by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Haha. It depends on the rest of his speech. It was obviously trying to campaign for reelection.

The point being is do something about it. Seize their hqs, freeze their assets. Force them to open productivity.

But it isn't about any of that. Instead he tells businesses they need their diversity quota of illegal or otherwise migrants. Not watching. It always cares about somebody somewhere else with any taxes. It's probably all those poor workers stealing America jobs, but they should be paid more American taxes. Until your taxes armed China. Literally all proceeds by Amazon, Tesla, Microsoft, Nike, Disney, Apple etc etc bought what. Every proceed arm's another Chinese nuke.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Here he has a point. It's about corporations going abroad and exploiting the cheap labor. Who knows if the rest of his speech was pro American. It probably meant in Democrat pay them more on the tax payer's dime. Instead of using American industry. He's killed even more in his Admin.

Fundamentally he is wrong it isn't the same product anymore. The quality has devalued. No regulation, means it hasn't got the oversight, Q&A.

That product has changed significantly. Until it isn't made to last. Or with the same standards. At all. Not only that, they've taken the brand and cloned it.

It's much worse with child labor and the population booms caused. Industry causes population. America has a different strategy it imports its. It in turn has caused his entire climate narrative. Oh well. It won't change. Capitalism gone awry. Until it assumes brand new cars fix the weather. Or another means of dystopia and tax polices the population in recession as it enforces even more redundant laws to keep a population swamped by inflation and recession curtailed.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Until it became far easier to manipulate by TV, and the Internet.

But it's the bullshit. The stupid idiotic shit. Especially this millennium. These dumb wars. I am pro war believe me. I support it. Except Ukraine. We're not fighting it.

The idiotic attitude that we go to war to bring home its population. At what point is this what our army does. It's fucking dumb. Why did you need a war to change the population? It's absurd. All this century's wars, and prior Americans did since WW2. Americans they went and armed them to begin with. We're just loaning you the weapons so we can blow them up and so we can steal your population. It's ridiculous. Completely retarded. Absolutely stupid. They armed them, then blew up their guns, and also stole the population of hostiles. Those nations are even more hostile now.

You've got to be autistic. When the debt is through the roof and if you let those refugees in you might as well let them all in.

Everybody else pays. Except when America goes to war it steals the hostile population. No sooner has Europe thought it's a really good idea. We will fight terror by importing and exporting the terrorists. Retarded.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Except no. The satellite weapons are still anti satellite, with the potential to knock out re-entry vehicles, missiles, and sooner re-entry drones. Those drones will also be fitted with them. They're big ass unmmaned jets effectively. For re-entry. It's 7th gen or test stages, they have had smaller success as drones. If missiles still used as anti Sat killers are being replaced by that kind of space weapon. We're still talking time. Or syfi. 6th gen is only just entering the battlefield. Most nations are still prototype stages. It isn't re-entry. Perhaps it has the potential to reach upper orbit the Russians can on some 5th gen fighters, but they don't pop up in Antarctica yet. They won't on 6th gen either.

The problem I have is the forensics. The superheated burn spots. Simply put when you touch something hot you get burnt, the contact trace point of the source. Every fire is this. The contact point of where the fire started. With lasers it's superhot. It either tears through the object punching a hole, or it bores through it like a drill. On metals there are distinct burn patterns, where it superheated boring through the metal until whatever combustibles encased ignited or explodes. So when you have a bunch of cars and metal roofs supposedly being hit by a satellite above it, where are the trace points? Perhaps it was lost in the blaze, side car doors, window, but there would still be this forensic evidence on the thousands of cars.

There is no laser that can fire in nanoseconds at 2200 houses and how many cars and boats. Average what 5000 times. No laser fired off that many shots or even 50x gigawatt/megawatt shots. Not from a satellite. No way. Not in that window it needs to charge. Or you need a huge fucking power source and cooling. Impossibly.

The moon the rovers did it? Like India's lunar landing. Come on.

Instead the aluminium cars like in California, Canada, Stralia, Greece melted because they're made out of increasing alloys, and the houses aswell are full of combustibles. The trees are often more fireproof. See it in every wildfire to date, unless they're naplamed, or the fire wasn't put out.

If China has space lasers. Russia does. It hasn't used them in Ukraine to ignite Kiev and melt missile defense.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Link. Because the houses are all burnt out.

Streaks, like where on the cars, what drugs are you on. It's in space. It's supposedly firing a gigawatt whatever. Nanoseconds. Ping ping ping. Or zap zap zap.

5000 hits. Cars, boats, and 2200 houses.

You need a fleet of satellites. 100s. If they could even carry the payload. The beam isn't constant it's zapped. Otherwise poof goes the satellite. It explodes. No cooling. The charge is whatever gigawatt, megawatt. The weight of that battery which is dumb is what?

Planet stupid.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

The only wars we've been in are idiotic ones. They don't win the tax payer shit except multimillions of refugees. The World is less safe than it was prior to any idiot wars with the stupid generational names.

The idiot war simpler. How to send your army to collect refugees. Because the aid programs aren't doing that already. No sir. Go and send your army as well.

The idiot war. They win millions of refugees, and the country is still shithole. In fact it's worse than it ever was, so is yours. It's gained hyperinflation, recession, debt, and banana boatloads full of refugees.

Entire nations turned idiot. Arm country, then kill its army, yours somehow mounts up triple the debt, also losing troops, and it collect millions of refugees. They still hate you and often more. Any country is still hostile. At what point are there the idiots wars. It's obviously a generational thing. It thinks only of its greed and leaves a mess for the next generation.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Now do the Canadian fires. Greece fires. Australian fires. Californian fires. Checking on the Chinese spy satellites in Earth Orbit. Not upper orbit.

It's possible because it's the Chinese, they are using Infrared undetectable invisible laser beams melting aluminium in 2 minutes if they're not painted blue.

Didn't the Chinese use a green laser beam prior to the Wildfire in January this year. It was visible.

This video has more holes than the titanic. Power source. How many times did it fire, from Earth Orbit, with a beam reflecting through the atmosphere, but because it was so powerful using the gigawats, it melted the cars in seconds leaving no burn marks, despite the gigawatt surges? How did it maintain a position if it was doing a fly over, look at that speed on the video? How much weight is its power source if the laser was blah blah kilograms, based on the weight of capacitors. It now needs how much stuff to orbit, fire with the deadly aluminium melting every cars like 3000 cars, and 2000 houses.

Where do they come from? One satellite fired its gigawatt undetectable laser 5000 times on an orbital fly over melting the aluminium cars in seconds. It is possible it had the weight to do this because the Chinese use their largest rocket to launch the lunar missions.

Download the Chinese spy satellite App for their real-time positions. Be prepared for the next laser.

I know. Don't say it.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

These dumb faggots today. I did this on the another thread. The other day.

There is a find called cheddarman. Another in Denmark or Holland. Neanderthals. For years they had other features, European features. Until some Troon changed them, and recently. Wokism. Evolution is determined on the out of Africa narrative. There are finds is it in Cyprus debunking it completely. Homonids dating back past stupid Lucy. A hoax. The way they found Lucy watch it. It's insane.

Evolution is like the Ukraine. Whenever Russia, hits something or causes causality, it goes and attacks inside of Russia.

Basically scores of finds have been accredited questioning the time period and recently. So evolution goes meh it's gonna come up with a new dinosaur, or something provoking its legitimacy.

It so happened, the Greenland crater was validated then. Mayans dating back prior to the younger Dryas. Gunung Padang. Gobekli Tepe. Evidence of mass mammoth killing. Mammoth bone structures. Romans off the Brazilian coastline. So many discoveries this decade and previous underwriting the carbon dating of both Cheddar Gorge and Denmark. Both those neanderthals had displayed different features for decades until other discoveries came to light. Or importantly the Libya war and the refugee surge.

I can link evidence of farming on the South England coastline Devon, Cornwall dating back before the Somerset Cheddar Gorge Neanderthal. Georgia, Russia had wine making thousands of years before then.

No, they weren't black. But evidence possibly suggests of Turkic origin. Lighter skin, eyes, reddish/brown hair. Yes migration spread back out from Gobekli Tepe. If the biblical account is discredited. Mt Ararat Turkey.

The latest evolutionary nonsense, outside of another dumb fake dinosaur. Is a type of homonid supposedly burying its dead. To provide us with burial. Complete nonsense. The rational explanation has been turned into theory. What forced them underground. What was the geology.

Did Neanderthals dig this,

Who the fuck did? They don't go from Scotland to Turkey, but they're significantly across all of Europe. They're not exactly natural. Despite it telling us how it big banged them together.

These woke programs have a different agenda like Cleopatra. Total nonsense. Driven by people manipulating the narrative simply to insert a history stolen. It conjures fantasy and drives an agenda. Every single time other evidence questions the last 20-100k years it comes up with bananas.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

If it occurs it's attempting to halt nuclear war if it is enacted. But at this point I doubt it matters. At this point it's getting edgier.

Nobody is going take it seriously anyway without a global address, and further confirmation by global national experts. Then whose listening?

NWO what is that? Because Russia and partners won't care much about American Syfi or a global authority. Them aliens are shipping guns to Ukraine. I mean it's ridiculous.

Instead it has already occurred. Roswell. But who knows. At least the UFO experts are debunking aliens. 😆

Ep0ch 6 points ago +7 / -1

You're racist for talking about racism

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Have you seen Pan's Labyrinth? The Fey. Of course that's TV. I won't spoil it. I loved the film. It's a good one. His other at the orphanage again good.

TV has often adapted the mythology.

As a generalisation they're neither evil or good. Tricksters of the Forest. In a parallel world existing on our own. Can be kind or can be mean. It depends on the person they've enticed or shown themselves. But they will raise hell on those against the forest.

Basically they're Kami. An older belief system, everything, every object, creature, possibly certain people had Fortune or Misfortune, granted by spirits possessing them. There are incantations and blessings to provide better fortune. It used to be in culture a new home is blessed as a means to exorcise any evil. They placed runes, certain spices and herbs and flowers. This was globally everywhere. Christians put a fish, devout go through their home praying etc. Buddhists. Hindus. Jews. Etc etc. Occultism also does it.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

If she did that on cam what else was she doing? You'll find a bigger background.

2000 you mean kids, and red rooms, red rooms are an exaggeration, supposedly out there, but forced, doped, full on extreme acts, some had bestiality? Not only Latins. South East Asia. Eastern Europe.

Cams today are prerecorded videos, and voice actors. They get almost nothing for it unless they're a top provider. It's not normally couples getting shit unless they do something else.

Any hook up what is that? Not her fellow just her camera fuck buddy. But she's showing videos to get paid on a cam site. Maybe she had the money and nothing else to do while she learned about politics at Uni. Cough.

There's more there. There always is

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

There's more to this story.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

No. It has no market. It's a flop. Paying the audience to watch something is already happening. Half of any market. The rest of the globe are watching it like how? They really aren't. Hint. For free. It's the ignorant tax payers funding it. For example the price of Netflix is what cost in Africa compared to Europe? If they are even buying it.

Motion to change, anything implied, like plots, characters, story, development is a motion not it watch it, or demand compensation for being subjected towards. It's all we can ask. Perhaps people might. No they won't. It's a steaming pile of feces. It won't become anything else.

But it demands the same insertion. Yes, it's the same insertion. If you make crap show it for free or stop making it. As opposed to becoming inserted simply to exploit revenue. There is no other truth. That wage gap is what? But it's not even worth buying.

No, I don't need a bot recreating language. It wasn't racist not watching it. I am stating it's awful. The audience by the same insertion should be paid for watching it. It has detracted from other sales and hits. It hasn't changed anything else.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

With a bunch of aliens crossing the border undoubtedly. It's begun

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

I really don't know why they've done this. It has becomes such feces on TV. If it has a picture on its cover of a black person, a woman, or an animal, it's not worth watching. In fact almost nothing is worth watching today. This latest decade has made the worst films ever created. What isn't loaded with CGI to the point of it looks like total shit, Indiana Jones, has had awful people acting in it. It didn't always used to be like this with actors. Oh no. The amount total crap movies which you couldn't even name them, because they have issues out of the box. Titles of such complete an utter wokeness and propaganda. I shudder to think who watches them? Why are they selling it? Who is watching it, market? It's sooner damaging any representation and any otherwise movies you may have watched.

Not anymore. No way. It takes more effort trying to watch it. You know when you do you're gonna switch it off. They got paid to do that. I am not paid to watch it. At this point in history it should even be considered, if you want to act like that, pay your damn audiences. No other person should suffer it. They had more fun, and were paid more than the rest of us had trying to watch it.

Try finding a movie/show without a picture of a black person, a woman, or an animal as a center piece on its cover is impossible. If you find this and it isn't a modern action film of questionable budgets and acting you might actually be able to watch it. Rare so rare today. Rewind a decade you could watch most mainstream films and shows and even the crap ones. Not today. Not anymore. Pay your audiences if you want to act like that.

It's another flop despite of whatever rigged critic scoring, telling you what to watch. A flop from the trailer. Pay your audiences to watch it, if you want to act like that. It has become.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hmm. Yeah, because like they'd get wiped out. It makes sense to close your borders.

Although the Vikings disappeared. So did Roanoke. Few others, like Roman galleys off Brazil. Perhaps even the Phonecians. Captain Cook, although they called him a god to begin with, until he tried to rape them, or so they suggest, when ultimately it was a soothsayer of their gods. He's not a god, no way. They all got wiped out. So I disagree. Apart from in certain folklore. Where it's been this other word of mouth, because it literally didn't have any vocabulary. They fanatisized like every other cannibal. It was the giants and they walked over the sea. No it was vikings and they never made it back.

Yes they also wiped each other out. It's why they were conquered. They hated each other until it was too late. They were cannibals and savages, and when they weren't scalping, they were flaying, and roasting over a spit, using for all kinds of animal entertainment and bait. They did it to such extremes. Days of torture. Slow. They'd blind, and remove the tongue. Then they'd get real creative in removing the skin, and finally roasting or letting animals gorge, bite, sting. Because they worshipped Satan, the great Serpent.

Honestly they wiped each other out. Aztecs were Mayan squatters. They were the soldiers who couped when the Mayans collapsed. They were cruel and savage. They weren't your happy little tree friends, but happy little cannibals. They were human sacrificing Satan worshiping slaving headhunters. They sacrificed women and children as well. Ripped their hearts out of their chests, and sliced off their heads, they even ate the hearts. If they were sacrificed, that was clean death to having your scalp opened and walking around with a hole in your brain. Oh yea they did that. Scalp comes off how long and what functions does that person have, then they start putting insects in there. They'd wet themselves hooting and dancing. Their rituals of exorcism they'd cut and cut and cut, severing the spirit, until there was no spirit, it was consecrated from their land. So when they spirit walked it wasn't bound on their soil. Children, women as well. Their soldiers Aztec wore skulls, children's skulls. Made armour out of them. It has been found. Children's skulls in their armour.

Of course they were killed, and for their gold, and land. Cannibals aren't worth it. No sir.

Yes slight exaggeration. Not fully. Read up about their tortures and cruelty. Of course any colonists were as bad and worse. But that was then. Now there's dumb hippies. Such nice little cannibals. They were so in touch with their land taking only what was necessary. No, the Maya killed mammoths on the scale of industrial whaling.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hahaha. He got the insider tip, take a fall, and got censored.

Sport is entirely fake and completely rigged. It has been for much much longer. Any sport with betting is rigged allday everyday. How anybody gets cucked by it is laughable. Cucked. You watching pays them. Why would you? Sometimes once upon a time ago before they threw it, and you knew they did, you watched them throw the game. Your team, hahaha. No, they're not. You're their golden ticket. You win nothing. A bet. Like candy from babies.

Take Ukraine right now it's still playing international sports as everybody else is conscripted. You're a piece of shit right. The same the globe over. You were a piece of shit when they played to empty stadiums in COVID.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +3 / -2

It isn't about any of that on Reddit. None at all. It's about the entire model of it, and the Planet's assholes running it. The worst people in the World.

Any topic unless it's one you've posted, and they're often removed for some bullshit if you can even post are submitted by bots and mods, mostly. Unless it's the cuck clubs where little dumb kids go ooohhh it's their favourite pet, or game, or dumb little question. These are increasingly shilled by pedos. Seriously they generate most of those topics everywhere. Users don't. You reply to the thread, a thread going through a filter. It's directly to an asshole. They'll shit on you for fun. It is a game to those cunts. The entire score thing doesn't promote speech it abuses it. Now it's full blown censorship. If the thread passed submission and wasn't generated by a shill or a Mod the criteria is you echo the advertising. Because of who posted it. They don't care about anything else.

The greatest dumbing down of civilization.

Look at Reddit. Read the comments, any dissent towards a topic is literally down voted off the page. Who does it. The same people banning you and who made that abomination. Karma simply means repeat the advertising.

That fucking Messiah they keep going on about Aaron Swartz wasn't. Whoever invented karma for speech needs to die. It was always about censorship. Stop using that platform.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yea I read up about how stupid it is. An engineering feat undoubtedly, and better for the fauna it being freshwater as they sliced right through it away. But absurdly shortsighted. Like most today. Get rich now. Somebody else can deal with the consquence later. What if we cannot profit off EVs today. Tomorrow is an Ice-Age and you can't drive them. It didn't need bullshit. It needed the sea end to end. Locks simply damming the overflow.

All those reports about how they were so concerned about the wildlife. But in reality it was simply water for the sprawling towns who have gone and caused a drought anyway. You dumbasses

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

It has been. It goes there. Always has.

But was far worse then. Like in the bible. In the Koran. In the Torah.

Entire populations killed. Julius Caesar put an entire city to death. He surround it. Seiged starving them out. They sent their kids and younger women. He impaled them, then chopped up, and catapulted them back into the city. They surrendered he killed them off. Took the king captive walked him naked like a dog as a trophy, before sending him off to death in the mines or galleys. But okay the seige of Bhagdad by the Mongols multimillions killed the same. Philistines. Troy. Etc etc.

Entire populations killed by conflict. What happened in Meso America was much of the same inquisition. As the Spanish inquistion.

Afterwards more of the same until recent human history after WW2.

Numbers who knows. They simply aren't accurate at all. Concentric narratives full of anomalies. Look at Gunung Padang. The size of it suggests an enormous population. Or perhaps the mythical giants. There are other places of big industrial scale agriculture dating back supporting huge populations. It is believed even in the UK evidence of larger agriculture goes back 10k years in its Southern Coast. But then they gives us the bullshit Cheeseman, a cavern troglodyte Neanderthal from 7k years ago. Perhaps he dug the tunnels all over Europe. Scotland to Turkey. Not quite. But quite. What went wrong? The Neanderthal did.

The thing about our past was we culled ourselves. Top of the food chain. A lot of the means and rituals keeping populations under control have changed, into you tell me. It hasn't changed. It descends into the same if it goes there.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Uhm they've done such a fine job already. Look at all those lockdowns and masks. No, need to bother them.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't know but history is weird. Any record is full of anomalies. The evidence suggests some of our ancestors had huge populations, cities in the 10s of millions. Mayan. Chinese. Possibly others Eastern. Where Rome didn't patent. While Europeans were considerably smaller at the same assumed historic points.

How many groups wiped out, entire populations put to the sword. Multi millions dead throughout our known history of war famine disaster and disease.

But okay the entire Neanderthal narrative. They coexisted briefly with humans. It was thought we killed them off. Changed now on finds of coexistence, until, what, the ice-age?

As far as killing off entire demographics goes all of a 150 years ago America. Its colonisation. Tribes wiped out.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

How can the Ocean drought? I guess if you're Chinese those Islands. Isn't there supposed to be like stuff, keeping the flow of the Sea, flowing. Has the Sea level dropped? Don't tell me it's Fresh water. No fucking wonder. It now has to use the Sea. Whoops there goes the crab people.

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