Fiero11 5 points ago +5 / -0

What brave hero's the police officers are. Mean while- Obama has a 600 person bday bash a couple of months ago at his house lol. Does it appear that things may be off?

Fiero11 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel as if desperation is very evident at this point as well. Even people that didn't watch the MSM that much or had their heads in the sand started to see it as well. They are definitely speeding up their agenda or trying to enforce their agenda on people at a more aggressive pace. The more they do this though, the more it becomes clear to the average Joe.

Fiero11 4 points ago +4 / -0

When the video came out of that one massive shooting and the government said "if you watch it or save it on your computer you will be arrested". I believe there were so many loose ends within the video that they didn't want it spreading like wildfire.

Fiero11 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm not religious, never was...but as the pace of humanity continues in this downward slope momentum, I seem to get closer and closer to the realization of God! He is love and there does appear to be a evil entity amongst us. All I can say is that we are one. We are all connected to each other. Be positive...be outgoing and be good to others.

Fiero11 2 points ago +2 / -0

This afghan thing is making more sense now. It all seems like it was planned. If it was, that means all of our US soldiers (friends and family) that died over there was in vain. This whole situation only benefited China. Very strange. It seems very much planned. Not only that, we know already that the Biden's were compromised by China. This is full blown traitor shit

Fiero11 2 points ago +2 / -0

This isnt about saving lives. This is about intimidating the people into taking THEIR vaccine, incorporating crazy laws and punishing those that oppose. If my friend/family member got sick and took something and got better. I'd be like..."awesome". NOT...."I HOPE YOU DIE YOU FUCKING IDIOT" "YOU MORON." "WHAT AN IDIOT". This is about power.

by pkvi
Fiero11 4 points ago +4 / -0

This administration isnt working for the US. They have conflicting ties with china. But hey...trump supporters are terriost and the proud boys who try to stop antifa ruining our cities are white supremacists. I'm getting the impression that our inner government has sold us out.

Fiero11 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fcking disturbing. Enough is a fucking enough

Fiero11 5 points ago +5 / -0

In NYC, undercover cops bought a pizza from a restaurant that "was supposed to be closed". After the exchange was completed, they revealed who they were and smiled and laughed as they put handcuffs on the owner. Imagine being THOSE POLICE OFFICERS. You are a said excuse for human life. You stopped a man from making income to feed his family. Bravo you pricks!

Fiero11 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm very confused what's going on? Call someone break it down to me in laymen terms? Ty

Fiero11 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have a question....has anything, I mean ANYTHING that biden has signed, done or implemented actually been executed within the government since taken "office" ?