Motzfeldt 14 points ago +15 / -1

Yup. The problem for a lot of people is that they can't take a 2nd redpill. A lot of people get introduced to conspiracies, recently often through Q or Trump, and they have their worldview shattered. Then they have their worldview shattered a second time, because not only have they realised our politicians are Satanic childraping paedos who psychologically manipulate us, lie to us and control global events, most of them are either Jewish or Freemasons - a sect of occultism with very clear Jewish roots and influence - , and that the truth is far more racial than we've ever been taught

This leads to some scary realisations, like that the world's most evil man wasn't so evil, and that whites are facing a planned, organised extinction. It's not easy having your mind absolutely blown for a 2nd time, all over again, but it is what it is.

Motzfeldt 7 points ago +7 / -0

Here's a snippet.

"For example, many scenarios played out in the WEF-backed fictional pandemic simulations Clade X (May, 2018) and Event 201 (October, 2019) later came to pass, along with several policy recommendations for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

These scenarios depicted:

Governments implementing lockdowns worldwide The collapse of many industries Growing mistrust between governments and citizens A greater adoption of biometric surveillance technologies Social media censorship in the name of combating misinformation The desire to flood communication channels with “authoritative” sources Mass unemployment Rioting in the streets And a whole lot more!"

They shoved it in our faces how they were going to unleash a virus and now they're shoving it in our faces how they're going to shut down the world's power grid. This will be the true start of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the "ground zero" and "great opportunity" they've been harping on about.

Get pendrives, or SSDs. Store them with as much as TRUTH as possible. Images, videos, texts, whatever. Anything and everything that exposes the dystopian lie we find ourselves battling. They want to erase our identities and make us forget who we are. They want to rewrite history. We won't let them. The truth won't ever be silenced.

In the meantime... get ready. I don't know how. But get ready. By the way they're making it out to be, Covid was a walk in the park compared to what's next.

Motzfeldt 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can definitely see that. When I was a younger college student and involved in faggy left wing politics (about 10 years ago), I remember things like income inequality, housing issues/homelessness and water taxes being the things that lefties were clamouring on about and fighting for.

Though I've not been a leftist for some time I still talk to some of my lefty friends from time to time and yeah nowadays it's all about hardcore feminism, LGBT crap, "stomping Nazis" and literally physically fighting in favour of turdworld immigrants. Identity politics is what it's all about now. Some of these friends (I can barely stomach them these days tbh) think white supremacy is the greatest threat to the world.

Now that you say it I've definitely seen infographs that show a huge increase in the frequency of words like "racism" and "whiteness" being used by journalists and media outlets, in the years following Occupy Wall Street.

Motzfeldt 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know the anti-white campaign has been going for a while, but is it just me, or has the anti-white propaganda hate machine been ramped up by like x1000 the past year? Seriously, before the anti-white brainwashing and hatred was somewhat more subliminal and nuanced, but I feel like the past year, it's just way more in our faces.

Motzfeldt 1 point ago +2 / -1

So speaking out against international Jewry means you're a "fed". Only Qtards are scared of being called a waycist. Only Qtards actually give a shit about what names the MSM and normies insult them with.

Do you think the authorities actually want people to wake up to the anti-white genocide that's happening? Don't you realise that white people are the greatest threat to the globalists' plan for world domination, a NWO? Why do you think white countries are being bombarded with anti-white media campaigns, with and hordes of brown immigrants? Why is racemixing propagandised everywhere? Why do you think Birmingham (England) is now 70% non-white? Malmo (Sweden) is over 60%? Plus a ton of other white cities, each year more and more becoming less white (just look at Canada 20 years ago and today)? Why are people George Floyd turned into literal martyrs, why are BLM allowed to roam the streets attacking people and demanding that you raise the BLM fist? You know why. Because they want white people gone.

And knowing that, why would they send "feds" to make you "look bad", when anyone who is even slightly into conspiracy theories and questioning the narrative is ridiculed and already called things like a right wing white supremacist Nazi terroris anyways? Especially when the sending of these supposed feds, risks people waking up to the truth?

Yeah you know it's nonsense. The truth has a distinctly racial lens.

I find it funny how so many Trump supporters criticise the MSM on everything but they gobble up the MSM narrative on WW2 and fascism like it's gospel.

Motzfeldt 0 points ago +2 / -2

Typical Qtard cope response at the slightest hint of anti-Zionism

Motzfeldt 2 points ago +2 / -0

I like some of his content, but damn for a guy who preaches "white unity" he is one of the most divisive motherfuckers there are.

That said I agree with this stance. Our homelands are under attack. Also by the Zionists (and their hordes of turdworld immigrants), but we should focus on our own struggle.

Motzfeldt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, we are the target of decades of brainwashing.

by pkvi
Motzfeldt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where did you get the idea that this is a Trump website? Go to patriots.win or greatawakening.win if you only want to see pro-Trump narrative.

by pkvi
Motzfeldt 3 points ago +3 / -0

The only solution at this point is mass severance/disobedience/no co-operation. Stop watching and using media, as OP says. Take your kids out of public school. Become self-employed. Become self-sustainable - grow your own food, brew your own beer (it's really easy), rear your own animals, fix your own clothes, etc. OWN your own house, don't have a landlord or a bank circling you like a vulture. Do whatever you possibly can to utterly minimise your contribution to the globalist governments that control you.

Just plug out. Plug out en masse. Having your own house and autonomous lifestyle is not easily attainable, but at least you now have goals. In the meantime, keep spreading the redpills. Keep educating yourself. Get fit as fuck. Get mentally and spiritually clean.

Do not become the hedonistic, KFC munching, pot-smoking, porn watching, Netflix binging consoomer that they desperately want you to be. Break free. Mentally, physically, spiritually, financially. It won't be easy but it's what needs to be done.

Motzfeldt 2 points ago +2 / -0

The truth about the Holocaust is one of the most powerful redpills there are. It's foolish to disregard it. Yes they want us divided by race and religion etc. They want tensions and a breakdown of social cohesions. Doesn't mean you should ignore the cold, hard truth because you might get called waycist.

by pkvi
Motzfeldt 2 points ago +4 / -2

Lol, I've never seen a Qtard cope this hard. Trump lied to you. Wake up.

Motzfeldt 10 points ago +11 / -1

Read it here. Always stand with Israel? No matter what? How many shekels does a man get paid to publicly release this crap after he's left the presidency?

by pkvi
Motzfeldt 5 points ago +6 / -1

Mate, you have to realise that not everyone who speaks out against Jews is a fed. You have to realise there are a huge number of people, growing all the time, who know and feel this way.

Qtards get very touchy about the JQ because it shatters their worldview, which they believed had ALREADY been shattered when they took the original redpill. That worldview being that their master Donald J. Trump is Zogbot Jew-lover Supreme. Qtards are also optics cucks and shudder at the thought of normies and the MSM calling them a waycist or nawtsee. I also find it hilarious how Qtards attack the MSM and challenge their authority on everything like 9/11, Trump, Coronavirus etc but when it comes to the JQ and WW2 the MSM is the arbiter of truth. Lawl.

In short, Qtards know absolutely nothing about the JQ and the self-defense mechanism they have is convincing themselves that anti-Zionists and racial realists are actually feDz trying to make them look bad. 'Cos it's so important what names the MSM and normies call you right?

by pkvi
Motzfeldt 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've seen Fall of the Cabal. Are you not aware of the huge amount of wrong and false information in that documentary? Yes it touches on some things that are true like Pizzagate and what have you, but that Dutch lady, she is full of shit generally speaking.

I remember in her Coronavirus documentary, she literally used a rumour found on REDDIT, yes, as the basis for one of her wild claims.

Fall of the Cabal =/= proof of anything.

Please, enlighten me on all the reading you've done and documentaries you've watched that irrefutably or at least very convincingly prove the Khazar Jew LARP theory. Anything I've read, and I've read a lot about Jews, has seemed baseless, unfounded and at best sketchy. Yet to see a shred of actual evidential proof.

by pkvi
Motzfeldt 1 point ago +1 / -0

This Khazar theory is often spread as if it's just fact. It's not. It seems largely to be bullshit. It was only theorised by what, 1 single dude and his book? And then repeatedly debunked by others?

The Khazar theory reeks of a Jewish cope/deflection to be honest. They are not Khazars. Literally none of them call themselves Khazars. Most Jews have no fucking idea what a Khazar is. It's just such a baseless claim.

They are Jews. That's what they identify as. That's what they call themselves. Jews. Jewish. It's not just one group of elitist "Khazar" LARPers who are doing all this evil and then saying "We're Jews look! We're bad! Blame the Jews teehee is actually a Khazarian like a boss".

It's Jews. A hugely disproportionate amount of the global elite are Jewish - especially in America. A huge amount of everyday Jews support anti-white genocidal policies and extreme liberalism. What do they all have in common? Their "Khazar heritage"? No. What they have in common is that they are Jewish. They read the Torah, some read the Talmud, they identify with Israel. They practise circumcision. They often have big noses. They are overwhelmingly left-wing. Etc etc.

Until this Khazar theory is proven, I'd suggest not spreading it like it's an unchallenged truth, 'cos it's not. Call them what they actually are. Jewish.

Also is it just me or is it mainly Qtards who spread the Khazar theory? Almost as if they're scared of getting called a mean waycist, instead of just manning up and speaking the facts for what they are?

by pkvi
Motzfeldt 7 points ago +9 / -2

Have you seen Trump's latest statement regarding Israel? More "America needs to support it's ally Israel" bullshit yet the Qtards will still gobble it up as gospel and still patiently wait for DA HABBENINGS as Trump continually bends over for Zionism, as he has done his whole career.

by pkvi
Motzfeldt 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean that, but it would be nice if we could do that while also being an active citizen of our nation. Actively contributing to and helping shape it's destiny, realising it's common goals with your compatriots, doing what you can to push you and your people into the annals of history.

You know? Imagine nationwide incentives to create art, manufacture goods and achieve scientific breakthroughs. Incentives to improve the mental and physical well being of all those belonging to your nation and community. Having a normal life with kids and work and a house isn't so bad when your life has meaning. But without our nations, our lives have little meaning.

Nations have become little more than a bureaucratic apparatus for the global elites to squeeze us of shekels. Stuff like national consciousness and feeling like you were a part of history, feeling like you were part of a wider family (your kin and nation) that could ACCOMPLISH tangible things, things that would be remembered for hundreds if not thousands of years. Things that would impact the world around you. Well yeah that's dead.

What does it mean to be Spanish? American? Irish? Canadian? Nothing. It simply denotes in what language your official documentation will be given to you, how your masters will process their information on you, their slave.

When you take away everything in your life, all your worldly possessions and such, you are left with 2 things. Your immediate family and your wider family (your people). The (((elites))) have destroyed national cohesion in the West, and have largely killed the feeling of kinship, camaraderie and compatriotism. People are literally embarrassed to wave a flag of their own country for fear of being branded a fascist. Can you imagine? You can't even wave a flag of your OWN COUNTRY without being demonised and assaulted. Like I literally know people who would never ever say they're proud to be where they're from, and would never wear anything with national symbols, because they are literally worried about being called a Nazi, a far right nationalist, a xenophobe, etc etc.

It's crazy. I'm going on a bit of a rant now. But yeah, random Twitter bitch, simple pleasures in life such as you have described, they do seem empty in this current climate. They seem empty because we know that we are but hamsters running on a wheel. No escape, no future, no meaning. Just going through the motions and using the tools that the globohomos have given us.

Motzfeldt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bro I wasn't attacking anything or saying that your image was definitely X or Y. I was just politely stating it does happen, so it's not really unimaginable to think it could just be that... People can interpret it whatever they want. Just stating the facts.

Motzfeldt 3 points ago +4 / -1

It's just I find it hard to LARP along with Q. Yes I've done the research, got really immersed and really believed for nearly a year.

But that doesn't change the fact that Trump openly and frequently voices his love and support for Israel, Trump shills for vaccines, Trump allowed his daughter to marry Jared fucking Kushner, the sketchiest of sketchy Jews.

Oh not to mention the DS is still running wild and the Judeo-Masons are imposing their Satanic NWO at full throttle, unopposed, while human trafficking still takes place.

"Jan 6th. Be there, it will be wild"

Doesn't change my question either. Everyone was wanking about that stupid book as if it was some divine proof. I did my research and could only find modern publications, zero before the 00's. I pointed it out on GA, got told to stop dooming/shilling etc., and of course that book has not been spoken of one iota since November.

Why shouldn't I ridicule Q? What has Q achieved not to warrant criticism? I'd prefer if it was real and there were clear signs that the DS is being dismantled, but all I see is the opposite

Motzfeldt -7 points ago +2 / -9

What happened to the time travel book? The one about Barron's Trump magical adventures and how it supposedly predicted the whole Trump saga? The one that mysteriously does not have any publication copies going back more than a decade or 2?

Q = gay

Motzfeldt 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just wanna pop in and say I have been to India, and in one city in particular (Varanasi), they do actually burn the bodies of their loved ones on pyres in public, like you see in the picture here. Though they do that for spiritual/religious purposes.

Not saying what the picture is or isn't, but just letting you know, publicly burning bodies on wood/whatever does happen in India...

And no. Of course it's not done adequately with proper foresight and planning and precautions taken. This is fucking India you're talking about. The country is an absolutely chaotic shitshow.

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