Janschology 4 points ago +5 / -1

well, to be fair - it wasn't stolen. The script was just written this way. Trump is very much one of them with all his masonic tranny nonsense. He's the other crucial part of the dialectic.

Janschology 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't watch Stew Peters - I've seen him once or twice but it was clear to me from the jump that he's an actor. Real people just don't behave the way he does. Him, and so much of the alternative media (like GB news anchors Nana Akua and Mark Steyn) have that scripted, actor quality about them. They are like the newsreader from V for Vendetta in substance if not completely style.

Janschology 0 points ago +1 / -1

these are all set up. These exist only to stoke up the divisions. Nothing is gained by going on college tours and DESTROYING college students

Janschology 1 point ago +3 / -2

Fuck sake.

I would expect this from GAW, and Qanons who interpret every single situation from the conclusion that Trump is messianic/Trump is innocent but outside of that deluded bubble you have to see Trump in the cold light of day and his actions - even the beneficial ones, for the snare that they were.

It was Trump who provided the leverage for the deepening of the polarisation efforts by being a pantomime villain for the nominal left and justifying (to their mind) the BLM rioting/Antifa stuff.

It was Trump who pressed the FDA to forego the normal safety protocols for the vaccines and who made Big Pharma not liable for the damage they would cause. He even confessed ahead of time with his constant renditions of The Snake.

Trump was once opposed to vaccination generally and supposedly was going to conduct a vaccine safety commission until talked out of it and convinced to 'do something great' with vaccines, by who? By Bill Gates, that's who.

Trump also had advance notice of COVID. Event 201 gets spoken about a lot but Crimson Contagion predated it and was much deeper, broader and much much longer in scope.

Trump only pretends to be a Christian. There are multiple videos showing the lie behind that.

Trump never threw Hilary in jail.

Trump never finished the border wall.

Trumps daughter and son-in-law are Chabad Lubavitch Jews who want to bring in the Noahide Laws and Trump is completely betrothed to Israel. Israel even minted a coin likening Trump to Cyrus.

Trumps 'pastor' was Norman Vincent Peale - 33rd Degree Freemason and therefore? Yip! Therefore Luciferian.

During the riots Trump attempted to personally intervene to restore the D.C statue of Alber Pike celebrating his pre-eminent position in Freemasonry and therefore Luciferianism.

Trumps Scottish Coat of Arms features the double-headed phoenix.

I know it's tough to consider the possibility that someone who says all the right things and even takes lots of the right actions could actually be working directly against you but you just have to contend with the fact that winning your trust by winning your heart and mind is completely necessary in order to gain control over your soul and to be able to compass you about at will.

Look at Hitler - his speeches were inspirational considering the spectre of Communism that was haunting Europe at the time. The things he said about preserving ones culture in the face of such hostility etc were only the truth and so he won the hearts and minds of Germans and they dutifully went to war.

But consider the possibility that Hitler was only galvanising people on one end of the polarisation efforts, in concert with Stalin and Churchill and Mussolini et al in order to inflict that great big European genocide attempt that WWII really was.

WWII was an attempt to genocide Europeans, not Jews (or not just Jews). But in order to make the folk go willingly into the threshing machine like lemmings each leader had to first polarise, then radicalise and then galvanise their respective cohorts into it.

Hitler and Stalin and Freud all lived within a mile of each in Vienna after WWI. Coincidence? Probably not methinks.

Well, same thing is happening today - all these faces who speak to you truths and who ostensibly are on your side and who whip you up into a froth at the injustices being done against you and all of that stuff - even though they speak the truth, they only use the truth as a cattle prod to usher you about and make you do their bidding.

Trump is just one such character and people need to realise that he is NOT the good guy we all thought he was.

Trump opened the door for open transgenders competing with supposedly biological females by forcing Miss World Canada into permitting Jenn Talackova to compete in his pageant. Even though these beauty contests are full of transgenders anyway, Jenna was an open trans.

Also, no matter how you may like to excuse it, Trump has said some WILDLY inappropriate sexual remarks about his daughter.

Also, look at Lara Trump - a total T. Finally, I know a lot is made by 'the Left' of Trump and Russia but Melania, Lara, Ivana are all from former USSR countries and Israel (which Trump is betrothed to) and the USSR are completely inseperable.

Also, there's no getting away from the fact that Trump did actually move in the same circles as, and partied with, Epstein. And some of Epsteins victims have even named Trump as being present in some of Jeffreys properties. I'm not aware that any have said he had sex with any of the girls there - they only say that he gave off a creepy, predatory vibe.

Also, it was the Rothschilds banker Wilbur Ross who bailed Trump out of his money troubles and who Trump then made his Secretary of Commerce. Trump says he's loyal to a fault - well, he owes the Rothschilds. And therefore they own him.

by Roggle
Janschology 3 points ago +5 / -2

no, he's the Cass Sunstein-style "conspiracy theorist", that is, the NWO Government stooge sent to 'cognitively infiltrate' the realm of conspiracy theorists in order to steer them subtly into supporting the plans and actions of government, a la Sunsteins 'Conspiracy Theories: Their Causes and Cure".

Brand was married to Katy Perry, whose music videos are awash with Masonic/Babylonian symbolism. Brand himself has a tattoo of the all-seeing eye, as well as a tattoo of the number 33 on his wrist (which he has variously tried to pass off as 'because I just like the number' and 'because I love a bit of Jesus', as opposed to it's actual masonic meaning). There are photos of him hugging that Noah Yuval Harari fellow, which he even addressed in his latest Youtube video by summarily dismissing it.

It's strange to think that there are people who would just lie to your face with no compunction whatsoever.

If you watch his videos and listen carefully - actually listen, you can clearly see that he is subtly 'nudging' his followers into support for a one world government. Nudging and Cognitive Infiltration are Sunsteins concepts (actually they're a lot older but Sunstein is the modern guru). He's a TOTAL FRAUD.

by pkvi
Janschology 6 points ago +6 / -0

how come there is literally NO ONE with a voice or influence who is bringing attention to this and calling it what it is?

by pkvi
Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan was the original one which openly advocating it. This might be of interest:


by pkvi
Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not as an out and out political position. These things need to retain their deniability of course because if you were to openly just state that that is what you are doing, well...

Here is the British Army talking about changing their culture - they use sexual harassment as the justification. They have waged a campaign against their own soldiers and citizens, accusing them of transgressing all of the sacred Critical Theories protected classes - racism, sexism, IDAHOBIT etc. You can see how they reference culture changes.

Here is a report the army produced in order to legitimise its anti straight white male campaign before parliament. A bit big but you will get the idea. Search the term 'white male' for instance. You will see Hegemonic Masculinity mentioned too by 'Connell'. Search that term too as well as Raewyn Connell.

Defence recently did a 'tactical pause' in order to accuse it's members of racism, homophobia, sexism and to have them talk about it. It was called Op Teamwork. The resources it recommended reading included a single so-called 'academic' paper, entitled the 'Psychosis of Whiteness'. . Most folk won't explore that deep but if/when you do it's clear that the senior military and of course all of defences Diversity and Inclusion Networks and Champions really quite openly despise people according to their immutable characteristics and that they are actively working to a) demonise them b) oust them from service.

The Chief of Defence People for instance has stated that he has a target of making the military 30% ethnic by such and such a date. That'll be on top of increasing representation (albeit with some overlap) of women, homosexuals and transgenders.

I believe the UK military is also deeply involved in ferrying over all thos fighting age male immigrants that the Home Office have purchased and who arrive via the English Channel or via the phony war in Ukraine. Certain'y they are staying in MoD establishments.

That's just one aspect of the British apparatus that is changing the 'culture'.

P&O Ferries recently sacked all their staff in order to hire 'agency' staff instead..

There were major plans to sack about 100,000 NHS workers on the basis of vaccination status whilst at the same time relazing and changing rules around Asylum seekers/immigrants and their ability to work in the care sector.

It's not openly stated but it's there and obvious for anyone whose eyes are open to it.

by pkvi
Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

replacing indigenous Brits and British culture with people from other cultures - culture change.

by pkvi
Janschology 4 points ago +4 / -0

all part of the 'culture change'

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

nothing is going to happen. We have all been put in a state of tense anticipation. THAT is the new normal - watching a pot that always simmers but never boils. That's the whole goal - to fuck with peoples minds. Psychological operations being waged on everyone from all directions. Q is just another one of those.

Nobody who could let you know the truth WANTS you to know the truth. Everybody exists only to wind you up and encourage your mental meltdown or mental resignation rendering you more and more suggestible, passive, docile.

All your 'heroes' like Trump, Q, Putin actually look at you like a faceless pawn, like their property.

You know those NPC grey-faced meme things? That's us whether we like it or not. We can call other people 'NPCs' and 'normies' and what have you but that's just a lack of self-awareness really. Those others are just NPCs and normies of a different flavour.

Make no mistake - you and I are every bit as thought-controlled as they are.

There will be no shot other than the starting pistol for WW3 and our annihilation.

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

no, this is fake. This scene has been used as a backdrop to other allegations prior to the Ukraine thing. The mask enables the overdub to appear plausible but this has been stitched together using footage from some other event

Janschology 0 points ago +1 / -1


This might go some way to explaining it. We're all being played.

Janschology 2 points ago +2 / -0

Optics. It's still NWO a-gogo but they can't cull the population unless they first put on a convincing show to radicalise Europeans on both sides into voluntarily entering the meat grinder.

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

precislely. Just as Putin hired that theatre chap Surkov to make reality a theatrical production, so too did Trump hire Mnuchin the Hollywood producer. Coincidence?

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Hidden Hand reference was used, and perhaps coined, by Adam Smith in his The Wealth of Nations as an invisible governing force that acts upon markets

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

are you made up of AI trying to sound wise and human?

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wasn't convinced by the New Age stuff. It felt a bit too like it was trying to persuade despite efforts elsewhere to appear aloof.

Janschology 2 points ago +2 / -0

you assume it was drawn when in fact it was transfused - 8 gallons of adrenochrome to give her performances the necessary pep

Janschology 5 points ago +5 / -0

well that'll learn you to make declarative prophecies ahead of time.

You should have simply expressed your misgivings and doubts in a measured way rather than gamble on predicting the future.

Now you'll just have to suffer the indignity of admitting you were wrong in the magnitude of your worries but that you nonetheless remain unconvinced by the safety of the vaccines and perturbed by the manner in which they were relentlessly promoted etc.

Janschology 2 points ago +2 / -0

you should listen to William Cooper really - he points out that it's not actually 'the jews' but that there are evil jews just like evil of every creed. Or perhaps the bible who warns of the synagogue of Satan and of those who say they are jews but are not.

Janschology 3 points ago +3 / -0

its referenced so your issue should really be with the source citations

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