ItsOkayToBeWight 5 points ago +5 / -0

I am committed to being as insufferable as possible.

"Hey, remember that time when I warned you that this was poison? Twitter Files proved me right? Yeah. Maybe you should listen to me about Current Thing™ too."

ItsOkayToBeWight 10 points ago +10 / -0

Twitter files isn't anything we don't already know. It's nice to get this kind of confirmation and we can browbeat normies with it, but it's not a win in any sense of the term. Winning would be seeing some heads on pikes.

ItsOkayToBeWight 4 points ago +4 / -0

Girls believing they're boys will get prostate exams at 16 for "gender affirming care".

ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have no idea what you're talking about. Besides TD, which has it's intended focus and is curated towards that goal, I haven't felt a lot of censorship on this site. I've been seeing more deleted comments outside of TD, but I also have been seeing more people testing their luck with calls to violence. And at least there is evidence of a deleted comment and WHO said the deleted comment which is far better transparency than faggit.

What are you not allowed to say? That is a really good way to determine just how free the speech on a site is. Fuck jews, fuck niggers. What more needs to be said?

ItsOkayToBeWight 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's a short term fix. Maybe for long term we need to dispel the idea that you can rub two coins together to make them multiply. Make a labor based currency.

ItsOkayToBeWight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great example of the meme of everyone protesting the banks in 2012 and marching with the banks flying rainbow flags in 2017. They'll shake their fist and stomp their feet but they're still doing everything Blackrock wants them to.

ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +2 / -1

Tell me, what is the alternative to Blackrock? People really don't want to manage their money. They hand it off to investment firms to make those decisions for them. That is kind of where we're at with the highly specialized division of labor of modern society. Those companies have been using that money to fuck around in the market and exert control before. Blackrock is just a highly centralized form of that.

So even if Blackrock was broken up, how do we prevent it from happening again? From the other companies investing for reasons that aren't to maximize the profit of their investors?

ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +1 / -0

No that's pizza maps.

ItsOkayToBeWight 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's bigger than that. There were a LOT of hoaxes and gas chambers were the least ridiculous of them all. We need to constantly remind everyone of the lampshades, the soap, the electric floors, the masturbation machines, and so on.

by DrLeaks
ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +1 / -0

Memes quickly disseminate information. Otherwise less people would be aware of the shit that's going on.

ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Sparing kids is only setting ourselves up to fail in the next generation.

ItsOkayToBeWight 8 points ago +9 / -1

Trump was interviewed tonight. When asked about Elon's ongoing poll, Trump said there's lots of room for Israel in Truth Social. I have no idea why he felt the need to say that but it was bizarre.

ItsOkayToBeWight 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's okay to shit on religion. They shit on Christianity ALL the time!

ItsOkayToBeWight 6 points ago +6 / -0

How come they never say racist? A jews some kind of special race that they need their own word for racism against jews?

ItsOkayToBeWight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting. Thanks for the info. I'll keep an eye out for more information.

I suppose much of safety does boil down to "crazy nanoparticle bullshit" since everything behaves very differently at that scale.

ItsOkayToBeWight 2 points ago +2 / -0

I call bullshit. TiO2 is in everything. Printing paper, paint, plastic. It's inert. Barring some crazy nanoparticle bullshit, and even then it has to either be aerosolized or mixed into food.

ItsOkayToBeWight 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, we should do something. How long are we going to wait while the ruling class continues to lie, cheat, and steal?

What the founding fathers did was terrorism. Until they succeeded.

ItsOkayToBeWight 2 points ago +3 / -1

China modified the weather to keep the skies clear for the Olympics. Saudi Arabia does it to mitigate the effects of being a natural desert.

They've admitted this a while ago.

ItsOkayToBeWight 1 point ago +1 / -0

Something it does not handle well is "nigger". A previous post here compared "nigga" (what you would expect) to "nigger" (mostly slavic-looking people). I suspect the severe aversion to "nigger" means very few images have that tag.

ItsOkayToBeWight 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just tried it. It vaguely resembles a large white family. The faces are ll fucked up though. But regularly 5-6 white people each attempt. Zero darkies.

ItsOkayToBeWight 4 points ago +4 / -0

There's so many reasons to hate jews. The religion is unapologetically a doctrine of racial supremacy. Literally "gods chosen people" to use their own term. And this is very much confirmed by how they act. All of the hallmarks of "white privilege" are things they themselves enjoy. Systems built to favor them, nepotism, etc.

Their disgusting religious practices, their clear in-group preference, the extreme lengths they gaslight whites into demonizing white in-group preference, the large inorganic movements of feminism and lgbt, etc.

Looking past race is part of the brainwashing. Tribalism is very much normal and not a bad thing. But the jews are overplaying their hand so hard that one has to be an idiot to cling to the idea of looking past race with how clearly they flagrantly refuse to do so themselves.

ItsOkayToBeWight 5 points ago +6 / -1

Lack of recess. Boys need to play at a young age to develop healthy social skills.

ItsOkayToBeWight 3 points ago +3 / -0

Most normies won't bother with that. The hit pieces are for the shills to link so they can shout "Deboonked!"

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