by pkvi
MagaPede69 -1 points ago +3 / -4

Trump clearly had no intention of ever draining the swamp or fighting the globalists. He is nothing more than a shit business man that had a hit tv show for a couple of years. His father made all the family money, and his son is trying to make sure he snorts whatever is left up his nose.

MagaPede69 -4 points ago +1 / -5

It's going to be a sad day when all of cultists realize that, once the audits are done, their dear leader really did lose the election because he was a corrupt, ill-spoken grifter that America just didn't want back.

by pkvi
MagaPede69 -2 points ago +1 / -3

I love that you say that, but I believe none of it. You can't post here 40 times a day and have time for anything else.

Edit: Sorry, I counted, it was only 31 times in the last 24 hours. My bad.

Edit 2: Those 31 times were submissions. I ain't even count comments.

by pkvi
MagaPede69 -1 points ago +3 / -4

Half the stuff you post, I just wanna respond with wut? And you do it 231 times a day! Do you even sleep?

MagaPede69 0 points ago +2 / -2

Well, tell Dr. Dick Toucher he raised you right.

MagaPede69 -1 points ago +3 / -4

Daww, your Youth Pastor would be so proud.

MagaPede69 0 points ago +4 / -4

Jesus is fake, never existed, was a Roman invention to quell the uprising Jews confirmed. Man, thanks for the confirmation!

MagaPede69 -4 points ago +2 / -6

If you fail to see the conspiracy theory here, perhaps you should do some reading and learning.

MagaPede69 -1 points ago +3 / -4

You can't say Jesus is real because he casts out demons, when, like, demons aren't real.

MagaPede69 -7 points ago +3 / -10

Trump is the daddy of the vaccine. He sent his bimbo daughter out to photograph herself getting the vaccine. He's called himself the "Father" of the vaccine. He's urged his cult to get vaccinated.

Wake up!

MagaPede69 0 points ago +2 / -2

Yeah, but, for real. You gotta prove demons are real next.

MagaPede69 -4 points ago +2 / -6

What about... what about... let's focus on one conspiracy at a time, yeah?

by pkvi
MagaPede69 -7 points ago +1 / -8

Nah, my friend. I've been a bastion of consistency.

MagaPede69 -3 points ago +2 / -5

He never cared about the members of his cult. He only wanted their money.

MagaPede69 -6 points ago +3 / -9

I posted on this earlier. Trump is finding it harder and harder to attract the cultists since he left office. Soon, he will be under indictment, and none of this will matter.

by pkvi
MagaPede69 0 points ago +6 / -6

I see the Zionist shills are out and about today.

by pkvi
MagaPede69 -4 points ago +6 / -10

Trump was a useful stooge, and now that he played the puppet, his Jewish masters will see that he is brought down. You don't escape a half dozen criminal investigations without consequence.

MagaPede69 2 points ago +3 / -1

Straight from the About Us page...


Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. This website contains humor, parody, and satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice on legal counsel.

This is just like when your aunt rants about an Onion article lol!

by pkvi
MagaPede69 1 point ago +3 / -2

Putin doesn't give a fuck about Russia, its people or its international standing. He wants that money, honey, plain and simple.

MagaPede69 1 point ago +4 / -3

The difference is that Trump does have power. He's the de facto leader of the Republican Party, a kingmaker and is actively mulling another run for the White House.

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