by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3


This forum doesn't listen. I swear it has autism.

You tell them again and again. But it has been overrun by spastics

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

They don't. That was the BBC, it ran its nonsense early. Because it tried to correct the script. Like an idiot. I avoid the BBC news whenever I can. Cannot watch it. Any other news station offers something. I cannot even open the BBC app today. I still watch country file and sometimes a few other programs. Cannot watch it. Haven't since COVID. Don't watch Match of the Day since women commentators. Cannot watch the BBC. It is becoming Netflix. I mute the football commentary since John Motson. God damn women commentators have killed it. These others, mute, I am watching the game. The BBC ugh shrug sigh. Terrestrial TV, not the BBC.

Reddit like social media are also trying to clamp down on the script after really sick shit hit the Internet. Damage control. Further damage limitations. So in its World News section it has been, the hell knows. But in other subs, I haven't looked.

The press just confirmed today as most major newspapers ran it yesterday and again today.

They have now. Reuters, Independent, Sky News, Daily mail etc etc.

Today the Israelis confirmed it. It had ran in local Israeli papers prior. Today it has been confirmed by Israel. What hasn't been confirmed is the number.

Videos were on the net the day it occurred, supposedly.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No. It cannot show it. It hasn't got the access. It hasn't got the permission of kin. It hasn't got Court jurisdiction.

If it is witnessed by 100s, sometimes it's on the feeds. Or if those baby raping cannibals video it. Politically correct baby murderers. They did worse. Beheaded babies. Read it.

Still how many times do you see dead bodies in the press today? You often don't. What you often see is a recreation. So it suggests and it doesn't break law, or permission, or access. They recreate a background to provide a suggestion of their established sources. Sometimes they're given access. But it goes without saying. There are heaps of restrictions regarding the content and its access.

Not everywhere on the planet has those censors. But so much does.

Anyhow I don't know why I am explaining it to you. You wouldn't believe it anyway. Baby raping cannibal sympathiser.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

Baby raping cannibals. Outrage is off the charts. Deservedly.

It's why it hit social media. Before it tried to police it. Then the facts emerged. It was there. Read that press. Sick. It would cause what on our streets. Crime. Feces.

They cannot show it. Cannot even show the scene at times. Except it happened.

I don't understand why you're trying to disapprove it. Sure the press as explained recreates something occasionally it has access mostly it cannot show it.

Ep0ch -5 points ago +1 / -6

Baby raping cannibal sympathetiser. How low will you go to justify baby rapists?

Ep0ch -7 points ago +1 / -8

You're an idiot it cannot show it in print. It can suggest it. It cannot show it in print. This is a paper. You want to see the sick flicks go find it.

The fact is. It is a fact. It is in the paper. But somehow you think. They were such nice little baby raping cannibals? As they denotate their own children? Their own children, strapping suicide vests as young as 10. Even younger. Few day's before this how young. Their own child a girl. What makes you think they gave them any mercy? They didn't. Besides how many times had Hamas used Gaza hospital to launch rockets from? They hit an Israeli hospital today on return mortars. Also Killing kids.

What planet do you live on. A world where everything is conspiracy. Everybody lies because they're such nice baby raping cannibals? They just want their land back. Aw they're so sweet. No. They were baby raping cannibals.

What has it solved? Ask yourself this.

You post your dumb debunk. It isn't, the press cannot show it. It says it, because it's a fact. Of course they could lie to produce outrage. Except it happened because those baby murderers strap suicide vests on their own children. They scream rape. They killed indiscriminately.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is a fair competitor by all means. Resources. Production. Population. Except it relies on agriculture. It has nowhere near enough production to feed even a 1/3 of its population density. It relies heavily on outsourced production. Most nations cannot feed their numbers anyway or their cravings.

Right now. There's shortages. That price has soared. Like Oil. Oil is a big worry. Without it no agriculture. Those populations will implode. Never seen anything like the danger in history. You read about this shit ages ago. Today it's on a scale of sheer ignorance. Populations tripling in 50 years. Billions billions billions added. A hiccup not just the weather then or war but it became apocalyptic. Today there's simply too much going wrong.

It's a dark time indeed. How far does it reaction.

There's a lot of drama ahead. I keep saying this. Keep saying this.

Who knows, except it ain't getting better.

It's not just BRICs, those are such and such. But that entire part of the globe as temperatures increases and conflict rears. I don't think these EVs do anything except explode.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

What if larger regional war occurs. Oops no agriculture. Meanwhile oil fields are ablaze. No more Brics

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The entrance to Hades is not in Italy?

That myth is much older.

At least Italy had one as well. Probably another Salt mine

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Greek mythology the Pleiades, your giants, even Incans followed them. Enoch the book of giants, taken to them by God. You know the story. There's a Greek version as well.

Animal fucking animal mummification. But of course all the halfman half beast animal deities. It outlawed them until Solomon's key the demons are those Babylonian winged whatever they're called or perhaps the sphinx and many others like the bull.

Isn't Samson, like Hercules? I don't know.

But the entire son of God became the next fragment and splinter. Obviously the Greeks gained that from the Egyptians. Their Pantheon is full of it. God's giving birth to humans who had the strength of giants or unearthly powers.

The Epic of Gilgamesh. What happens to the Planet? Similarity to Enoch right there. Moses is the Sargon of Akkad. Same story. 10 commandments. Hummarabi's code of laws.

Later Nimrod goes to war against God in the tower of Babel? Is Nimrod Gilgamesh. Who is Lilith? Babylonian surely. Ishtar. We won't say Neferitti.

Jacob's ladder, Babylonian again? A means to communicate to the gods via the cosmos the planet's? They of course are known as gods and Solomon's key, demons. Egypt kind of has this as well its origins and pantheon. What was what. Aw you know what, fuck all that, there's God. Akhenaten? No. Not quite.

Who knows except it combined a bunch of stuff while he's trying to pinpoint the Egyptian where there is obvious pairing to the origin he excused a heap of Babylonian influence in that origin. This was what I didn't agree with the dismal. I didn't watch all but I shrugged as the other commentator tried to suggest it with another reference Cain and Abel, Enlil and Enki. There are many versions even Romulus and Remus.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was a live stream caught it in break, then I was like watching other stuff. Missed. Caught. Then big break.

It was interesting, very interesting a lot was known. Akhenaten. This is a very weird anomaly, the pharaoh who named himself above the former pantheon as its God. Thus was cursed. A curse giving us the Mummy returns. They chopped him into pie horribly, marking him, forget how they entombed it, cursing his tomb for eternity. It was like that Mummy shit. His priest were killed. A big conspiracy when they found it. It killed the entire archaeological dig early 1900s. Dunno if this lends to the fable. But they died horribly as they partied on its discovery.

A cardinal sin in that religion incorporating more and more into its pantheon. The sin meant being lost, a freaking souless apparition eaten by those who dine on them, and not reaching the afterlife the fields of eternal bliss. Some perhaps traitorously argued they could still judge as a jury as any souls were weighed.

Obviously prior to this was civil war. The upper and lower kingdoms ruled by the pharaoh residing in them both between them consecutively throughout their calender year. Until a pharaoh from her, the matriarch, parading men, gay men in chains and union, on the arms of its mistresses, they probably fucked animals as well, a weakling with distrust but scholarly decided the lower kingdom was nicer and built the most splendid city and temple as a permanent residence. It civil warred the upper kingdom won. Removing her line and dynasty, rewriting over it, placing new people in former sarcophagus, etc, turning this Palace said to have been the most splendid in existence into dust. In this time the religion got greedy, as priests secured payments into the afterlife instead of by merits and this became its upper kingdom, causing its curses.

However they are combined and that origin is nothing but a rewording of a lot of events and of any Summerian.

This is a very bad version of those events with a lot of humor.

But obviously Ankhenaten is quite possibly where the singular god emerged from its former pantheon. Who knows?

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Stopping extremism before it hits the fan.

Any dissent stomped before it goes there.

It's about time they cleaned it up. A few are being evicted from government and profession. Obviously law.

It's a pandering joke. It reacts too late and profits foremost.

The problem is those sides are certainly shouting and will divide more. Terrorism being justified. It has to go no matter the religion.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha. So you're Chinese?

Tell me your sins, and I'll judge them?

Repent from. No. Our nature beckons.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you but I do not agree. Only parts. It was harder to watch. So many adverts.

He said the two aren't combined Summerian and Egyptian, because he's still intent on a notion it came from Egypt giving creed to some other lost origin of the narrative. When there wasn't, if they were Egyptians. It combined both religions in Babylon. It would be like erasing that history and relearning it. What occurred was a combination of any lore and origin. They are far more paired and jumbled.

I don't believe it was even located in Egypt. Rather situated as a fringe populace under Egyptian protectorate. When Egypt civil warred creating the cursed Anakhenaten. It was destroyed by both pantheons. Summerian and Egyptian. Until the fall of Babylon. When it founded itself.

As a fringe populace, a protectorate, it obviously wasn't as affected until Summerians destroyed it.

Only after the Fall of Babylon did it re-establish itself as a separate entity, but after having combined both origins.

I think there's a lot more influence from other actors like perhaps the Greeks or etc. Manoeuvring and formenting and evolving in the period as rivals domiciles and city states.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're a dumb idiot pummelling this forum with crap. I cannot trust you to be anything else. Read your dumb posts. Every single one of them.

I am conflict. I am war. I am a pointless struggle to exist in a World there's only nonsense. But I have never hated anyone at all. I don't. I judge like everybody else. I have no agenda outside of my own rationality. I comment but it isn't an alternative motive.

You have an alternate motive. Turn to God. I laugh at you. Your dumb ignorant pathetic notion of him. It fundamentally was not your worship. It was your love. You have none. Read your shit.

I cannot pretend to be faithful. I am not.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, you're an idiot.

I don't believe in a God who created scriptures. I believe God is in us all. We have the power of God, in his image, intelligent, kind, wrathful, and merciful, but we shouldn't be writing dumb stupid religious bullshit in the name of him. He is us all.

For that reason I have never found him. I don't accept religion. But I like the idea of God.

Instead we are conflict and our creed. On that reason I choose my heritage. It alone is my birth my life.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No. Not up on liberalism. It looked lefty smelt politically correct was obvious humor.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I do not care what your dumb friends tell you.

There are 2.5 billion Muslims globally. But your Girlfriend said she won't slice your nuts off. Great. So happy for you.

Piss off

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I was born and raised Christian. I have said this. I am not Jewish. Today faithless, I believe in nothing.

Nobody is my enemy. You fucking retard.

Except I 1000% do not agree with Palestine while there is Israel. It is a harbor for terror.

But I am not idiot either. Yes while I 1000% support Israel. It doesn't mean I am some naive twat to not understand that Islam won't become ironic.

I have nothing against Islam either. I don't support Palestine. I do not know what a Palestinian. I do want to either. But Muslim's yes I know who they are like any Arabs.

Go take a fucking hike and stop bothering me with bullshit. You dumb cunt.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

I don't respect your opinion. It is ignorant. It is fucking naive.

Have your cake and eat it.

I am just a concerned voice. Unlike your dumb shills. Bombarding this forum with dumb nuance. Every other post is a jewspiracy. Or some freaking bullshit

It's a conundrum without one there isn't the other. If one becomes so does the other. It's programming. No narrative can fix. Religion has its scriptures. Their's read, what?

While you have sides there are vast divisions. Where are we right now?

So while you make peepee and poopoo usernames laughing at what people know or suggest. What is that?

Read the News, Hamas issued a fucking statement saying it.

How many in that World didn't condemn Hamas? Instead did what.

Iranian arms manufacture is what 60% of its industry? What's its notions on Islam? That's only one nation. We'd be here all day to Timbuktu and back.

What I agreed with is inevitability. Gaza strip cannot be that harbor. Israel is that nation existing there. No debate. But at the same time. Go on, what happens next? Irony occurs.

Just another day in the times we live.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

It probably will happen

  1. Hamas have said so. They literally said they'd attack the West.

  2. It's inevitable. What has just occurred is going to cause another generation of militants again and again

  3. Almost every Jihadist on the planet has turned militant. They were already, now???How many terror attacks are being prevented monthly, yearly. Many are also getting called something else or another crime. However what is caused, currently? Many more are pouring over the border.

  4. The USA has entered the war.

It's not a matter of if, but when, and where. How can it be stopped. Narratives won't fix it. They're funding, cells, etc, need dismantling. A unanimous call against it. But no. Any sides cause?

Iran and others are backing groups they're only purpose is terrorism. Suddenly there's a huge market? Africa has just couped, how many arms. Afghanistan is back in Jihadist hands, etc, etc.

No narrative fixing it. Even if a dream city is built in the Sanai by Saudi Arabia. It won't change shit. That's if the globe hasn't reacted more.

It was there, largely localised, when it isn't, where does it go? It continues on a bigger scale. Or so anybody can assume?

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