Helloworld0 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wow, he really doesn't pass. I mean, nice wig? I guess.

Is this a psy op? He doesn't seem to even pretend to be a woman. I feel like he would need govt forces to protect him from his own units....

Helloworld0 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh, that was very kind of you to support the publisher!! I try to provide free links of literature to people in case they can't afford it, or won't bother to order it. So it's great when people do as you have. Especially since it is a little known book.

Tbh, the book and many others scarred me for life, but it's information we have to know. It was like watching leaked video of a poacher enjoying the screams of an elephant as he tortured it. Shocking to think that there are people out there doing that, thinking that way, making those plans.

Helloworld0 4 points ago +4 / -0


Who knows what the truth is but the Sulfur bonds appear every 10-5-6-5 nucleotides, corresponding to YHWH. And there is a theory that the jab could insert, converting to 10-5-6-6-6-5. Probably not true but interesting.

Helloworld0 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think the belief is that Satan has dominion over the earth, but not the afterlife/souls.

Christianity is all about the afterlife. The kingdom to be after death.

So maybe the goal of the Adversary is to take as many souls away from their full potential. Evil loves company.

Helloworld0 4 points ago +4 / -0

In the beginning, 'Politically Incorrect' on the chans (image/text boards) would occasionally have anon posters that would drop Intel. Like cia anon or fbi anon or anon5 or whatever. The was one guy that was in the Israeli army I think and showed docs.

Anyway, this q anon was originally just another one. These anons had varying levels of credibility and proof.

Then after a few posts /some time, I think his ID changed and the people behind qanon changed.

The information was somehow aimed at boomers as most qanon people are boomers. I think that a lot of the boomers who had gotten red pilled through qanon had not really been into conspiracies before? Either way, the qanon drops were old hat to old timers on the chans and pretty much knew the info.

But somehow it blew up out of the chans and into the boomer world. The boomers, as they do everything, for good or ill, made a big group thing out of it.

So I don't know who was originally behind the qanon but I think it developed to target and manipulate boomers for some reason. Maybe originally it was just an experiment psychological operation to see what would happen.

Once the boomers had the blinds somewhat taken from their eyes about the corruption and evil around them, they went wild with it.

And now I think the leaders of the movement are just manipulating people for money and donations. To keep the confidence game running.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, it's not your life anymore, it belongs to your kid, who will need you one day :) it takes time. Really difficult to start over again, but it can be done. I've had to do it, too. Just can't see the forest for the trees at crisis points.

Helloworld0 4 points ago +4 / -0

Props to the guy for sticking his neck out for white people and the truth. I wonder if he considers his ex wife to be white.

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lmao. Last couple years I would wear Halloween masks and costumes as the mood hit me. Gotta mask up you know. I always wondered if the sheeple understood I was mocking them. I wanted to get one of those nuclear suits. That would have been sweet.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, they definitely keep the distractions up. He was also angry that Iran had decided to help Russia. So less concerned about nuclear war or us being pulled into war and more concerned about the flu.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

You should stay alive out of spite for your enemies.

Helloworld0 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, it is something to consider. But, when I look back at 100 years of my family history, the farm kids did ok compared to city kids. Maybe they needed the city to make big money but there was always good food available on the farm. Maybe they were in areas without drought.

Helloworld0 3 points ago +3 / -0

Carpentry might work... thanks!! the rest are generally good ideas, too, but not for me as they seem a bit dangerous. I prefer low physical risk. ... I know a couple guys who were in the steel industry recently. Apparently the new hires are mostly retards who are work shy. The women and diversity also find ways to avoid work. Which makes sense - steel is apparently hard work, even for men so it would be especially difficult for women. They always told me that younger generations are lucky in that their competitors are so useless. All you have to do is show the smallest amount of competence - or just do your job - to be promoted, lol. But then, working around retards means putting yourself at risk, too.

I already have the background in homesteading and animal husbandry and general medical care. I was looking at electricial knowledge because it is physically less demanding and it's good to be able to do that for yourself.

Maybe we should look at what became useful in Russia after the collapse, as well. 🤔 They probably used stills.

If men want to make good money right now, I know there is a shortage of truck drivers, septic workers (putting in septic systems, draining them etc). Also, probably stuff like the ice roads, lobster/crab fishing.

For women, I was also looking at esthetican school because even in the collapse (like on Survivor) women want to look good and value those that can make them look good. Plus, it's obviously super useful for yourself. I'm going to do chemical peels etc this winter but honestly, I'm not great at doing hair. It's something I really need to learn. 🤓 It seems as though most women don't know how to style hair, though, so ...

I was also looking at the death industry. I think in the short to mid term, being a death doula would be helpful and financially good. As long as the boomers still have money to blow. 😋🤫

Helloworld0 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was thinking about this!

And I wonder how we could safely invest in this industry. The stock market doesn't look very safe...?

Helloworld0 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good idea. But I think they are aiming to put mrna in the mites that bite the bees to produce the honey. So have to watch out for that.

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