GoneViking 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did anyone else notice the weird chemtrails today leading up to the eclipse? I am in ohio, in the path of the full eclipse. I was outside all day working in my garden. About 9 am, there was a perfectly clear, cloudless blue sky. By About noon, the southern half (where the eclipse would be) of the sky was littered with chemtrails, but not a single one in the north half of the sky. By About 3, (when the full eclipse happened for us) , the whole sky had dissipated chemtrails, but no actual clouds. Now as the sun sets, I am looking, and not a chemtrail or cloud in sight. Not sure what it means, but the half sky with trails and the other without was wild.

GoneViking 2 points ago +2 / -0

Claims of Odinism have skyrocketed in the last year in the US military, the right to grow a beard being one of the key tenents cited in Odinism.

GoneViking 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most pagans just call themselves that so they can grow a beard in the military.

GoneViking 3 points ago +3 / -0

I want you to know that I spent a good 20 seconds considering writing a Auschwitz song to the tune of "Long Haired Redneck" to share here instead of the post you are now reading.

GoneViking 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't see it. The so called hype is no more than any other celebrity couple or that which existed for the Manning Brothers. She leans democratic? What a shock, she is a single celebrity female, of course she does. He leans BLM? What a shock, the majority of his coworkers are black, it just makes his job easier. He took 20 million to shill for Jabs? Many did it for much less. I am quite open to looking into most conspiracy theories, but there's nothing here, in my opinion.

GoneViking 1 point ago +1 / -0

My inlaws recently built a nice house in a HOA. there is about 1/7 of an acre along the main road coming into the neighborhood that has the sign with the neighborhood name on it that is sort of HOA property because no one else technically owns it. No one wants to mow it because it isn't their land, so the HOA is demanding a grand a year from each resident to hire a landscaping company to mow this 1/7 acre. These HOA morons are paying $23,000 a year to mow what I could do with my mower in under 10 minutes. Glad I live too far away and in the country to be caught up in that BS.

GoneViking 1 point ago +1 / -0

The first one refers to the Great Plague of Justinian, the second to the roman Plague of 590. Both are believed to be bubonic plague, although by the description, pneumonic and septicemic were probably present too.

GoneViking 1 point ago +2 / -1

A family member gave me a kit as a gift maybe 5 years ago, and I, not thinking, sent it in. Mine was, as I expected, 100% northern European. However, I have talked to people who have had their results edited or revised. For example, a year ago the site said they had 10% X genetic, now they have 7% X genetic. They also talk about genetic markers, and if you follow their logic, all genetic markers lead back to a common african ancestry. So even if your results don't say "80% English, 20% Nigerian" their sly explanation of your genetics will lead the weak minded to think they are African, since we all supposedly come from there.

GoneViking 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmm, same year jews were expelled from France.

GoneViking 2 points ago +2 / -0

This movie wasn't what it was billed as at all. catastrophic? Chaotic? Not at all. The lights didn't even go out until towards the end. The scariest part was some city bitches screaming at deer for some reason, and the least believable part was that the setting was in the middle of a remote area, yet close enough to literally see NYC get bombed. If anything, I guess this movie might be an insight into what would scare useless city people the most: wildlife, no screens, white people in their vacation homes.

GoneViking 2 points ago +2 / -0

I raise a lot of my fruits and veg, and know oxalic acid mainly from asparagus and rhubarb. I find both to be delicious, but one makes your pee smell weird and the other is said to have poisonous parts. I don't know, Is oxalic acid high in other vegetables and problematic?

GoneViking 3 points ago +3 / -0

The mouth shown for "herbivore" is a horse mouth and seems intentionally misleading. I own horses, they have fangs between their molars and incisors. Males generally have 4, females sometimes less. Arguably they are vestigial or there as weapons, but they are there. Also, I have seen my horses be opportunistic feeders often, they will absolutely eat baby chickens, frogs, mice, eggs, and insects.

GoneViking 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any recipe for beef heart will tell you to unroll it with the help of a fillet knife, before slicing and frying it.

by DrLeaks
GoneViking 1 point ago +1 / -0

CNN: "This just in: Helios, ancient Greek sun God, hates Trump too."

GoneViking 1 point ago +1 / -0

My nephews are in high school at a very white middle class country school. They tell their mom, my sister, that there are litter boxes in the restrooms. I coach at the same school, there 100% aren't. I think it is just a rumor that has gained traction because it is fun to mess with your mom to get a reaction.

GoneViking 3 points ago +3 / -0

And you NEED food, water filtration, and medical.

GoneViking 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure about stats, but anyone working with kids in Ohio for about the last ten years has been trained annually on SCA. rare, but if my training memory serves, the most common form of sudden death in maybe high-school athletes? Something like that. So it has been on the radar prior to the kill shots.

GoneViking 1 point ago +1 / -0

Doesn't explain noses on statues that haven't fallen forward, like the sphinx, or flat 2 dimensional images that have had their noses chiseled off.

GoneViking 1 point ago +1 / -0

Eh, much of this damage happened prior to the fall of Rome. And while religious zealotry can be in part to blame, the overarching reason for the damage is much simpler and more universal: when you damage the image of a person or diety, you damage that person or diety.