Janschology 0 points ago +1 / -1

just learn the lesson. If they are in any way linked to the government then they are bad guys, in the club.

Jim Jordan and a litany of similar people through history only say the right things. They never do them. Jim Jordan is a fraud. I can't believe you would call him a let down, which implies that you expect anything from these people.

They are ALL sheisters.

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

not that intelligent. Bobby Clairday says it was the worst attack since, whereas the AI misinterprets that as a worse attack than

by DrLeaks
Janschology 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's more midrashic kabbalism which says that Adam, whom they call Adam Kadmon, was an androgyne and that God originally made man as an adrogynous being (Gen2:21-22). They justify this by so interpreting Genesis 5:2, which is likely the ultimate source of their They/Them pronouns, though those who fall for this wouldn't necessarily be able to trace it back to that and likely as not have no clue as to the true depth of this concept beyond just their own selves amidst their psychologically and societally induced dysphoria

Janschology 1 point ago +2 / -1

It's more the things Q doesn't say which should cause the alarm bells to ring.

As one example, the Trump admin ran the months long plandemic preparedness exercise Crimson Contagion about a virus that escapes from China. Think Event 201 but much longer and much broader in scope and effort. Q, the omniscient government insider who apparently knows all, never gave anons anything even remotely resembling a heads up.

Or another: everyone knows Bill Gates is a psychopath - even anons who follow Q - but Q never mentions him at all. He provides one link to a Gates foundation celebration of a 10 year anniversary of something to do with vaccines or GAVI. Didn't provide any context, none of the usual socratic questions, nada. Trump of course was convinced by Gates to drop his vaccine safety commission and to instead 'do something great with vaccines'. He then went on to become the 'father of the vaccines', declaring Warp Speed one of humanities greatest achievements.

You would think that anons might take pause for thought but nope - Q and Trump have literally replaced God in their hearts and minds despite all their psuedo-religious praise.

On the topic of God and Jesus, Q never mentions Jesus once save for a set prayer he published which he didn't sign Q. He does say that the Christ should always remain in Christmas but then we know that Christmas is nothing to do with Christ but is the Roman Religion deceiving Christians into celebrating their pagan Winter Solstice festival. Also, Trump had Kenneth Copeland of all people pray at his rally and we all know that Trump is a trained Kabbalist and zionist and he signed the Education Day USA commitment to the Noahide Laws just like all other presidents before him since Reagan introduced it. The Noahide Laws will sanction the lopping off of the heads of Christians.

Also, although he mentions them I believe twice in all his posts the fact that he is so quiet on the enormously influential and interconnected Freemasons should also make any clued up anon take pause but NOPE.

Finally, Q mentions in a positive sense that he will shows anons a Brave New World, echoed by Ivanka in a YouTube video in the early COVID days. Q, like Trump, also mentioned a 'New Age' of Enlightenment. And Flynn deceived unsuspecting Christians into reciting the new age prayer of Claire Prophet. And no anons even care to address such overt new age references.

Much of what Q says may be true (although let's be honest his drops have been characterised by deceit and mockery of his followers) but it is the things that he doesn't say, and the possible reasons therefore, which should come under keen scrutiny.

Janschology 0 points ago +1 / -1

GAW is stupid but sleepydude is well worthwhile, has a lot of food for thought and would be someone worth exchanging thoughts with. I only discovered his posts the other day and it was a pleasure reading through them. Very insightful. Nevertheless, from what I can gather he has a blindspot when it comes to viewing Trump/Q as anything other than what they claim to be.

Would be interesting to pick his brains/provide some challenges to him.

Janschology 1 point ago +2 / -1

you should read Cass Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule's paper 'Conspiracy Theories: Their Causes and Cure'.

The whole Qanonsense will make much more sense.

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

then you should discard it if it is presented as something without the proper context or source material. I saw this posted on Elusive Truths Youtube channel. I asked him the source so I could be confident in posssibly sharing it and his response to me was 'does the source matter'. I said it is perhaps thee single most important thing in this day and age.

The video may be exactly what they describe. It may not. Lets see the original source. Until we have that, you shouldn't spread this around as proof of ANYTHING. The insinuations and assumptions that one must hold in order to believe that this is what it is being presented as are far too weighty to justify accepting it without that proof.

Again, it might be exacly what it is declared to be, but you should always be wary of anyone who offers you out of context snippets and tries to provide their own narrative on what it represents. Thats got to be disinfo 101. They are appealing to the preconditioned belief that ritual child sacrifice is being exposed. There's no reason to keep the original source under wraps if they are being honest. There IS reason to keep it under wraps if it is the targeted manipulation/misrepresentation of info.

Janschology 2 points ago +2 / -0

yes! I knew those sealed indictments were for patriotic people and not for the corrupt cabal at the top who have TOTAL grip on power. They can advertise each others crimes and laugh about it knowing that they are above the law. It's like confession by proxy of their supposed rivals who are actually their brethren.

Janschology 2 points ago +3 / -1

International Socialism vs National Socialism. Fake war to attempt the long held desire of godless occultists of genociding Europe

Janschology 6 points ago +6 / -0

all true.

To be fair, the penny should have dropped when after the 2016 election was won how quickly Donald Trump abandoned all the Lock Her Up patter that won him so many votes in the first place and quietened down his crowd who began chanting it after the 'victory' was sealed.

I have just finished watching Hypernormalisation and the parallels between Putin and Trump are there insofar as Putin hired Vladislave Surkov - a theatre guy - who bewildered the Russian population with al manner of political theatrics, funding both sides of protests etc and turned Russian politics into an undecipherable avant-garde shitshow to mask what was REALLY going on.

Trump hired movie producer Steve Mnuchin to his cabinet and started the whole Q nonsense too, keeping everyone off balance whilst delivering none of his promises of draining the swamp or locking up hugely corrupt politicans (ones he donated to mind) but instead introduced Warp Speed, knew about COVID in advance (see Crimson Contagion) who Q - the supposed Oracle - never gave any anons a heads up on, gave BLM the requisite bogeyman to launch their assault on absolutely EVERYTHING, only pretended to build a wall whilst provoking an enormous hyperintensified invasion of illegals, who is friends with the WEF and Schwab, friends with Gates, admitted in advance that he was a snake who was going to deliver a venomous bite (and it's all your fault, for you already knew who he was).

Cass Sunstein advocated that governments infiltrate and cognitively steer the places where conspiracy theories flourish in order to divert them into supporting the actions of government. Q came along and had supposed red-pilled folk salivating for martial law. Sunstein also correctly spoke about the tendency for conspiracies to have a self-sealing quality - never more pronounced than in places like GAW who were all creaming their pants at Trumps impending big announcement but who swore that if it was simply an announcement of a presidential run then they would lose belief only to then call their comrades 'shills and doomers' after their cult idol did exactly that.

What a damn shame. They clearly want to see justice but they are being led along a fake path that runs parallel to the truth. It's in close proximity, contains some - even lots - of truth, but its a fake path and they're being led by false shepherds. They are suffering from Stockholm syndrome and have literally substituted God with Trump/Q and can't even countenance the possibility that they have been mislead all this while - even despite all of the glaring omissions in the Q posts and bold-faced lies told to them by both Trump and Q. Unreal.

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump had Kenneth Copeland pray at his rally

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

no, you take your cue from Daniel who refused to follow Nebuchadnezzars lawful orders because it clashed with Gods law

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

actually, it's the KJV that's based on the Textus Receptus whereas the others are based on later translations and texts such as the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus.

The KJV therefore is going to be truer to the original NT than any of the others.

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

I certainly do not recommend it. It sought to turn Atheism into a religion/way of life (which it already is for those militant athesist types anyway). The + represented social justice. It was Atheism+ Feminism, Atheism+ gay rights etc. Altogether it was Atheism+Social Justice. I think there was significant overlap with gamergate, or at least one or two of the same personalities. Jen McCreight I'm going to say although I'm not really clued up on the ins n outs of that whole thing.

by DrLeaks
Janschology 0 points ago +1 / -1

to be fair, he did nod in the affirmative...

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

Walter Veith has some very interesting lectures. Basically, Catholicism, Freemasonry, Hinduism, Islam, Kabbalism, the Roman Religion, Paganism etc all have the same deities. They are all avatars of the same 'god' - Satan/Lucifer and all the other hangers on

Janschology 2 points ago +2 / -0

this would align with Mackinders Heartland Theory where he states that whoever controls the Heartland, which is round about the Crimea/Ukraine region, controls the world.

So you have NATO and Russian tensions over that region with Russia making its move. It makes sense what you say about Israel too then wanting to establish a new homeland there as Israel subscribe to Buntings Clover Leaf map of the word where you have Africa, Europe and Asia as the clover leafs with Jerusalem in the middle. A combination of the two theories gives credit to your theory.

Of course we know that Israel already have a large influence over Ukraine, NATO/EU, Russia and China and I suspect they are also behind the pan-Africa movement which would turn Africa into a singular bloc.

Brendon O'Connell has spoken of these two theories numerous times.

Janschology 3 points ago +3 / -0

Donald Trump is a Kabbalist and his 'daughter' (whom he finds sexy) and son-in-law are Chabad Lubavitch Jews who want to bring in the Noahide Laws. Trump is also big on the Noahide Laws which would see Christians beheaded for worshipping Jesus. Meanwhilse, Trump leads Christians on into thinking he is one of them in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

The Kabbalah, which Don (the self-proclaimed 'King of Israel' and 'Second Coming') is trained in, believes that Adam, whom they call Adam Kadmon, is an androgyne. Q who is undoubtedly linked to Trump didn't have a solitary word to say about the rampant Trans agenda. See the connection?

"but Trump banned them from the military".

No, Trump spiked the ball for Biden to reintroduce them in a big way and make them the driving force in the military. They're all in it together. Q never mentions Jesus except to say that the Christ should always remain in Christmas therby upholding what we all know to be nothing to do with Christ whatsoever but a day which dupes naive Christians into celebrating a Pagan festival by exchanging gifts and lying to their children using a pseudonym which is an anagram of Satan.

All that stupid punch and judy shit has traction with idiot Qtards but not with those of us who aren't wrapped up in the cult of personality surrounding Q and Trump.

Janschology 1 point ago +1 / -0

um, because they ALL are...?

We're still waiting on George Bush and Tony Blair to be tried for war crimes. Or Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani to be quizzed on 9/11

Janschology 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are ALL related. It's just theatre. All the politicians and celebrities and intel communities are comprised of people from the same stock of nobility

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