FatalConceit 1 point ago +2 / -1

i guess that's how you pay no royalties on a stock picture

FatalConceit 0 points ago +1 / -1

definitely worth it. Although they get some things wrong - the preponderance of evidence is hard to deny

FatalConceit 3 points ago +4 / -1

Which one hasn't?

1 The Basic Doctrine: "Right Lies in Might" Freedom and Liberty; Authority and power; Gold=money 2 Economic War and Disorganization Lead to International Government International Political economic conspiracy; Press/Media as tools 3 Methods of Conquest Jewish people, arrogant and corrupt; Chosenness/Election; Public Service 4 The Destruction of Religion by Materialism Business as Cold and Heartless; Gentiles as slaves 5 Despotism and Modern Progress Jewish Ethics; Jewish People's Relationship to Larger Society 6 The Acquisition of Land, The Encouragement of Speculation Ownership of land 7 A Prophecy of Worldwide War Internal unrest and discord (vs. Court system) leading to war vs Shalom/Peace 8 The transitional Government Criminal element 9 The All-Embracing Propaganda Law; education; Freemasonry 10 Abolition of the Constitution; Rise of the Autocracy Politics; Majority rule; Liberalism; Family 11 The Constitution of Autocracy and Universal Rule Gentiles; Jewish political involvement; Freemasonry 12 The Kingdom of the Press and Control Liberty; Press censorship; Publishing 13 Turning Public Thought from Essentials to Non-essentials Gentiles; Business; Chosenness/Election; Press and censorship; Liberalism 14 The Destruction of Religion as a Prelude to the Rise of the Jewish God Judaism; God; Gentiles; Liberty; Pornography 15 Utilization of Masonry: Heartless Suppression of Enemies Gentiles; Freemasonry; Sages of Israel; Political power and authority; King of Israel 16 The Nullification of Education Education 17 The Fate of Lawyers and the Clergy Lawyers; Clergy; Christianity and non-Jewish Authorship 18 The Organization of Disorder Evil; Speech; 19 Mutual Understanding Between Ruler and People Gossip; Martyrdom 20 The Financial Program and Construction Taxes and Taxation; Loans; Bonds; Usury; Moneylending 21 Domestic Loans and Government Credit Stock Markets and Stock Exchanges 22 The Beneficence of Jewish Rule Gold=Money; Chosenness/Election 23 The Inculcation of Obedience Obedience to Authority; Slavery; Chosenness/Election 24 The Jewish Ruler Kingship; Document as Fiction

FatalConceit 2 points ago +3 / -1

They're just a front for the Medici crime family

FatalConceit 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't think the Catholic Church can be trusted with anything

FatalConceit 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yeah that sounds like him. The video link I posted is very interesting especially the "i" vs "1"

FatalConceit 5 points ago +6 / -1

My "chemtrails" is Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. they say it's a forgery...but of what original...everything in it has come to pass.

FatalConceit 1 point ago +2 / -1

I have the PEG-80 Allergy recorded on my hospital records so I never ever have to get the shot (all I did was tell a nurse I was allergic and she recorded it without checking)

FatalConceit 0 points ago +1 / -1

mark of the beast

by pkvi
FatalConceit 1 point ago +2 / -1

good to see horse face leave though

FatalConceit 2 points ago +3 / -1

News has just become the daily obituary list

FatalConceit 4 points ago +5 / -1

there's plenty of videos out of israel of fake vaccinations

FatalConceit 4 points ago +5 / -1

The transcript is a great primer - but he's preaching to the choir. Until we get breaktbrough with Normies and NPC's we're in a Sisyphean task

FatalConceit 1 point ago +2 / -1

his wikipedia page is locked as well - so you can't tell the world he was a stupid ape

FatalConceit 2 points ago +3 / -1

I've been doing this. I've been pretending I'm all for the Vaxx with everyone who is munted

FatalConceit 1 point ago +2 / -1

THe biggest disappointment was definitely RATM. Fucking cuck sellouts

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