JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +2 / -1

no shit dude. The jews will bring the poorest and most indoctrinated immigrants into the most advanced cultures. then they will treat them like babies, spoiling them with free houses, free food, free protests, and more rights than other people.

I think people have recognized things are so bad right now that one of the reactions is to completely reset any type of cultural integration

AKA start a racial war. Which is exactly what they want. and all the whites act surprised pikachu face as if their ancestors didn't go in africa and didn't rape their women neither did they steal their resources.

I agree that some cultures are obviously way more advanced than othes. I am racist in this sense. Islam is retarded, and so are many african traditions, while the european culture at its peak is 1000x higher.

the only fight should be people vs satanic overlords who took over everything. and this starts with ZIONISM that people need to see.

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't disagree that people were living longer. up to thousands of years maybe. But that number given is also symbolic. I don't say that Jesus didnt live 33 years. he most likely did. but there is more. there are hidden meanings in these books and numbers.

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jesus lived 33 years. you think that that isn't symbolic either?

969 doesn't seem symbolic? research Samael Aun Weor's work he reveals many of these secrets

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +2 / -0

no. I am in my 20s and I figured out the world.

99% of people get old withiout discovering shit;

this meme is schizophrenic and so is OP.

JesusTaughtLove 5 points ago +5 / -0

anyone who has that flag is either paid or a complete moron.

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

that's next for the us. Whites killed by jews. unless we stop it. maybe watch the video dude. I was thinking like you but now I see better.

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +2 / -0

did you try? I did that many times and started yawning. and 99% of people in the comments said that they feel better. (on youtube).

also it's known that the salt is helpful to get the toxins out, it's proven scientifically. and it's double because it does so with black energy as well that usually causes a state of tiredness and brainfog.

try it genuinely at the end of a long day with some rock salt and see.

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +3 / -1

some random people here randomly attack me. I received dead threats before just for posting posts about Israel. I guarantee that there are mosad agents here and Feds. 100% be careful guys.

JesusTaughtLove 3 points ago +4 / -1

yeah, I would carry a jihad against the jews. Jihad against demons. sounds good.

nice adhominams but alas you're the one supporting literal demons so your opinion is worthless.

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +2 / -1

sure, check the above comment.

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +2 / -0

damn thanks for sharing. Do you have more of these from Ugetube? crazy as fuck

JesusTaughtLove 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hidden in plain sight, the game known as hopscotch, which is popular among children worldwide and has multiple variations and names, has similarities with the Kabala's Tree of Life. The objective of both is to ascend to the top of the ladder, which represents heaven, and then descend back to the bottom which represents earth. This journey also represents the transition from the physical body to the spiritual body and vice versa. The game also has a similar background to the Tree of Life, which requires balance to be achieved, just like how one must maintain balance while playing the game. This balance in both the game and the Tree of Life is achieved through alternating between duality and oneness or in kabalah the two opposing poles of opposites such as severity and mercy, right and left, masculinity and femininity, black and white, etc.

JesusTaughtLove 0 points ago +1 / -1

the best defence against jews is an ak47 and Zyklon B.

reading the bible won't gas them.

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +2 / -0

(((british))) land.

ok? I remind you who took over UK hundreds of years ago. UK was the first ZOGed country.

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +3 / -1

yeah but this has nothing to do with pyramids.

JesusTaughtLove 0 points ago +2 / -2

half of these are rotating not moving. this isn't how the pyramids were made. the egyptians were more advanced than us, humans in 2023. and we felt in consciousness.

and you can move these bricks in a wheelbarrow, even more at a time. but you won't be able to move them if they were 70 tons each.

CrispyBisky is right.

Samael Aun Weor, a genuine gnostic, has more answers. we should look there.

JesusTaughtLove 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't see how Richard connects with Kepavo? also @TheRootCafe is following Kepavo? as far as I know anyone can follow anyone it doesn't mean that they're connected.

JesusTaughtLove 1 point ago +1 / -0

if you watched the video you would have known that these girls were forced. whereas the whores in US choose to be whores. it's said in the beginning that they were tricked to go there under the pretext of working normal and 'moral' jobs such as taking care of kids and pets. also OnlyFans whores don't even have to have sex, whereas here these poor women are used as sex slaves, prostituted, kept in chains. Are you able to tell the difference?

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +2 / -0

the egg of the lizard, what does this mean bro?

we don't know, and this is what makes it scarier.

for these schizos who keep cracking words, try to do it in a non-retarded language because in english you get 1 letter with 10 different sounds and you can play with words as you wish until you find some pseudo-gem that makes you go wojak open mouth aaa.

try to do it in romanian that has 1 letter -> 1 sound and 1 sound -> 1 letter, hence we can't have the bee spelling game here cuz by saying the pronunciation one also says how its pronounced.

YGG is not EGG. Y is Y and E is E. but hey in english you can mix letters for some reasons. also Jesus is Je SUS and sus is pig in latin and Je is I in french so Jesus 'literally' means 'I Pig' see? no it doesn't and I swear to God there are so many insane people.

JesusTaughtLove 2 points ago +2 / -0

how many variations are there? this is the official one from glorian.org what do you think of them?

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