All I can think of is Home Alone.
It is fucked, it just goes to show that even if this virus does help with Covid, people were not properly informed by their medical professionals of the risk involved with the vaccine.
I actually took the time to look at both and it amazed me how both relay information about inflammation of the lining of the heart as well as the heart muscle itself.
It's not wonder so many heart issues are arising but those disgusting people don't even want to admit that yes, the vaccine carries that risk, instead they want to act like it's the unvaccinated dealing with this issue.
I think the governmental bodies neglected how powerful the internet is. See, they've been running under the assumption that a huge majority of people use Twitter, Reddit and Facebook, and through that, they could manipulate the masses, just look how BLM has been. But I think now they are coming to terms that no, all those "social media"(Social engineering sites) are just a loudmouthed minority and all those voices they thought they were reaching was actually a small handful.
Damn, this just got me thinking, what if Cancer is the result of vaccines messing with our natural immune system response? So one could say the vaccine "works" however, does it work if our body just ignores that it's there?
Like what if we are still sick, but the body doesn't respond to it in a way to inform us. Instead we just go about life while the body deals with it silently, however by attempting to deal with it silently, the risk of cancer increases.
Maybe the actual aerial infection rate is deadly but doesn't last long however based on the amount of doses/concentration it last longer. So let's just say people dropping dead in China was legit, maybe that happened because the concentration of the virus was so high that it just shut down the person's entire bodily functions.
Could be why they didn't want anyone close, cause if just 1 person got a picture of a body on the floor with no physical abnormalities it might of gotten people talking about the origin of the virus.
Could this be like a salary increase talk where you high ball, 50 and then they go 30, so you go 45 and end up with 40. Basically, Biden is enacting all these rules but then Kamalla will come in and be like, "I was never for this, in fact I was out of the public eye because me and a group of Democratics wanted to give you the Americans back their freedom."
Then they look like heroes while making the old out of touch white man look like the villain.
Isn't the wording interesting though? they don't want commoners to just have fun, so why are they so adamant about destroying the travel industry?
Yet they don't care if you are not vaccinated if it's essential? So what is it then? They need something so it's ok to take the risk, otherwise if they don't need you they don't want to take the risk, it's just a lot of double talk bullshit going on.
hmmm, or is it perfect to create an artificial death count? Let's say something did happen in NYC, they could claim the numbers are high and people evaporated, then showcase AI created people and create fake facebook accounts and the likes for them, what are we to say if they are real or not.
maybe the whole reason they've been gutting the economy of NY is so they could use it as a way to cause a scene. I hope not though, man, I dunno bout you, but if any sort of false flag or terrorist attack occurred, I think I'd just quit my job and focus on something else.
It's their funeral, employment is already having issues filling spots so if I go no skin off my nose, I rather focus on being self-made anyways.
Here's a scary thought, so we know the vaccine has negative effects and they are trying to hide that fact. So what better way to skew the narrative than to have a nuke go off. All they gotta claim is that the radius might be small but the fall wind will carry the nuclear fallout that may cause adverse effects to a majority of Americans.
It makes no logical sense to dictate an arbitrary numbers of employed to take a shot. It's like, ok your business with millions of locations has 194902837490823 people, so you gotta get vaccinated, even though each store has 10 people in it BUT, you self made man that have a small store housing 99 employees is fine. Such illogical fuckery.
There is something twisted about it, cause the logic makes no sense, ok so if you have 100+ employees, you gotta get the vax, but how does that make sense? So you are X store, with 500 stores, and 20 employees each, so you are technically 100+ but in reality your store is only 20+, why should they have to get vaccinated?
I mean when you think about it, it's rather ridiculous how a car sized object could safely land from afar and not be damaged lol.
Hm , so just gauging what this says, is it plausible that a spike protein could stick to another form of Covid and the Delta Variant is created that way? So basically anyone who is sick with covid and doesn't know it but gets teh vaccine ends up creating a super virus because the Spike protein allows the virus to do a fusion dance with the other virus.
I'm not joking when I say, I swear years ago I had the "covid" like symptoms, it's just a really bad cold, nothing more to it, and if people are getting sick from it's it's the direct result of their own health and how much they take care of themselves.
I know the odds of this are very low, but imagine if this wasn't some evil scheme and just Doctors being incompetent to the idea that this Virus is self aware of the vaccine ideology humans use to reduce their ability to infect and has found a way to integrate itself into the virus so not only can it attack the human body but now it goes even more undetected because it's using the vaccine as a backdoor to bypass the white blood cells.
The fact that it happens at all is bad enough. If one is to have a safe vaccine it should be free of anything that could cause long-term damage. it's so sad how stupid these people are that they don't mind having their health deteriorated just because their overlords tell them it's ok.
And then it's like, Just look at Fallon, dude looks like he's into kids. Wouldn't surprise me if Ben and Jerry were in on it to with how much they try to push a left-wing ideology.
The irony of this is, for anyone who enjoys cyberpunk don't they realize that whenever a tyranny tries to impose a form of identification, they tend to have people in the shadows that falsify their ID in order to remain anonymous and out of the eye of Big brother? How are people so blind to this.
Then again for me, the one thing that really hits me with Covid is this. So basically, when I was out of work, I would stay inside a lot, not get a lot of sunlight, and during winter times, most likely cause I would have a lot of sugar I would get rather bad common colds. I recall this one time it hit me especially hard, maybe out for a week, but when I look back at it and think what people are going through or rather the why it's so f-ing simple.
For me, when I was getting sicker, it's cause I was staying indoors, not getting sunlight and being in poor air quality, not getting the regular fresh air I should of been getting. Sad to think about but i literally went maybe 8-10 years without biking, and when I started biking again it felt so refreshing.
Long story short, this whole plandemic and keeping people indoors was done purposely to increase people getting sick. You keep them inside, tell them not to go out, to be lazy, to not work. So now they are indoors, poor air quality, not getting sunlight and getting sicker because they are in the confines ofa home with other people.
it's no wonder people got sick because they weren't even making an attempt to take care of themselves, meanwhile I myself didn't get sick, I went to work, I went biking, I got sunlight and made sure to get fresh air ona regular basis, it makes me so fucking annoyed to think that the whole reason people have been getting as sick as they have is because they were staying in their stuffy houses and not getting the sunlight they need to stay healthy. If only people would open their fucking eyes to the reality of the situation they would wake the fuck up and realize how much the governments of the world have been duping them over this bullshit.
I think they are missing this fact. The Rich and "privelaged" want stupid people. So what's the best way to keep those stupid people in line? You have to remove the smarter people and then leave the dumb to do the phsyical labor for you.
The reason why a place like Africa would be allowed to have an increased population is because the truth is, it's a prison. They can easily blockade people from leaving and the sad truth is, turn it back into a slave country with their own little group of test subjects they can use as they see fit.
Media dictates who people follow, that's the sad truth, people with little time just trust society to tell them what to feel.
I'd like to see what the % of "waste' is compared to the waste produced from weapons of mass destruction and war.
Anytime, politics try to push this idea of "wasteful" it tends to be a means to overshadow things that could actually be prevented.
Cause it's fucking Sunny in Texas.
Man, I hadn't thought of that either, it's like, oh we got vaccines, from different groups and it's like, oh you take this twice or this once, and you know everyone is reacting to it differently and we dunno how you will react to it, but nah it's perfectly fine.
Why? It would honestly be sweet justice if the Democrats who took advantage of their black slaves got their asses handed to them by those very slaves they thought they still controlled. It doesn't matter who does it, you feeling the way you do just goes to show you have prejudice in your heart because of who they are.