Jayzon84 1 point ago +1 / -0

I bought a My Pillow before it was even memory foam..it was just chipped up foam of all different colors and types..I agree it is just end cuts, rejects brought from other factories.

Jayzon84 1 point ago +1 / -0

IMHO they are destroying cities by forcing businesses out with the plandemic. Already in many areas there are nothing but empty buildings. The city/gov will take over the buildings to house the homeless/crazies/criminals. This is already happening. However I believe the empty buildings will be demolished and rebuilt into pods to house the masses and the control grids will be put in. Regular land will be taken over by the gov (under guise of global warming perhaps) and everyone will be forced into the "green new deal" smart cities. Remember that we will pretty much all be unemployed so the only jobs will be government jobs in construction and surveillance ..kind of like N Korea. This all will take some time, perhaps in the next 5 years.

Jayzon84 18 points ago +18 / -0

Update from the CEO of Gab this morning: 'We have ten new servers arriving today and more in the mail coming over the next week. Remember: we own our own bare metal. It's not just clicking a button, it takes some time to get things going. Moving fast. 12m visits in past 12 hours. Exploding growth right now. Patience. :)"

They don't rely on big tech for their servers they got their own and growing so fast means boots on the ground. Having independent infrastructure is critical in these times!

Jayzon84 2 points ago +2 / -0

I said fuck Parler the minute I saw the phone number thing.

Jayzon84 15 points ago +15 / -0

Gab has been around for over 4 years and has been banned from just about everything..ISPs, banks, app stores etc. They were considered "dangerous" even then. They went about building their own infrastructure with their own servers. They also take the law seriously and will not tolerate any illegal activity (which the MSM tries to insinuate). People must get the impression from descriptions that it is like the Silk Road of Twitter or something but it certainly is not. Just normal people who are fed up with censorship.

Jayzon84 12 points ago +12 / -0

Looks like they are down for maintenance right now..the site has gotten overwhelmed. I was on at 2am in the morning and I have never seen it so busy. I have heard comments on it though that it was running better than Parler. When you have tens of thousands of people being detwittered at once the alternative sites have been overwhelmed in the past 48 hours.

Jayzon84 4 points ago +4 / -0

Gab has been banned from app stores for years. You would have to go to the mobile webstie on your phone.

Jayzon84 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for the other links..looks like its up again. Phew! I am getting a bit on edge with the censorship going on lately.

Jayzon84 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes his life is over and same with the old ladies that were standing around looking confused also. Antifa and BLM can burn down cities but these guys will be made an example of with a minimum of 10 years in federal prison. That's how ClownWorld works.

Jayzon84 0 points ago +1 / -1

Sorry I just don't get it ...we all know who the big tech enemies are yet people are shocked and dismayed when they get banned. To me its like wearing a MAGA hat at a BLM rally and get shocked when you are attacked. Not that is should happen but you know its going to happen.

Jayzon84 2 points ago +2 / -0

There was an incident some years ago where a young girl got hit in the head with a baseball at a game.She walked away but died a day or two later from a brain bleed. Not sure if the officer got hit in the head but it could be something like that.

Jayzon84 6 points ago +6 / -0

So it says "detention..of contacts". In other words that means if you are stupid enough to put one of those contact tracing apps on your phone and you re within bluetooth range of someone at a store who tests positive then they can come take you away to a camp..oh boy sign me up!

Jayzon84 10 points ago +10 / -0

Ah yes, we will reminisce on 2020 as the gool ol days. I am sure my family just loved me at Christmas as I described the meaning of "year zero" and the Cambodian tragedy in April 1975...just trying to wake them up a little.

Jayzon84 2 points ago +2 / -0

5g can be used for a total surveillance state ..smart cities etc and I heard Nashville was going to install an instant license plate reader thing so maybe those are connected but that is a different issue than 5g deadly military weapon radio waves. If this guy worked in IT maybe he knew something about that hub.

Jayzon84 4 points ago +4 / -0

That totally explains why the recording sounded so strange on the video when played "normally". Makes sense now.

Jayzon84 5 points ago +5 / -0

Now it is so important to take steps to protect our internet activity. I use a VPN but more important I use an old Dell laptop (cheap to get an old business model for under $200) and use a Linux OS called Robolinux. The guy who made the OS can make a special code just for that computer so it will spoof the MAC ID and Wifi PCI ID. This is important because just having a VPN is not enough when they can still track the MAC ID for the computer. I then use Brave browser in private mode. You do have to pay to get the "Robo Untracker" but I definitely think its worth it. The customer support is also excellent and definitely a like-minded person. https://robolinux.org/downloads/v11.02-details.html

Jayzon84 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fair and equitable? You can discriminate against me all you want and let the oppressed workers for justice have it!

Jayzon84 2 points ago +2 / -0

Didn't he watch the little videos showing kids how the green glow in the dark stuff spreads all over everything you touch? Talk about fricken superspreader!

Jayzon84 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just love the video of them saying they lost the technology but its a conspiracy theory to say man never went to the moon. Early Clownworld shit that is.

Jayzon84 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am a big fan of Robolinux. It has a feature where it spoofs your mac address as well as your wifi pci address when you boot up. I use Brave in private mode and Private Internet Access VPN. The Robolinux is programmed by the developer specifically for your computer and the cost is $27. Nominal in my book for such a good feature. I use old Dell business laptops that are cheap to get and throw in an SSD add Linux and use them for web browsing only.

Jayzon84 1 point ago +3 / -2

OMG Pepe seriously that thought came to me the other night...this whole trans(sex) thing is to normalize the mutation of humans beyond what they were formally recognized as so it will be more normalized when the transhuman crap takes over. I am now trying to formulate a timeline for this happening...15 years is my ballpark guess at the moment.

Jayzon84 1 point ago +1 / -0

Eeew there is a thing with that name? Is that a safespace for triggered lefties? Holy crap I cant even bear to click the link to that.

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