Krako 1 point ago +4 / -3

Couldn't agree more used to love listening to him in the early 2000s. Seems to have become a snake oil salesman and shit like this is just part of the grift. Got a lot of things right in his time though got to respect that.

Krako -5 points ago +1 / -6

Did you actually read this source? It doesn't say what you think it does. Every person in the study was gathered specifically because they had a reaction to the vaccine. They didn't just take a sample of random adolescents. See below from the source, "Methods: We retrospectively collected data on patients <21 years-old presenting before 7/4/2021 with suspected myocarditis within 30 days of COVID-19 vaccination. Lake Louise criteria were used for cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (cMRI) findings. Myocarditis cases were classified as confirmed or probable based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention definitions" That means 100% of the kids studied had shots and then presented symptoms within 30 days. They wanted to specifically study adolescents that had a myocarditis reaction and not adolescents that didn't so they could determine the severity per the abstract

Krako 3 points ago +4 / -1

This is what I have been saying on this board for a while. Where I live this is the norm, he'll my favorite bar NEVER closed. Sherrif and police said from day one we aren't enforcing any of the state or federal mandates. Life has been normal for me for a year and a half no pandemic here. Find these places and move if you can. Not a solution for everybody with finances and all that but definitely an option.

Krako 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think your on to something but a little off base. The lockdowns and the subsequent supply chain issues are a huge boon to mega corporations. In finance this concept is called consolidation. Think about it like this if supplies are limited and expensive who can weather the storm better a small to mid size corporation with 50-100 million in top line revenue a year or a Walmart/Amazon type corporation with Billions of cash reserves. Those companies fail or get bought up and wealth is further concentrated towards the top. Ask yourself this what do the elites and mega corps have to benefit from societal collapse? I don't believe in the more severe conspiracies about depopulation, "communist" takeovers, or apocalyptic events. Mainly because I don't see how the financial powers if the world benefit at all from that. Your on to something because the Covid pandemic whether planned or an unforseen crisis has absolutely been capitalized on by mega corporations. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

Krako 1 point ago +2 / -1

He already posted another thread about it with a link, see Ontario Canada still births

Krako 0 points ago +1 / -1

Autopsy listed her death as acute amphetamine overdose probably just a fat drug addict honestly, this video doesn't even show her being struck by police.

Krako 1 point ago +2 / -1

Man I was just in Santa Cruz earlier this month. Most people didn't seem to care about masks nobody asked me to wear one the whole 2 days I was there. I don't think people will comply this time or they will just put up the appearance for the state goons.

by pkvi
Krako 5 points ago +6 / -1

I work in agriculture and it's definitely been a tough year for procurement. Packaging supplies, truckers, chips and computer components, tractors, etc. Everything takes longer to get and costs more. Yet at the same time the major retailers are paying less then ever for our products. If things were really so dire wouldn't they pay more for a dwindling supply? My theory is this is completely artificial and directed by the largest most powerful corporations in our society who control governments worldwide with their deep pockets. In particular the US government is merely a puppet theater for a small cabal of ultra powerful corporations.

Krako 1 point ago +2 / -1

This chart is a little easier to parse then the full census data set https://www.statista.com/statistics/525353/sweden-number-of-deaths/ In 2020 when the Covid virus was "raging" there were 98,124 deaths of all kinds in Sweden. Up from 88,766 in 2019 an increase of 9,358 deaths year over year. 2020s numbers are higher then a 10 year average. Now the available data for 2021 deaths is through August so 2/3rds of the year. If we take that two thirds and multiply it by the number of deaths in 2020 we get 65,416 expected deaths vs this data set which shows 60,867 actual deaths. If that trend holds through the last trimester of 2021 we would expect 91,300 deaths in 2021 (taking the actual 60,867 and dividing by 2 to account for two trimesters and adding that into the total to approximate a full year) which is less then 2020 so I am not sure how the writer of the article came to his numbers and he doesn't show his math. It actually looks like they are on track for less deaths in 2021 and something closer to the 10 year average.

Krako 1 point ago +2 / -1

I came from reddit too after the whole election Axo controversy. Wanted to see what was up. People here are generally great but I do occasionally have users jumping down my throat and calling me a shill which honestly probably is part of why turn out is low. I like to keep an open mind but some topics just aren't up for healthy debate on here, you fall in line or get called a shill. Still prefer it to reddit Axo uses a light hand and I never see anything get removed that's not obvious spam, that's good enough in these times I suppose.

Krako -1 points ago +1 / -2

Pretty sure it's just a bot. Posting it today on every thread that has a Twitter screenshot as a source. Wouldn't be too hard to setup.

Krako -4 points ago +1 / -5

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/17/wearing-masks-single-most-effective-way-to-tackle-covid-study-finds It's the Guardian so of course grain of salt and all that but the studies they are referencing are available to the public and pretty clearly show efficacy against transmission. Still don't think they should be mandated or anything but they are pretty undeniably effective at this point.

Krako -1 points ago +1 / -2

Tonight we ride awesome! Ever listen to Amon Amarth? Saw them live in 2019 before the lame lock downs actually fucked up my wrist in the mosh pit at that one.

Krako 0 points ago +2 / -2

Oh man great choices, hadn't heard of Sacred Warrior before. Reminds me of 80s Iron Maiden, Bruce Dickenson style vocals. If your into metal you should check out 3 inches of blood

Krako 0 points ago +1 / -1

If the jews were evil and Christianity is the light then why was Jesus a jew?

Krako 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why should it remain hidden? The truth and information should be released no censorship. Unless you think they might doctor the information upon release or something?

Krako 0 points ago +1 / -1

Woof this Ventavia company and the article reminds me of the whole Theranos Elizabeth Holmes situation. Just way over selling their capabilities and cutting corners in the lab. Corporate greed and government contracts go hand in hand. Good article

by pkvi
Krako 0 points ago +1 / -1

Honestly the best thing we can do is move to places that don't enforce these authoritarian mandates. Where I live our law enforcement refused to enforce the original shutdown mandates so life has been normal for me since June 2020 roughly. Full disclosure I did get vaccinated but I support the decision to not be vaccinated and it's bullshit authoritarian overreach to mandate it. It's basic psychology mandating something that people don't want, of course people would rebel against that. My work doesn't mandates the vaccine but you have to fill out a form saying you have been vaccinated or you have to wear a mask and I have helped one member of my staff by signing off on her form even though she isn't vaccinated. Her doctor reccomend against it given heart conditions she has. Like what she has to wear a mask but no one else does who does that help? If you live in a place that has excessive restrictions move, power in numbers and all that.

Krako -1 points ago +5 / -6

Man all due respect but I feel like you way over estimate your own importance in this. Like you still aren't over it and have to make posts like this once a month. It was just a forum on the internet. By all means keep up the good fight but maybe tone down the ego a bit ya dig?

Krako 1 point ago +2 / -1

Lol I know you are joking but yes I would consider reports of men getting pregnant from the vaccine unreliable at best. You could fill out a report on Vaers right now that said it made your girlfriends dick bigger. Technically a false report is a crime, but when is the last time you heard of anyone being prosecuted for it? It's entirely possible that state actors are filing false reports to VAERS in mass to muddy the waters.

Krako 1 point ago +4 / -3

No it is actually exactly like submitting a score to IMDB you can read about it here


What you are thinking of is the fact that health care providers are obligated to report adverse reactions from their patients to VAERS. Of course that's actually if they will believe the patient and not just dismiss their concern. That being said anyone can submit a report literally anyone with a computer. There are reports on their of men getting pregnant from the vaccine lol.

by pkvi
Krako 1 point ago +3 / -2

Very interesting, he was agenda contributor in 2015. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/authors/gary-kelly

Here was his contribution article https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2015/03/why-leadership-is-only-ever-about-people/

Interesting stuff on the agenda for that year good find.

Krako -2 points ago +2 / -4

Okay understandable but do you actually agree with me? Like this is a shitpost low effort post no?

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