Esuomyonana 3 points ago +3 / -0

Going north while the world is in chaos isn't optimal. I'm sure plenty of people will see it that way. For the sea is abundant in food.

Esuomyonana 5 points ago +6 / -1

I've been here many times in this realm before. I don't like it. I wanna go on a death march again.

I know exactly what you're talking about. I'm sick of this realm and I'm so tired.

Esuomyonana 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can't tell if it's real or fake so I'm deleting.

Esuomyonana 1 point ago +1 / -0

There apparently is no archive project for 8kun. You can try searching the image if you care to.

Esuomyonana 2 points ago +2 / -0

8kun radicalizes people, I don't know if they have a search function though. If someone would like to help to prove the veracity of this claim, It'd be much appreciated.

Esuomyonana 1 point ago +1 / -0

You wanna show me something that even mexicans disagree with?

Esuomyonana 1 point ago +2 / -1

I think the picture is edited to add the clown world frog. Its intention I think is real. I do have similar examples, one that includes gay pride parades.

Esuomyonana 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's no way they have enough snake venom to do anything to anybody unless they have open sores in their mouths. Even then, it's watered down to such a high extent. Do you know you can drink the most poisonous snake venom with no afflictions as long as you have no open sores?

Esuomyonana 1 point ago +1 / -0

Your post doesn't make sense and your link doesn't either. Please post something they may have from a medical journal. Are you proposing the idea that we all got bit by snakes if we had corona?

Esuomyonana 1 point ago +1 / -0

Deflation please. Just let the loaners kill themselves.

Esuomyonana 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm more prepared for a solo death march, more than I ever have been.

Esuomyonana 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am a danger and threat to society. Sometimes if my dog shits outside, I don't pick it up. So all of your shoes need to be wary.

Esuomyonana 0 points ago +1 / -1


I'd liked to be paid. I'd have to be somewhat remarkable if they came here for the words I'd have to say.

Esuomyonana 4 points ago +4 / -0

That text is so good I'm gonna copy paste it here.

After years of research, I've finally reached the end of the rabbit hole. Here is a summary of my findings:

• Parasites are one of the physical manifestation of demons on earth, that form a kind of hive mind, controlling weak and evil people.

• A significant portion of modern diseases are caused by parasites, and I will lay out a case for most if not all psychiatric illnesses being of parasitic origin.

• There are many cults in the world but they all lead to one devil, though the manifestations of this devil have shifted over the years from the time of the Babylonian mystery religion of Bal to the Minoans of Crete (both cults were centered around bulls) to contemporary satanists with their goat-headed baphomet.

• The one thing these animals have in common is that they have been hosts to parasites fr millennia and we have only just learned of the microscopic world and to what extent the microcosmos has affected our everyday lives and civilization.

• Many have spoken of the Basilisk as a threat throughout time. Or perhaps the tale of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden when Satan, the Devil, took the form of a serpent and tempted them. We see this theme constantly from India to the Aztecs, who worshipped Quetzalcoatl the serpent god.

• The devil is often referred to as a snake or serpent and has been worshipped in the form of animals.

• Fasting is known to flush out parasites and Jesus fasted for 40 days when he was tempted by the Devil (Luke 4:2).

• All mammals that interact with humans have a schedule for routine treatment of parasites, except for humans themselves.

• Humans are one of the only mammals incapable of producing their own vitamin C. Hypoascorbemia (vitamin C deficiency) causes a susceptibility to parasitic infection. Hypoascorbemia results in depression, schizophrenia, gastrointestinal disease, fatigue, cancer, etc. These are all symptoms of rapidly multiplying parasites.

• Why is alcohol so fervently pushed upon society? Alcohol prevents the body from absorbing vitamin C, leading to increased risk of parasitic infection (or demonic possession).

• Linus Pauling, the Nobel Prize winner, advocated for taking megadoses of vitamin C for treating cancer. As I will demonstrate later on, cancer is caused primarily by parasitic infection.

• Is the sugar industry highly subsidized? Parasites require a continually high diet of sugar. More specifically they rely on aerobic glycolysis: they are incapable of surviving on fats. The sugar industry has been pushing a low fat diet for the past decades!

• Schizophrenia has been linked to toxoplasmosis in numerous scientific studies. Schizophrenia has also been linked to excess adrenochrome and GAPS. Parasites feed on adrenochrome. Could the "voices" that schizophrenics hear actually be parasites trying to communicate with them? Vitamin B3 (niacin) megadosing has been known to cure schizophrenia and most other mental illnesses. Niacin upregulates NAD, which in turn downregulates the organism's adrenochrome production, starving the parasites of one of their food sources. Why is the FDA trying to crack down on NAD supplements?

• Dr. Jennifer Daniels pioneered the revival of turpentine (100% pure gum spirits) with sugar cubes/ castor oil as a powerful anti-parasitic and anti-candida remedy. Why did the medical establishment force her to flee the US?

• Dr. Hulda Clark claimed in the 1990s in her book "The Cure For All Diseases" that nearly every modern disease is caused by parasites and heavy metal toxicity. Why did the medical establishment force her to flee to Mexico?

• Why is pedophilia part and parcel of the life of political elites? Why is pedophilia being so aggressively pushed on our culture? Because childrens organisms are more susceptible to parasitic infection. The demon can gain greater control over the host the longer the parasite resides in the host.

• There are tons of reports online about people literally curing their alcoholism, porn addiction, etc. by doing a parasite cleanse. Were intestinal parasites depleting their dopamine and seratonin, causing addictive behaviour as a way to cope with the effects? Why does the amino acid NAC seem to significantly help with this when it increases glutathione, which is a precursor to dopamine? Is this why the FDA recently began to more strictly regulate NAC, leading to Amazon removing it from their website, to the rage of the supplement community?

• Why is fluoride added to our drinking water? It has been reported that in geographic zones where fluorosis is endemic, there is an increase in parasitic infections in humans.

• Fenbendazole successfully eliminates parasites without side effects in pretty much every animal. It is currently being successfully used to cure cancer in humans in experimental trials. It has been deemed completely safe to use in humans. So why does the FDA state that fenbendazole is not meant for human consumption?

• Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are both anti-parasitic drugs that are used successfully for both COVID-19 and cancer, yet the media has launched an aggressive disinformation campaign against them. Conveniently, the second largest hydroxychloroquine factory in the world blew up and was destroyed in December, 2020. Why were Canadian pharmaceutical billionaire couple Barry and Honey Sherman murdered in a brutal targeted killing, that the police tried to cover up as a murder-suicide, when they were one of the largest producers of hydroxychloroquine in the world?

• Fenbendazole harms parasites inside humans. Glyphosate helps parasites inside humans. Fenbendazole is illegal in food meant for human consumption. Glyphosate is legally mandated in food meant for human consumption thanks to Monsanto. Reconcile.

• Why is vaccination being so aggressively pushed? The fact is that all vaccines have adjuvants like aluminum that allow for parasites to thrive in a host. These heavy metal adjuvants help intra-bodily objects cross the blood-brain barrier. Look into GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) and its links to autism. Why can autism be cured by a fecal transplant? Autism is caused by "intoxication" induced by parasites producing ammonia and amphetamines. Vaccines used to contain mercury as an adjuvant (and apparently still do in trace amounts), which allows parasites to cross the blood-brain barrier.

• Parasites (demons) need access to the human brain to control behaviour to multiply to other hosts.

• Independent researchers, scientists, and doctors from dozens of countries across the world claim that the COVID-19 vaccines not only contain parasites, but also graphene oxide as an adjuvant. There are peer reviewed research papers on NAC removing graphene oxide from the human organism. Why is the FDA trying to regulate it so aggressively?

• But humans also have a second brain, also known as the enteric nervous system, or the gut. Where are parasites most commonly found? Where is the soul traditionally thought to reside in the human body? What are "gut instincts"? Well guess what, parasites residing in the gut can influence host behaviour and control the subconscious because it is formed by our enteric nervous system.

• Cancer is caused by aerobic glycolysis of the parasites, that deplete nearby host cells of oxygen. Oxygen depletion results in localized cells being forced into the fermentation mode of ATP generation. This results in a rapidly growing tumor. Usually the body can destroy these mutating cells, but Nagalase released from the parasites causes an immunosuppressive effect.

• Cancer has four stages and a remission state. Same as with parasitic infection. Why do doctors that discover this usually end up dead?

• But cardiovascular disease is also caused by parasites. Look up Dirofilaria immitis. Heart disease - 23% of total deaths (#1 cause of death!), cancer - 21% of total deaths. Both draw direct links to parasites. That's 70,000 deaths EVERY DAY linked to parasites, yet there remains no parasite schedule for humans.

• The pineal gland (also known as the third eye) is a part of the brain that is said to regulate our ability to communicate with God through prayer. The ancient Egyptians left us interesting carvings depicting a snake being wrapped around the third eye of pharaohs. Egyptian gods (demons) have animal heads. Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland. Why is fluoride added to our water again?

• In ancient times parasites were referred to as demons and were "cast out" using anti-parasitics. Might a herd of pigs intentionally drown itself to spread those parasites into other nearby animals and humans who drink the contaminated water? (Mark 5:9-13).

• Parasites infect humans and harvest energy generated by the host organism. Pain and fear (chemical secretions) are harvested. These parasites influence the host in a way that causes the parasite to act as the host's subconscious. Those infected with parasites become part of the collective consciousness of the hive mind.

• What is the real reason alcohol has been called the demon drink? What is the real reason alcohol has been called liquid spirits?

• Could the myth and folklore about vampires be a warning about a certain hive minded people, who need blood and infect others, and that many evil people are serving the greater parasite/ demon? Notice how vampires are repelled by garlic (a natural anti-parasitic). They also cannot live in the sun and parasites are killed by vitamin D3 and UV exposure.

• Pliny the Elder describes the Basilisk: a snake-like creature, not more than 12 inches long, has the power to kill, and its power is associated with the eye (third eye?).

• Medusa: a creature associated with snakes, with small 12 inch long snakes protruding from the skull. Has the power to kill through the eye.

Esuomyonana 1 point ago +1 / -0

I refuse to go to the doctors unless it's a trauma wound. I even refused a few times despite being traumatically wounded.

Esuomyonana 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think I'll be buying that book.

Esuomyonana 5 points ago +5 / -0

I seen this around 2 years ago, I likely have it saved in my disorganized archive. There's even a compilation video somewhere. There were birds dropping dead in the UK. It was a phenomena that wasn't really reported on.

They debunked 5g and covid too quickly.

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