I am not convinced the shoe exchange is an issue if it happened.
Would not put it past a person in this state of mind to do basically anything, especially crime related things.
Given the slicing and dicing of the video and the pure lack of honest information, there is no way to deduce any truth.
If you were able to take the advice from my previous comment, I suspect you would already have a valid answer to this question.
I am not convinced you are in a position to repair the issues in your brain, so I will provide you some insight.
When a man communicates his best understanding and it is correct, it does not imply that all listeners will heed such advice.
This administration is green.
While this may be the claim it has no basis in truth or logic. They are just lying criminals that are without question completely subverted. The obvious intent is that they have a serious case of the far leftisms and the outcome is essentially an anti humanitarian mission.
Basically the embodiment of evil satanist type of thought process that currently drives every single aspect of leftism.
It must be tough bumbling around in life as such. I think if you spent some time working with how your brain is utilizing the energy you provide it, you would likely be able to find ways to improve.
It is really cute how now the statement is: 'We don't need countries holding our bonds, they just use our money as storage'
people really have no clue how this works. Good luck with your 'storage mechanism'
You must have a case of leftism to be projecting such an odd thought process.
Brutal, time to get out.
lmao, welcome to the forum scrub:
lol, another leftist account huh?
So, you have a hard time processing advanced english? Does this mean you are jew?
Can't get the hint? I do not have a desire to communicate with a lying leftist criminal jew, what more can I add?
A brief review of your account reveals your criminal intent, I can use the applicable word as much as I want, you are an obvious jew based on your content also, this is a simple pattern you people continue to follow.
Nobody cares about your lies and useless comments, you have added nothing and said nothing of value, there is 0 point in communicating to you.
Seethe more, but I do not intend to respond so feel free to write your useless diatribe all you want.
lol, still seething leftist?
You are an extremist huh? I guess that makes sense. Given how you are an obvious lying sack of shit, you must be a far left unhinged criminal jew.
This forum is not your place criminal, you have no place, nobody wants to hear your stupid idiotic thoughts about how communism is good for criminals.
Beat it criminal I have better shit to do than to banter with what is obviously some useless criminal.
Indeed, more of the same useless garbage from a typical leftist, bla bla bla.
You are absolutely the weakest one to date on this forum, you need to up your game if you want to attempt to bring leftism bullshit here criminal.
leftist of the worst kind, dishonest constant lies and deceit, fake act and weak mind.
Have a simple read on your own account before you bother continuing down this path, I have more capability in my nail trimmings than you have in your entire entourage.
To prove your point, one only needs to take a brief view of your obvious criminal intent behind your account, you are a piece of shit, it has already been revealed.
Feel free to delete and try again.
Well, honestly there are many words that likely fit better, this one is good as it is all that it takes.
Fake shill post trying to appeal to real people.
Beat it shill, your account is shit and exposed already.
Eat shit leftist.
Read em and weep loser
Yes, that is the claim.
But if you just look around the area it is easy to know that it is just a 'claim' to match the criminal activity that has been the status qua from this group for all of time.
The Protocols of Zion can be denied all they want, it appears to be the situation.
Criminals are all being outed, the pace is amazing.
Leftist jew failing in life come and try to talk shit and have nothing to say, typical of you weak minded types.
Read em and weep loser, this is the end of the criminals.
Constant stream of lies from your obvious leftist jew mentality.
Putin has indicated he does not give a shit about some useless shitty tiny ass nation joining the obvious criminals, they are already finished, like a tiny little bunch of weak fin's gonna do anything extra that isn't already being done.
Finland in the alliance is a good thing, it weakens the alliance further and exposes them.
To maintain control, you must simply acknowledge the reality of life. It's OK, there is nothing you can do about it.
I think that is the approach everyone takes.
At the same time, to react in such an extreme would be a tough act to follow. I think there are better solutions. Not saying we are working towards them yet.
I generally understand that the pace of the conflict and the tempo used is a function of the capability coupled with the awareness of how complex escalation will be.
This does not bode well, Russia in general act like a bunch of pussies when it comes to taking on the threat they face from the globalist criminals.
Leftism is a mental disorder.
There are a variety of signals and outcomes, you seem to be able to display many with a single sentence.
I refuse to accept your baseless claims, I suspect like much of your information it is contaminated with incorrect input false lies and other misgivings from truth.
I hold no hatred for anyone, just talk about the facts and the reality of the criminals. Feel free to produce some criminality from the Putin government or his so called ties to jews.
Not all jews are criminals, just the ones that make it to the surface covered in criminal activity.