No, viruses are a hoax. All stds are not caused by viruses, but by something else that isn't well know or is controversial. Just cuz we don't know what caused it doesn't mean it was a virus.
You're being silly by saying that common cold is a great example of an airborne virus. It's just based on your belief. All of the world pretty much has the same problem. But when you actually read a f****** book about virus debunking then you can make a real opinion. Until then you just have to admit that you're being ignorant. And the true sense of the word You just don't know the information
I can't see I'm right that God isn't real. Only that I think that God is misunderstood, there is a spirit, a soul.
I can't say with scientific method that God is not real. Doesn't mean god is real either. And I leave room for many other possibilities, You don't, and that's dogmatic.
You can't be right about why you think I think that God isn't real. I explained why just now that I don't know either way. The reason I think he is not real is because of objective observation. But of course I can't be certain. Just like you.
I was speaking of truths that we know objectively. Most people aren't aware of the truth, objectively. They adopt the truth through belief and groupthink, part of their traditional worldviews established when they were very young.
These aren't truths they might be your truth but that doesn't mean it's true So it's just a misnomer "your truth" is another word for belief. Im Speaking of facts that are commonly assumed to be conspiracies.
When we limit our knowledge by believing conspiracies can't be true then we exist in a world with more belief. You believe we're on a ball, You believe those stars see above are millions of miles away, And I like to ask what science shows that they're not. You're too afraid to ask. You don't want to know the truth. You want to label it as a conspiracy because it would rock your worldview and thus your truth is the limit of your reality, well actual truth is the true definition of reality
I understand that the definition of science is that there were going to be different conclusions to unexplained theories. But just because science supposedly cannot agree doesn't mean that they couldn't because of real reasons. it's manipulated by the institutes that control our knowledge.
So I know the truth about several important things in this world but I'm a very small minority. And I want to keep it that way. If the world really new when I knew it wouldn't work anymore. They would definitely cull the herd
You need to understand the world is not a globe, mars is not a planet you can walk on, it's tiny luminary that makes an amazingly symmetrical path over years. All his star links, are hanging from navigatable balloons that can stay up for years
He is just like Trump or Hitler, he is the controlled op on the other side. Always follow the money. Elon didn't buy Twitter, etc he is a puppet
For sure. They control both side. If it's a dichotomy, then it's most likely a psy op
About AIDS. Please listen or read "virus mania" if you are serious about knowing the truth.
What I learned from Dr. Bailey and her scientific journalism, compiling. decades of data, hundred of studies and cases. Is that HIV is harmless, cannot be transmitted and the HIV tests are just as inaccurate as covid tests. People were destroying their lives, even suiciding, with just a HIV diagnosis.
What caused it to progress to AIDS was the HIV medication. AZT killed people and it's obvious that it wasn't caused by a virus. Also, there is the crazy gay lifestyle and abuse of poppers that have the exact same symptoms of death as AIDS.
Basically, if anyone you know gets an HIV diagnosis, just ignore it. And they'll be fine. Don't believe, read the book.
As for sexually transmitted diseases, all the parasite ones are exactly as they say. Is there one in particular you want to discuss? I will reference the book, "what really makes us Ill".
Its more like a text book, than a journalistic review.
Every person you ever met is not using scientific method. I know it's hard to believe, but there was a time when everyone you would meet thought blood-letting worked too. Use your brain and look up some of the many doctors and ex virologists who have written books, done podcasts, etc etc. the info that completely disproves everything you think you know is right there.
I'm done talking with someone so stupidly stubborn. Obviously it's hard to believe, for fucks sake, you expect some lazy comments to undo a life time of programming?!!
It's not retarded at all. You just have to think it through and give yourself a chance to learn how weak the virus theory is, and then you will also see how fucked up this world is. People are so easily brainwashed and programmed as long as you start young.
When was the first time you learned that germs make you sick. Same with everyone else, before you could even talk.
Have you ever once questioned it? Another has anyone else. Well, a few smart people like me who aren't lazy stubborn or scared of questioning their world views
Logic, scientific method. These are tools you can use to determine truth for yourself. It's not some new age fag definition, truth is true from every angle.
Ones own truth isn't truth. It's just belief. Faith isn't truth. It's faith. It's true for you, but to someone else.
Where as in something that is true can be defined, and if we find new evidence that enhances that definition, or changes it completely, it doesn't mean that we wrong to try to find the truth.
I want to leave space that truth is not always known, and it's ok to admit only a vague understanding of the truth. But it's important to improve the understanding so that your world view is more accurate to the truth. And ya, it can be turned upside down when you were not aware you were believing. Some people think belief will make truth. But it doesn't. Believe can be in something true or not.
Just because I can prove the earth is not globe, doesn't mean I have to provide a model that explains what earth is. Just because I prove viruses aren't contagious or harmful, doesn't mean I have to explain why you got sick. So if God isn't real, and I can't prove that, then I would also not need to provide a new worldview that makes you feel good.
We have to learn to be okay with the unknown, pursuing truth where we can. Accepting that some things are just never going to be known.
But for the simple things that we can determine with logic and observation and experience and everyone applies those tools will have to agree with something is true.
Science has been destroyed by the cabal and their media and their institutes. Consensus is easy on my things, but modern science isn't debated, it's just published. No one refutes and everyone has their own truth backed by science.
I don't think there is an achievable universal truth, but I did want to bring up how much we limit ourselves from truth with things like religions dogma. Or pseudoscience.
I see. And even when we are anonymous we still need more anonymity by using sub accounts. Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone 🙏
Truth is not subjective. You can only get truth by observation and experience. If those fail you, you will make a deception into truth.ike God and Jesus.
I don't follow anything, so it can't be a psy op. Psy ops are defined by information dominance.. if it's not about information dominance then it cannot be a psy op. New age movement could be, I don't know much about it. Probably is, don't care.
Doing things because you can is the only good reason to do stuff. Helping other, learning new things, making the world better, working hard just to sweat or just to look good and catch more pussy.
Searching for truth also means changing, because as you learn you get refine. It's your responsibility to be aware. Like covid vax. If you weren't aware, you probably gonna due of blood clots or super cancer.
So, I'm always trying to be as aware as possible.
Unlike you, who prefers not to investigate or challenge their world view because it fits their truth for the lack of a better way.
Read about virus debunking. Try harder to be aware of the truth and don't accept other peoples Truths.
I'm not selling my Truth. I'm just pointing the way for you to do the rest.
You have a wierd idea of what you think that I think. I know we have a soul because I can feel it, hear it, know it. And I've read enough NDE books to see many confirmations from other people too.
I studied the bible for years. You are church talking to me. But what if God as you know it, is a not real?
What if we were planted here and grown into a profitable crop, for entertainment as slave away and they enjoy our money. Religions might be created just to keep us from uniting across geographies.
Why is that stupid? Do you have knowledge that proves the earth is a globe, and that satellites can orbit that globe?
Or, does all observations point at the earth being flat? Meaning space can't be possible. The stars you see above you at night can more easily NOT be giant fusion balls millions of miles away. Look into a famous study, now called "Aireys failure" The stars move, not us.
And, you just don't know, but many people have demonstrated the earth cannot be a globe. You're just ignorant to the entire side because you believe the Cabal's bullshit that Flat Earthers are a cult. You're just gullible if think the Flat Earth Society is real. Or that any of those retarder YouTube videos of "flat earthers" making a fool of themselves is not controlled psy op.
If you want to speak with real truthers, I can send some names, but no way I would share a link with your ignorant ass. You could just be another agent or AI looking to remove more real true earth content from the internet
For example, in 2016, Flat Earth was the number 2 search in google. But since Obama sold the internet to the UN, all the real content is scrubbed and it's difficult to find real truthers still trying.
Dude, is the biggest deception in human history. You can't just give up before actually taking it seriously and understanding all the points you assume don't exist. You're just programmed still. I was. Everyone was.
Also, your last question is unintelligible. Can you clarify?
They are very different, I thought. Transhumanism won't be allowed to work because any significant Advancement that would allow the human live stock to live longer will be squashed by 'them'
But, it's a great distraction and funnels lots of money to them through live extension niche. And climate change is in cash cow phase for 'them'
Did you check? Or are you just labeling me so you can mentally catalog me as someone not worth listening to because you don't want to admit you don't actually have it figured out.
You don't know that the christian God is the one true God. It's dogma. You have willing given your opinion and thoughts to faith. And reaffirmed that you choose correctly every Sunday.
Im definitely not new age and there is no way you could understand or label me. You just have accept that or move on telling yourself the lie so you don't doubt your faith or consider any other view of the world.
While u enjoy belief I will enjoy it too, just on my own terms. I think hell is this place. And when we die, you might see a light. Maybe Going into the light starts the process all over and you come back to hell. Maybe you decide to go your own way, ignore the light and see another path. I like the sound of it, but I'm not gonna waste my Sundays talking about it in church. I also don't need man made book to tell me how to be the best person I can be.
Truth is what we can observe and experience. Not what we are told by humans to be true.
Like I can see we are not a round ball, just by looking and using basic math. So I know this can't be a planet and we could not have had billions of years to evolve. Consequently I can easily distinguish most of the common deceptions in our world. It helps me to identify untrustworthy people. Or just people who are still programmed and asleep.
I think it makes sense to pursue truth for the pure reason that why the f*** not? If you're here and you're capable you might as well figure out what's true and what's deception. It has the added bonus of being able to avoid being tricked. Like with COVID. I've known for years that virology is a pseudoscience. Even if irises weren't a hoax masks wouldn't work. These facts helped me stay healthy.
But God is probably a Psy op. I am no atheist. Definitely a spiritual person connected to my higher self and I kind of call God, the All. I believe that all of us are one experience and when we go back home we upload essentially all of our experiences and it enhances the overall truth of our collective. I've been christian for years, but I never felt right in my faith. Thus, my beliefs are my own and learned from myself and my experience. No bible, no dogma. Just as true as I can exist
Sure it does. For example, statistically speaking, you still think we evolved here, on a planet, in a huge empty universe. For you, the end of the delusion falls WAY before basic knowledge of who we are or where we are.
Unless, you really believe what you said, then you would go and chase down the truth. But you won't. Because you, and most of the world, has been programmed to reject these, and many other truths, that are blatantly obvious. Thus, there is and end of how far you will look
Agree, It was not just about insurance money. Lots more. Just like JFK, or covid, the titanic. All these secret clubs of elite perverts vie for position to mooch off us.
He makes a good point. Who made star wars? Was it the same shithead that faked the moon landings? I don't know, Hollywood and MSM are wings on the same bird, wouldn't be surprised if star wars was just fake news
Sorry, but I can't agree. The books I have read cite hundreds of studies. Showing over and over that virus theory cannot be proven. Meaning that all your personal experience amounts to is a programmed response to explain the unexplainable. Really, do you realize how much belief you are putting into viruses? It's all faith and trust. And even when I present a book filled with science and facts that would rock your entire world, you just reject before even looking. It's because it's a lot of work to rewrite your understanding of why you get sick. And it would make you question all your personal experiences.
While you accept the status quo, the traditional explanation of why you get sick, I will continue to eat only wild meat, no veggies, no spices, and just drink water. I won't even get diagnosed for cancer or heart disease because those tests are rigged to put you into a 'health' system that slowly kills you.
These are just theories from some quack. It's right there for regular people to read. You just have to try.
So, don't lecture me from your ignorant spot of partial education. You have learned only one side, a deception. I show you an entirely new idea and you reject it without actually applying yourself.
When someone first told me germ theory was a hoax, I rejected it completely, just like you. Then, after I heard it again from a person I knew, I looked authors and doctors that speak against the status quo. If you real the entire book, "what really makes you Ill" then you will have earned the right to have an opinion, until then, you sound like everyone else who is still firmly programmed to believe and trust the majority. It's a big mistake.
You should consider educating yourself in ways opposite from the way you were educated
After reading this twice, I can't see any claim or point you made. It's just bitch
You gave nothing of the sort. You just cried and bitched like libtard faggot
How could I use scientific method to determine there is an edge. Use your brain. No civilian is allowed past the 60th parallel south. Some people are allowed to tiny spots in Antarctica. But that like visiting the outer banks an north Carolina and claiming you saw America.
I'm able to use common sense, math, and scientific method to disprove your theory that the earth is a globe in space.
You can stop forcing yourself to believe I'm fake. Reality is here, deal with me, you fucking pussy.
Dude, just ask Chat GPT how you remove your name from their AI. They already have a world flow for it. So you or me could do the same thing, appearantly
That's ridiculous. It's totally common sense. People who live in the same area are exposed to the same elements. Water, food, air, EMFs, cleaning chemicals, laundry chemicals.
Also, don't think that these comments are supposed to convince you. I've read dozens of books and by no means can this simple convo supplant the benefits of scientific journalism, citing actual studies that validate the claims I am summarizing now.
So, until you read books, you are just as unqualified to have an opinion as anyone who only knows one side of an argument. I know virology better than most people by now. You have to if you expect to get the bottom of this hoax. You need education in biology and chemistry too. This isn't just some Q tard conspiracy. It's for people with am actual brain who understand biology, scientific method, biochemistry, and aren't afraid to question their traditional "knowledge"
What woman? How do you know about her
Yes it is to make them live longer. Surprised you're not aware of this since you act like you know what you're talking about. Life extension is definitely up their alley. And yeah I have a bunch of other weird s*** they believe