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Buddy, you started talking about your feelings to me. I didn't ask for that. I do not care.
I am not talking to you. You are free to fuck off.
No, I am not a whatever that is. I am a regular dude telling you to not act like them.
They were fooled by satanists. They are victims.
you are helping jews by attacking victims of jews. You are a retard.
no, they used jew tricks. What are you? New?
they were fooled by jews. you are helping jews. What a retard
good job. the same satanists who said that ancient greeks were all pedo faggots also made up the globe. How did you get stuck on that one?
No, you can't go to space. Space travel isn't real.
it is.
Because you need to be exceptionally stupid to believe Earth is a spinning globe. When you talk about Earth not being a globe, you will get the dumbest people who are convinced they are intelligent.
There is no point in talking to that guy. He doesn't want to know the truth.
Keep telling yourself you are openminded and intelligent.
Truth hurts your brain. Noted.
Run away from the truth.
Bible says Earth is a non moving plane.
Oh shit, it's globetard npc. 11 million Brazilians know the Earth is flat. You're dumber than Brazilians.
to show Americans are jew slaves from the day they are born
yeah, space travel is fake. You can't go to space. All the footage you've seen of space travel is fake.
and the real creators are not flat earthers.
it's pointless to watch then
you've never heard that all of hollywood are jew worshiping baby rapers before?
no, eating more meat made our brains grow. eating plants is what tards did that died out
veggies are toxic. nobody with a brain eats raw veggies
white flour is a neurotoxin and the cause of lots of so called mental illnesses
plants are toxic. that's why animals and babies spit it out, while "adults" are smart and eat them. kek
Buddy, you started talking about your feelings to me. I didn't ask for that. I do not care.