Katarnn 2 points ago +3 / -1

Because in early days of Soviet Union Bolsheviks was not Russians. It was Jews.

Yes, I forgot to mention that in my post. Names like Genrikh Yagoda and Seymon Firin are familiar to me.

No, Jews hate Russians because their attempts to take over Russia always fail.

Correct, but I was talking about western leftists, separate from their Jewish thought leaders. Their thought leaders point their opinions in certain directions, but many have different justifications as to why they should dislike the people they were told to hate such as Russians. I have spoken to a western Communist who blamed inefficiencies in the Soviet Union on Russian culture, calling it "Byzantine" (an incorrect assumption in my view, but I have no interest in defending Communism or hating Russia like he did). I was simply wondering if there were other tales of encountering this sentiment.

You also making a mistake separating Soviet Union from Russia.

I apologize if my wording made it seem like I held this view. The Soviet Union is an essential part of the lineage of the Russian state like the First Republic is an essential part of the lineage of the French state. However, I will admit that I do not have the best opinion of either revolution. The way Christianity and other cultural elements were repressed by the governments established after both revolutions, and the blood of innocent French and Russians was too high a price for the ideals implemented, in my opinion. To clarify, this is not to say the Russian and French revolutions were the same (there are obviously many differences between them), just that I found two similar sounding strings to pluck.

As a final note to clarify my opinions, I do not hate Russians, I hate western shills in the media who act as accessories to evil. Whether that evil is CIA meddling or Israeli genocides, the apologists have blood on their hands.

Katarnn 0 points ago +2 / -2

Admittedly, the Soviet Union got away with actions similar to this in its early days. The massacres of 'dissidents' and the orchestrated famines killed many innocent people. They were helped by western shills willing to downplay what was happening like Walter Duranty and Jean-Paul Sartre. I personally look at Sartre as a traitor to his people, as his mother was Alsatian, and many who were part of the German-speaking minority in the Russian Empire came from Alsace-Lorraine around 1800. The German minorities were heavily persecuted as 'kulaks' under the Bolsheviks.

On a related note, its funny how western leftists flipped on Russians so quickly after the fall of the Soviet Union. I almost wonder if modern leftists hate Russians because they blame them for the failure of Communism in some way.

Katarnn 2 points ago +3 / -1

Nice to know who will kneecap "their own" country out of spite. Bad information leads to bad decisions, it doesn't take much intelligence to realize that. Do these people have any loyalty to the nation they claim to represent? Oh well, at least mask off means that their true loyalties are revealed to those who are not willfully blind.

Katarnn 1 point ago +1 / -0

National-level politicians aren't going to solve any of our problems. If there is a political solution, it lies with making sure that one's local judges and/or district attorneys will actually uphold the law in the county that they live in. Proper judges and DA's in place will make sure that self-defense does not become tacitly illegal without any change in the letter of the law, like it has in some larger American cities. Sadly, immigration judge is not a local position, but if criminal migrants actually get sentenced for the crimes that they commit, that certainly helps in getting them out of a locality. Also, municipal and county-level politicians' decisions affect our day-to-day living more often than those of national-level politicians.

Katarnn 4 points ago +4 / -0

I would mix Tsar Alexander I of Russia with the philosophies of G.K. Chesterton, and the stability of Robert E. Lee.