IAmtheGodWarrior 24 points ago +24 / -0

Mystery Babylon, William Cooper.

Take that and run, my child.

IAmtheGodWarrior 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah you are misusing the word “shill” then if you just mean Trump supporters/fanatics. There are a bunch of Trump supporters/fanatics in the uncensored web because they were early settlers of the uncensored web, purged before you were purged, and since tilling the land to which you have been exiled. And yet, while the people you sided with when they purged Trump supporters have now turned on you and purged you just the same, and the same Trump supporters who you eagerly purged and derided during their departure welcome you with open arms to the territory they built, you yet revile them and see them as an enemy, simply because they oppose those who purged you and them alike. We have a word for this sort of behavior here in the uncensored web. You may remember it from a time past. Here, you are once more a retard.

IAmtheGodWarrior 30 points ago +30 / -0

You left the censored web, and you’re experiencing a more realistic spectrum of viewpoints which were hidden from you while you were on reddit. It’s not Trump shills. It’s normal people who you were led to believe did not exist, which is why you’re having trouble adjusting to reality lol.

Nobody said redpills were easy pills to swallow. The one on the left in blue...that’s you, fren. You made it all the way here, and yet you still haven’t realized who your enemies really are, even as spit in your face.

IAmtheGodWarrior 2 points ago +2 / -0

CAUTION: Popularity is the enemy of free and open discussion. Legally we can say what we want, but with enough publicity, they can shut you down here as well if they wanted to.

IAmtheGodWarrior 8 points ago +8 / -0

I remember when people on reddit would deride you if you suggested reddit was deliberately and systematically purging any in the community who dissent from the msm narratives.

IAmtheGodWarrior 3 points ago +3 / -0

You mean overflowing with so many shills there are entire threads of just shills talking to shills? Lol

IAmtheGodWarrior 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ironic you used the worst newspeak phrase of them all, “speak your truth,” where you did lol. Tell me, what is the difference between your truth and THE TRUTH?

IAmtheGodWarrior 3 points ago +3 / -0

Doggos is the mind behind .win. He understands the perils of censorship, which is why he made this place. You’ve made it all the way here and yet you still haven’t realized who the bad guys are?