Love_Over_Fear 1 point ago +2 / -1

I realize now that you are beyond reason. Your hate will bring forth more negativity. I refuse to be a part of that. There are jews, who speak against this tyranny, did you know that? I guess your racism doesn't allow you to see it.

Like I said, there are bad apples in every batch. And you seem to be one of them.

I still hope you come to your senses and learn history. Every race was a slave once. Jews, Africans, Caucasians, Asian... You think it is jews, but they are jews when it fits their agenda. They were Catholic before that. They were Muslims before that. They were the satanists before that. Just learn history... It does seem like you are butthurt because it finally got to your personal color. Did you care about the dying Chinese under Mao's regime? I guess they don't have your favorite color...

Just some things to think about... before your KKK ceremony or whatever it is you do to fuel white hate. But as I've said, I refuse to be a part of it. You are a part of the problem, not a part of the solution. Realize that and work for the solution with your brothers in arms, or you just make yourself more enemies.

Love_Over_Fear 2 points ago +4 / -2

Often our expectations are met with failure, so we can appreciate the hard work that builds success. Everyone, who has researched flat earth knows that it is a long and hard walk until the realization of truth. And you had a great experience with your friend, but not everyone can share this experience. Most are bred with little curiosity and instant gratification - social media platforms. I guess what I am trying to say is that it is easier to be a student than a teacher. I hope you are kind to your students even if they insult you sometimes.

Just don't give up. You have gone through a lot of work to prove the shape of the earth and you are trying to teach it to people who are bored with a 6-second video... I mean, expectations are sometimes too high and in such times, it is your patience and kindness that is being tested. Be always kind to globe-earthers too and the fruits of your labor are sure to come in abundance.

You say, I support you, I say, you support me. We both fight for the same cause!

Love_Over_Fear -2 points ago +2 / -4

They were trying that in Europe long before America was even a word, or are you not aware of history? More hate doesn't solve the problem.

I get it by your username that you hate certain group. But you are from a certain group as well. Should I hate you because people of your color did bad things? I don't because I am not a bigot.

When the government is playing chess, you seek to be the white pawn that wins over the black king. But the truth is that both colors can unite and beat the government. Why are you letting them toy with you? Why do you let them control your anger and focus it? It doesn't make sense if you think about it...

Love_Over_Fear 2 points ago +4 / -2

Of course, the shortest point is the 90 degrees, everyone knows that. Oh, sorry. Globalists don't know math.

Sometimes you have to wonder how those who know always bring up some valid physical mathematical argument. However, it is met with mockery in many cases... Doesn't that show that only the intelligent can attain this knowledge?

I was a flat-earth sceptic, but then I had to research Ozone properties, EM waves, propulsion mechanisms, CGI, psychology, occult secrets, etc... Only then was I able to put this all together. The moon-landing is pivotal because of the pride involved in it. And who has most pride but Americans? They are infamous at this point. However, it is mainly Asian scientists and doctors that get the big money in the US. I used to participate in maths competitions as a kid and in one competition I faced the US team... It was made out of 3 Indians and a Chinese kid. I am not making this up. Education in the US is at all times low - there are compilations of stupid Americans that are quite revealing. Sorry, if you're an American and that hurts you, but the intelligent Americans will agree that the US is doomed from before they were born.

Add predictive programming to the list of brainwashing propaganda: the globe in every classroom, the globe before all the news programs, the astronaut is the best scientist hoax, mocking any reasonable argument because pride > intellect.

I guess what I am trying to say to you is don't give up because you are taking a lot of heat from ignorant users. I am very glad that you are posting such content but I think we both know that many will disagree and most of all will use insults. Insults that you don't deserve for trying to expose a lie. I always remind myself that I was ignorant once before I actually gave a chance to this theory. Before that I also mocked it. So, it makes it easier to avoid the ignorant. I would advise you to answer the comments that seek answer, not the ones that seek confrontation. Still a good advice for me after so many years of talking about flat earth... Hope it helps you.

Love_Over_Fear 0 points ago +2 / -2
  1. Freemasons have official 33 degrees(levels) of people, 32 of whom have no clue what they are worshiping.

  2. The very nature of freemasonry is satanic, egyptian, occult, etc. Observe all of their signs, symbols, pyramids, obelisks, any masonry. What does a pyramid has to do with the US?

  3. This "founded" land was filled with the blood of Indians. Are you really asking whether it was good or bad? How about the slavery afterwards? Land of the free? Certainly the Indians and Africans would disagree.

Judge the tree by its fruit.

Love_Over_Fear -4 points ago +1 / -5

Any racism is bad. Anyone blaming a whole race because of a few bad apples should also blame his own race.

Love_Over_Fear 0 points ago +2 / -2

I remember a time when people worked on their posts... Good times...

Love_Over_Fear 2 points ago +4 / -2

Just check his posts and comments ^^ Confirmed shill. Adding you to my special folder of special users.

Love_Over_Fear -3 points ago +1 / -4

When you get so much heat in the comments, you know the feds are unhappy with your post. Good picture summing all up. Thanks for sharing this!

Love_Over_Fear -1 points ago +1 / -2

Senator Malcolm Roberts discusses the Australian government's criminal behavior over the last two years.

Wow, the ending is powerful!

Love_Over_Fear -1 points ago +1 / -2

Actually argumentation has always been the tool against unintelligible propositions. That's why we have science. - Logic

Love_Over_Fear -1 points ago +1 / -2

Hope you know this is a fan-made book. Looks pretty cool though. But notice how it doesn't show a single image of a sigil, only the images that you can get in the occult by researching the main page of pictures...

A bull, an owl, baphomet, the eye in the triangle, even a butterfly... Also, ancient books are never handled without gloves, or the oils on your hands will dissolve the pages in time. It's a good presentation, but I can't believe you take it as an actual magic book. :D Have you ever seen grimoires before? It's sad that you buy something so obviously fake... I bet even the original video doesn't claim that it is a magic book.

Love_Over_Fear 0 points ago +1 / -1

This study is only made to confirm that an experimental vaccine might be the solution.

Viruses that replicate in the human respiratory mucosa without infecting systemically

That's an incorrect assumption based on the PCR tests that view any damaged cell as a potential virus cell.

cause significant mortality and morbidity

Based on what research? Only the Spanish Influenza? You would be surprised how many free passes this propaganda caused.

these viruses generally do not elicit complete and durable protective immunity by themselves

Based on what research? Again, a lot of assumptions that are used only to suggest that vaccines are the only solution.

effectively controlled by licensed or experimental vaccines

Shocking that they aim for "effective control"...

In this review, we examine challenges that have impeded development of effective mucosal respiratory vaccines

See? All focus is on the vaccine.

emphasizing that all of these viruses replicate extremely rapidly in the surface epithelium and are quickly transmitted to other hosts

Believe the science narrative... This has never been proven. Germ theory is a hoax that they pushed from before the wars. It was actually proven otherwise by sick people coughing and sneezing in healthy patients. None of them got sick.

within a narrow window of time before adaptive immune responses are fully marshaled

Their focus is on a fast vaccine, because "dangers". Same narrative.

possible approaches to developing next-generation vaccines against these viruses

Clearly they just push that from the start. Fake study to seemingly support the need for a "next generation vaccine".

Do I sum this up clear enough?

Love_Over_Fear 0 points ago +1 / -1

None of your recent posts are worth any upvotes btw. Just saying... Don't know why are you promoting this obvious fraud... Guess I will just put you in my shill folder and move along.

Love_Over_Fear 1 point ago +3 / -2

Show some charts and the normies will believe anything...

Love_Over_Fear -4 points ago +1 / -5

Mockery is the only tool of the ignorant.

Love_Over_Fear 0 points ago +1 / -1

Don't you mean sci-fi writers?

by pkvi
Love_Over_Fear 0 points ago +1 / -1

9/22 again...

Love_Over_Fear 6 points ago +6 / -0

6 Zionist Aliyah (1882 on)

6.1 Ottoman Palestine (1881–1914)

6.1.1 First Aliyah (1882–1903) - 35,000 Jews immigrated to the Ottoman Palestine.

6.1.2 Second Aliyah (1904–1914) - 35–40,000 Jews immigrated to Ottoman Palestine.

6.2 British Palestine (1919–1948)

6.2.1 Third Aliyah (1919–1923) - 40,000 Jews, mainly from Eastern Europe arrived in the wake of World War I.

6.2.2 Fourth Aliyah (1924–1929) - 82,000 Jews arrived...

6.2.3 Fifth Aliyah (1929–1939) - with the rise of Nazism in Germany, a new wave of 250,000 immigrants arrived...

Jews didn't go up in smoke, they went to Palestine on British ships.


Aliyah is the immigration of Jews from the diaspora to, historically, the geographical Land of Israel, which is in the modern era chiefly represented by the State of Israel.

Love_Over_Fear 4 points ago +5 / -1

coronary (adj.) c. 1600, "suitable for garlands;" 1640s, "pertaining to a crown, resembling a crown," both older senses now obsolete; from Latin coronarius "of or belonging to a wreath, presenting a garland-like grownth," from corona "wreath, crown" (see crown (n.)).

Anatomical use is from 1670s in reference to the blood vessels that supply the muscular substance of the heart and surround it like a crown. Coronary artery is recorded from 1741. As a noun meaning "a blockage of the flow of blood to the heart caused by a clot in a coronary artery," it dates from 1955, short for coronary thrombosis.


Love_Over_Fear 1 point ago +1 / -0

This doesn't seem at all like anything living. What if it was just military tech?

Another shaky cam of alleged nothing. Is Big Foot next?

Also, is the new trend for the theories that the prime "whistleblower" got killed? That triggers an emotional response in the investigator and not rational investigation. Same as this doctor that was talking about razorblades in vaccines, because doctors always use terminology like razorblades. Then his alleged wife was crying on a video, while allegedly pregnant, that her husband was allegedly dead 4 days after the video. What an emotional rollercoaster.

I guess they throw everything they can to make us not look into the kill shots and graphene oxide. How hard is to fake such a video in 2022? More questions than answers arise on this topic. It's a hoax, a time-waster. But I guess if it successfully triggers an emotional response, you are caught in the net.

Love_Over_Fear 1 point ago +1 / -0

back then metals was the word for adjuvents when talking to the general public.

You seem to be arguing with your previous comment, not me.

Love_Over_Fear 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nope. Graphene is not a metal and nobody called it a metal. Graphene comes from Carbon, which is nonmetallic.

Did they call plastic in food also "metals" according to your theory? No, they didn't.

Graphene oxide is still so new for the biochemical industry that they don't even detect it in their tests yet. Nobody calls Carbon a metal except for you, sorry.

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