Holodomor the Bolsheviks or weimar republic. its Hard to talk with people haha

Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Colombine I was young(elementary) but never liked the be afraid push from it. I like this one from the group

media and government simultaneously realized that school shootings were fantastic for them, and began doing everything they could to cause them for the next 2+ decades>

Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sad the pinned comment explains why Thank you ill hid documentary later... on the youtube video I wish they wouldve had him on for the phone calls and open mic when they were getting belligerent .

by pkvi
Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Appreciate your answer its a topic I intend on looking into in the future.

Onedude123 3 points ago +3 / -0

Havent they broken David Cole through imprisonment and other attacks?

by pkvi
Onedude123 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can you explain original sin from your understanding please

by pkvi
Onedude123 5 points ago +5 / -0

Heres from her web site

Dr. Uju Anya is a university professor and researcher in applied linguistics, critical sociolinguistics, and critical discourse studies primarily examining race, gender, sexual, and social class identities in new language learning through the experiences of African American students. Her other areas of inquiry include applied linguistics as a practice of social justice and translanguaging in world language pedagogy. She currently teaches and conducts research as associate professor of second language acquisition at the Carnegie Mellon University Department of Modern Languages.>

Immigration is invasion

Onedude123 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think there is something to this explains why the fakes have been trying to take down Europe with war and the Kalergi plan also why Europe excepted the Messiah Israel was to be a light to the nations.Sadly though it got influenced by Gnosticism. I believe the Greeks were considered a relative of Israel by Josephus . Have you looked into Africa I was able to find (lost in broke laptop) a book online 7 years ago and writings from the 17-18 hundreds where it was quoted from the Muslims that the original slaves that were taken were the people of the book possibly from Judah descent they settled in west africa and were targeted by the other tribes .

Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you I found some in the spice rack tried a lil i think the stew will be best option hope it masks it more... I tried it in orange juice also haha like my grandma used to do with liquid medicine

Onedude123 1 point ago +1 / -0

Would you trust any new inventions? haha. my grandma had an old book on natural remedies probably had some options but sadly the mice got to it.... Ill let you know after i get the pills when/if i start noticing effects.

Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Alright, yeah walgreens marks up prices a lot. I drink boiled ginger everyday boosted my immune system like crazy and has helped a few family members arthritis pain. If this has half the effect Im good you sold me on the Ill care later line haha .

Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haha appreciate it Ill get some tomorrow.

Onedude123 3 points ago +3 / -0

How do you prepare it? Do you take the pill or use the powder?

Onedude123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was enjoying your convo mind if i share I view it as they are able to subvert like this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53A5AJoRxF0. They created Bolshevism and are related or connected to the international Bankers . Theyve been behind or financed many of the movements that subvert the values America was founded on. EX The statue of Liberty was coopted meant to honor slavery ending but the "give us your poor etc" placard was added later not by creator but by a Jew(marxian idealist) to promote mass immigration. Like you stated That first wave and children were able to be used in early 1900s to vote for mass change feminist movement tax policy later on. Also a side effect i see is even though white many that are multi ethnic ancestry view themselves as mutts they say they have no culture are weaker in their identity and are more prone to being influenced. Thats not speaking of the post 1965 that are used against this country...... Agree they aren't respecting of the Bible or Torah and they view the others as pawns too but as you stated it would be nice haha

Onedude123 0 points ago +1 / -1

and economically they were against the international bankers.

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