Kimball_Kinnison -2 points ago +2 / -4

It's hard for me to believe Hitler was secretly gay, given how famous he was and how many enemies he had who would have loved to reveal it. The murder of Röhm and the purge of the SA are generally thought to be the result of a power/ideological struggle.

by pkvi
Kimball_Kinnison 4 points ago +4 / -0

Subtract black and Hispanic murderers and all gun suicides and our numbers drop to European levels.

Kimball_Kinnison 3 points ago +3 / -0

To me it looks like a number of things. Some leftists might be rage-quitting. Some rightists might be joining. Some leftist bots might be getting turned off. But I think there’s evidence that internal Twitter mechanisms for suppressing the right and promoting the left are getting turned off.

Kimball_Kinnison 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry, I don't understand what you are asking.

Kimball_Kinnison 5 points ago +6 / -1

It's impossible to objectively value a large property like a skyscraper without selling it. Owners will try to claim a lower value when paying taxes, and a higher value when they want to sell it. That difference isn't fraud, it's reality. AG James is a partisan hack and has nothing on Trump.

Kimball_Kinnison 1 point ago +2 / -1

Are you talking to me? The meme is about The Atlantic denying the issue. It can't cover everything.

Kimball_Kinnison 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most users and subs, sure, but not all of them.

Kimball_Kinnison 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think they are laying the ground for the next crisis by turning up the rhetoric and being as provocative as possible. They hope some right-wingers will start shooting and bombing, and then they'll have a crisis they can use for gun confiscation, mass de-platforming, mass detentions, and so on.

Kimball_Kinnison 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not yet, but they are laying the groundwork.

Kimball_Kinnison 2 points ago +2 / -0

Apologies if this was already posted. The search feature isn't working for me.

Kimball_Kinnison 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know why you think a Moon landing now would be impossible. The tech is there, it's just a matter of $$$$.

The reason a conspiracy would be more difficult is because it would need tens of thousands to keep a secret about it for decades. That includes not just the original fakers, but the scientists studying the (in your theory fake) Moon rocks brought back, the ones using the reflector placed on the Moon, the people running the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter which has taken photos of the landing sites, etc.

The Manhattan Project example doesn't help your case: the secret did get out at the time, via the Rosenbergs, Greenglass, Fuchs, etc.

Kimball_Kinnison -1 points ago +1 / -2

"The Moon landings never happened" is one of the all-time dumbest conspiracy theories, just one step above Flat Earth. 1) These people know nothing of aeronautical engineering. If they did they'd know why the landings were perfectly feasible with the technology of the day. It was a massive engineering undertaking, but a lot easier to pull off than a fake space program.

Perhaps even more crucially, 2) they ignore the practical fact that tens of thousands of people worked on the project, and nobody talked. Nobody had a deathbed confession. Apparently, no journalist wanted to win a Pulitzer by exposing the conspiracy. The Soviets never bothered to blow the whistle on us to humiliate us. Really?? A secret that big and widespread simply cannot be kept, especially when many people have strong motives to blow the whistle.

No amount of "suggestive" details like losing documents and numbskull theories about how artificial lights can't work in a vacuum can overcome those two points.

by pkvi
Kimball_Kinnison 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wish people included dates in their screenshot memes. The vaccination tweet is from March 26th.

Kimball_Kinnison 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would never say vaccines are completely safe. Everyone is biochemically unique, and all treatments have trade-offs. But Wakefield's research has been thoroughly debunked and shown to be part of an attempted legal scam.

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