Nice try, but these lockdowns should prove to a rational person that humans are not solely responsible for climate change.
Highlight "a rational person"
Always was.
"Ministry of Truth" in 1984 was based on BBC when Orwell worked for them.
Did you know that if you attend a "mostly peaceful protest" the FIB and local pigs will not bother you?
"Page does not exist"
Empathy and emotion partly form loyalty to a group.
If it were not the case, then there would be no loyalty to the ideas of groups such as BLM and Antifa.
If "loyalty to a group shrinks the moral circle", then why are people loyal to groups which harm people of color and claim the opposite?
If "authority is oppression", why are some people in agreement with political agendas when those political agendas harm various groups of people?
If "sanctity is religious mumbo jumbo...(with the) function of (justifying) homophobia", then why do homosexuals want to be married?
Justifiable Authoritatarian Bureaucracy
What happens when the slaves (robots) begin to think?
"Post no hate" = 133
Neuralink and Skywave
Controlling computers based on EEG:
The main problem I have with flat earthers:
Make an endless amount of claims and offer no evidence of the claims made, i.e. go to the "ice wall"
Then, dodge the question for evidence, i.e. going to thw "ice wall", by making another claim requiring evidence, i.e. "government won't let you go there"
Rattling off thousands of claims and providing no evidence for the gargantuan trail of claims results in people not taking you seriously.
They have a video out that destroys the entire narrative of covid.
Edit will be a video addition.
Edit: The video is ironically about the human immune system.
Look at the wayback machine for that exact school on the exact day of the incident.
Apologies for incorrectly classifying you.
Please prove the claims made in your last two sentences.
They do.
That must be the explanation for Flat Earthers never providing evidence of the close sun claim by flying near it and never providing evidence of the ice wall claim by boating near it.
FlatEarthers make claims, but never prove them.
Flatearthers make claims, but never prove them.
Maybe you should fly a plane into the sun to prove those additional claims made.
Maybe you should go there with video cameras to prove your hypothesis.
Will you fly a plane into the Sun to prove your hypothesis?
Propaganda wrapped in predictive programming.
Run up to a mass genocide:
Injecting people with an experiment ✔
Brainwashing people with the idea of unvaccinated being the problem ✔
Encouraging social distancing, leading to people fearing others ✔
Using articles of clothing (masks required for unvaxxed) to identify those harming society ✔