HonestTruth 0 points ago +3 / -3

Yep, this simple minded fool is as dumb as they come, continually assailing people on the forum with useless barbs and insults.

Now suddenly posting these stupid request links? what in the fuck. How dumb are people?

HonestTruth -1 points ago +1 / -2

loser fed, you have been outed trying to blame people much smarter and better than you with a clear post history is futile and a symbol of your ignorance.

You have been summarily defeated loser.


HonestTruth -2 points ago +1 / -3

The more messages you write the more it becomes apparent your position.

I shill for noone, especially not the criminals.

I post the bits that take your false narrative and lies apart.

nato and the west have been losing this conflict since it started.

criminal jews run the banks and subvert all the systems.

wef is a criminal organization founded and run by khazarian jews.

China is a wef controlled zog government like all the rest of the west and play the role of controlled opposition.

usd is collapsing because nobody wants to be run by zog criminals anymore.

Your dream of taking over Venezuelan oil is a joke.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +3 / -2

This op is the worst this forum has to offer.

I am confident you know you are wasting your time.

HonestTruth -1 points ago +2 / -3

fuck off moron, you are such a useless piece of shit fed shill, why even bother posting your stupid retarded shit here?

Everyone knows you are a useless fucking criminal, fuck off.

HonestTruth 0 points ago +2 / -2

OK 'Eisenhorn' I am pretty sure your input is worth it's weight in.. nothing.

Criminals attempted to shirk responsibility for their crimes, but anything at such a scale is far beyond your comprehension when attempting to explain the inner workings of how such an event will unfold. So I won't bother.

Suffice to say, you and your kind will be rewarded for the crimes you perpetuate.

The very life you live is a testament to the statement, you bring it upon yourself.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +2 / -1

Could it be that they were a lie made up to justify the invasion?

You are a fucking imbecile, there is no shortage of evidence of nazi extremism in the context of what I said, 'criminals' left the floor open for khazarians and nazi alike.

I said that this is not a lie nor required 'justification' as there are many many valid reasons.

They literally used it as justification in 2022 you fucking liar

As only one of the many reasons, but I seriously doubt you have the mental capacity to retain very much of the big picture.

Eat shit leftist. You are an obvious fuckwit useless shill troll.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +2 / -1


No? The justification happened decades ago, somewhere in the 1940's. But you could say much earlier than even that.

It has since grown considerably and really took hold in 2008. Then began in the foreground in 2014 when the elected government was overthrown in a violent revolution led by criminals, this is when civilians began being killed in the streets.

In 2022*, The rescue of the remaining citizens began.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +2 / -1

heh, little gumby on his island of dreams coming up with this laughable stuff.

This is a ridiculous plan that would not even work, it is like you do not understand how the usd is used what a reserve currency is, nor do you understand debt.

You are not an economist, you will never be a real economist, you lack basic skills such as counting and simple math operations and basic formula. You cannot divide, you cannot even add.

I would start you off, who buys us goods and what are they? Do exports matter? Do imports matter? Why do people use this money?

Does china have any economic power? Do they trade with the world? Which parts?

HonestTruth 1 point ago +2 / -1

I think the rational approach would be to understand the origin of such enterprises and motives and also accept it as the reality.

When considering the doctrine of bioweapons since the early 1900's there is only one logical conclusion.

There are plenty of evidence bits that went by that give credence to the claim, such as the rapid destruction and collection of documents at the locations considered as biological development sites. The claim that stopping it from falling into Russian hands is only valid when considering 'new work'

The end result is that Russia likely does not have the capability to invoke a diplomatic response worth hearing on the global stage. Leaving the only solution to a much larger escalation in the short term, which is clearly undesirable.

We know that many times the information has been revealed at the UN but our global governance bodies mock such claims and do not even have the mental capacity to understand the claims and ramifications of them.

So, getting China and other global players into the diplomatic row is the only way, China has spoken already on the issue many times. Nothing has been served aside from complaints and notices, until the threats have a timeline there is no need to respond.

Imagine living in a world where a criminal mafia has obtained near complete control of all systems by using a slave mechanism known as currency.

HonestTruth 0 points ago +2 / -2

Yes, great inputs.

I joked in selensky voice how unfair it is for Russia to target the fuel they buy from them.

I have to accept that everyone has their spin so it is just as likely in this case to some degree, but the end outcome remains the same. Which is the situation that exists.

I think that all statements apply and the real goal is to spin it as hard as one can. For good or for Bad.

It is a pattern that is employed across the system to a point where to not use it, no longer seems to happen.

HonestTruth 1 point ago +2 / -1

hahahah, wow.

So let me get this straight.

The USD is going to be saved by Venezuelan oil?

And this is the basket you put your belief into?

HonestTruth 3 points ago +4 / -1

Why? The BRICs system is incapable of success, they don't have enough peices to make it work... By pushing it, the real motive / outcome will be it will tank the global financial system.

In what world does this make any rational sense to you?

Have you looked at the almighty us dollar? Do you have a clue what you are talking about? The overall decline in value of the dollar since its inception is the valid signal to its state.

When you consider that the debt and production of value is where it is, you should be more informed.

The loss of the petrol dollar feature is yet to arrive. It will more than sting.

Couple that to the printing presses and inflation you are looking at some serious continual decline. Death throes.

Reserve currency status is the final feature, and it is eroding at a pace globally that has people much smarter than you concerned.

Not to mention, it is right at the ripe age of replacement according to historical currencies.

Don't worry, it won't happen overnight. Two weeks.

HonestTruth 0 points ago +1 / -1

pffttt, how is any of this bullshit important at any timescale for you moron?

Unless you are a fed?

None of this shit means anything to normal people like me. I could give a flying fuck what you find, what you see, it is all just meaningless garbage, most likely lies.

If you want to see the leaks dingleberry, simply browse your way to some of the top telegram channels and then find them from there would likely be easiest.

The best part of all the leak data I have seen, is that it shows I am right, nato is a paper tiger ukraine is getting absolutely wrecked by the Russians, who have hardly taken any damage at all.

Most of the western nations equipment has been found lacking and they need to hurry up and make something new and fancy. Because the west is getting wtfpwned.

You must be really whack weak ass shit leftist to not be able to find these so called leaks on your own, just asking for it reveals you are a stupid fed.

Eat a shipping container of dick moron.

HonestTruth -1 points ago +1 / -2

look at them all you want, who cares there are lots of them all over the web and new ones out last night. Who gives a Shit?

HonestTruth 0 points ago +1 / -1

Naw, you are confused on it.

In my view the Kuomintang were national socialist not bolshevick communist.

Communism and Socialism share many commonalities.

There is too much evidence to suggest ccp was not formed by the boshevicks.

To this day, they are owned by the same handlers as far as I am concerned.

They could hotswap xi overnight.

by DrLeaks
HonestTruth -2 points ago +1 / -3

You are a fucking moron simp.

Who cares why the pentagon intentionally leaked some useless garbage.

Nothing there is new, only a moron would think there is anything valid there.

The reality is, the criminals in charge have stooped to a new level of stupid when they hired the likes of you.

hahah, useless fuckwit.

HonestTruth -1 points ago +1 / -2

So, what you are saying is that China was communist before they were communist, I am not convinced any claims made would be valid given the time frame context and criminals involved.

All good information suggests there was no communism in China prior to the bolshevicks installing it.

HonestTruth 0 points ago +1 / -1

... this is pretty silly for even you.

Do you know anything about the history in this region?

When the bolshevicks took Russia and created USSR, they went on to create the CCP.

The old chinese leaders fled to Taiwan, China. And have been hiding out ever since.

You seem to confuse a bunch of different content all at once.

by DrLeaks
HonestTruth -2 points ago +1 / -3

more lies and stupid shit from this obvious simp.

Your account is a joke criminal.

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