by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It figured that the slaves made their railroads.

Today however they need some skills.

The problem is the infrastructure, its maintenance, and its risk factors.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Who feeds their kids that shit. The cardboard probably has more vitamins in it. They deserve it, if they eat it.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think slaves made the tracks

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

At what point is there that picture?

I guess there weren't many standards when they laid the tracks. No real standards. Look train goes swimming. Why is the train swimming.

Putting house as close to the track. No protective natural barriers, concrete barriers, banks, and trees. Open crossing on the road.

Nope it's an open track, and it looks like a really stupid cartoon of how not to build a track.

Who ever downvoted me is an idiot. That track is hazardous. It's a line that has had no geoscaping protecting it. None whatsoever. Just a track on the prairie, slightly raised. Road crossing, no barrier, or lights. Buildings right there but no hard sides. Apply that to the railway line, slopes, trees, cover away from buildings. If in development hard borders. Is there even a fence partially protecting the line from intrusion. You could derail that train yourself.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Go back to retard school. You don't speak properly. You don't think logically. You make insane arguments.

China is controlled by the Zog. Hahaha. Go tell China that.

Stop posting shit. Talk properly.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Am I to presume you're genetically autistic. Your ability to process rational thought has been willfully deformed. Go to rehab. Although you need to be labotomise, and have little mircochip inserted. They're creating these mircochips, and it rewires your brain, resetting all your logic centers. I think they should be used on vegans and junkies.

I have no idea what you're saying, you make no sense. You literally spammed a load of shit at me. It is bullshit. I don't want to unclog a septic tank. No thank you.

You're on a conspiracy sub telling me Zog won't attack the grid? Why do you post on this sub? They just did. The pipeline.

The Chinese if a war occurred won't attack the grid and vice a versa? Why are those weapons equipped on all those systems?

No logic just bullshit.

My problem with you is I explain explain explain something and you willfully don't accept it. You use absurd statements and keep repeating nonsense. It was so simple anybody else can understand. Anybody apart from you. Why is that? A disability to process rational thought? Instead refutes it with dumb statements.

I can provide multiple examples of conspiracy where false flags have occurred. I don't need too here. They aren't always facts, speculation, but I expect somebody clever to exercise their mind. Not constantly mouth shit to me. You're making an absurd statement. It is nonsense.

The grid today is being targeted. We are in the process of changing it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're a retard. Everytime you open your fuck dumb mouth it's like you has shit to say. It just farts right out. Dribbling down your chin.

That was a Chinese balloon in the height of escalating tensions. They won't use an EMP? Because the gubermint of Merica, or ZOG as you call them don't attack their own infrastructure. Hahahahaha.

An energy weapon that potentially doesn't even get detected. Read the Wiki. It can literally pop off an electrical system by a direct pulse weapon.

But the pipeline in war. Not electrical system. No. Sabotaged none the less. It has cost the bill payer how much more and profited the Corp how much.

They give every little shit about profit. Where do you get such stupid ideas from? It's like you're willfully stupid and genetically retarded. Profit controls. Not a Banana Republic.

It is used, you fucking dumb retard. Read the Wiki. It is equipped on drones and planes and missiles and missile systems. On guns, ships, tanks. Why not balloons. I don't know, but it's a distinct possibility.

The EMP is equipped on nukes we discussed that. The directed energy weapon is equipped on everything from rifles, to drones, like ships and tanks, anti missile systems.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nonsense. Who are they.

What is any potential weapon being used for. Drone, satellite, plane, warhead, grid, etc.

How much is it worth. Let's suggest you knock out a plane. Shares tank. You had knowledge of this and a solution of an alternative airline. What about an assassination. Or what about a critical infrastructure power outage. Or a train derailment. What about a satellite. Hell you could rig huge profit from any chaos.

But we are talking war. Powerstations tend to be more shielded especially nuclear power stations, unless direct strikes. Not as easily shutdown. But there are hacks and other electronic warfare causing disruptions apart from the supposed EMP.

However if it went there and you don't want your reentry vehicles detected those ICBM's and mobile launchers of course you're going to knock out enemy coms, and satellites, and disrupt the grid.

You're making spurious remarks. Literal absurdity. What happened to the recent pipeline. War easiest target. Profit they've made multi billions in the shortfall.

I am not saying that was on that balloon. I don't know what was. But it's becoming a possibility.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

READ the wiki. Directed energy based weapons. Types.

Read the wiki on EMPs. The traditional EMP prior to directed energy weapons was based off nukes.

Stop telling me what you think you know.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No read the wiki. You won't even detect them. Directed energy based weapons, capable of rendering electronics useless. Problem is the range. These fire a beam. There are a few types. Interesting reads.

Nuclear based EMPS, where there is a number of warheads, and there are even specific sat killer missiles. These in all probability are launched first, if we went into first strike and nuclear war. The first targets are those satellites and space. Why. Detection, coms, and the grid. If you're launching reentry vehicles ICBMs from mobile launchers you want detection, GPS, and spy satellites kaput.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Balloon versus satellite. Which is cheaper? Supposing your Emp is powerful enough.

What about planes, and drones.

However what's the EMP targeting, and what's its radius?

These tend to be nuclear based weapons. Designed specifically for knocking out satellites in upper orbit. Bigger blast radius creating a bigger pulse. There are developments from this, non nuclear, but they have much smaller radiuses, and perhaps can target releasing a beam like pulse weapon.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

This will be easily discredited on any analysis, like the cartouche.

If there are no markings inside than why are there markings elsewhere.

It becomes far more problematic.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Think the aztecs might have used shit in their mortar. The remains of fallen slaves turned into glue to paint their walls. But I do joke slightly.

The pyramids however used stone masons. Most of them were used in restoration purposes. Adding limestone to the outer blocks to create perfected contours and shine, in their once worshipped heyday.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. But then they didn't build shit. They were a redundancy. Used in the salt mines. Salt mines always needed new slaves. They had much lower morality rates, than any construction lasting eons. No, the salt mines did not build the pyramids.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know. It is possible there might be burial and markings in the voids. It presents a much larger problem if there isn't.

If there is, then the pyramid was desecrated. Problematic.

If there isn't then the pyramid had a different function.

But it will take much longer accessing. Not as simple as finding using modern lidar or seismic equipment. I don't even think they're drilling, to insert fibre optic cameras?

It isn't as simple as my claim. But there is a problem presented on it being otherwise empty by comparison.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

False. There are only erratic claims.

Nobody knows what the built the pyramids. There are only ideas. The Great Wall of China, the Partheon. Also wrong.

Every time slaves have been used, infrastructure crumbles. It is not to say slaves weren't a part of any process, like quarrying and carrying certain raw materials. But the actual construction, no chance. It takes experts and artisans. Not slaves.

The irony being they all had slaves in their founding cultures. Did they use them to craft lasting infrastructure. No, not entirely, if at all. A smaller part of any process if adopted. You can use slaves to dig and pull and carry. You fundamentally cannot use them to build. If and when attempted, infrastructure collapses.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree with this. But there needs to be an independent regulator as a middleman.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

That wasn't the point on calling for apartheid's everywhere. Until I do not agree with them anywhere. They don't work.

I don't agree with reparations from a distant past. I don't agree with racism experts.

The point made was everybody is prejudice. It takes manners and humanity to be civil and treat others with dignity.

As far as insults or comparisons go it will forever and constantly take two to tango. Cause effect causality.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

They discovered another one. There are two new empty spaces. To my knowledge.

They still haven't accessed either yet. Despite it being over a decade since the original discovery. This is largely due to an insistance of accessing from inside. Suggesting all of it linked.

To my knowledge this is another discovery. Not the same announcement from previously.

There are too many theories on the Great Pyramid. It being without hieroglyphs.

If the narrative would have it. It's a burial chamber except there's nothing inside of it. Why is this? Ponders ominously. Any other voids or passages should contain the narrative. They've never been accessed, not since Islam opened it, opened in 900 AD? If they do not. What was its function????? Perhaps it could be possible somebody else since construction removed. But historically if this was done by another pharaoh they would simply occupy. If any voids do not contain anything relating to burial and are empty, it is abundantly clear Egyptology is a bunch of porkies. What was its use and function.

It will take them a few more decades to get to these other chambers.

Ep0ch 6 points ago +6 / -0

They became complacent, and they stagnated. They offer us no unique innovations, and have turned into another narrative. Climate change killed the World Fair.

Corps rule and they provide us with worsening gimmicks. The Internet no longer innovates, it propagates.

Or I honestly don't know why our future became our past? It has today with all the climate change.

I think World Fair is now called the WEF???

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ukraine is beggar. It needs to win for morale. So it has quashed all claims of anything else. Imagine people actually heard what it was like. No more funding. At the same time the press has to report why Ukraine needs more funding.

The reality is nothing but propaganda.

The truth is they factually cannot beat Russia without a much larger war occurring. At this point it is pivoting towards as more enter arming, supplying, serving, and propagating. Something will have to break first.

It currently is the global economics and supply chains rising in mounting debts and inflation. This perhaps is its hidden agenda. What emerges here from this. Back to the Cold War. Only it has flared into what?

Neither want peace per say when neither grant what the other will accept today, tomorrow, or later. There are no terms, except accepted loss.

Meanwhile this war drags until a climax. It is still being fought. If it will be peace, on what terms. There is only loss for one or the other. Or acceptance of the other. Neither can abide, and not indefinitely, chartered.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They do talk about it mainstream, it has been in the Simpsons for decades. Bands, DJs again shown on MTV getting bookings globally. Also in South Park etc. Same with comedians and sports people etc. Actors, have heard of it. But A listers go one further, some have exclusive holidays to visit them. Think the Clooney's are hosting? Etc. But no not everybody has that invite.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Except I believe there are shortcuts to making clones age rapidly. One of which is 3D printing. Another is memory transfer. Microchip programming. There are probably others in development. Have they been combined yet. Not to my knowledge. Humans developed in vats like in all those Syfi films. Not there yet, but perhaps there's potential.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What happened in South Africa? What's happening there today? Ironically. Until I don't agree with anything calling for apartheid. The same calls by certain groups are chanting apartheid everywhere else. Kurds need an apartheid. Palestine. Ukraine. Myanmar. Kashmir. In fact today there's like the green peace for everybody else and thing considered racist, it generally means cancelling, or inciting hand outs. Because whites are the only people that are racist. Decisiveness bouncing back from which opening. The fucking platforms, media. It suppress, it wants control, it inserts dystopia, in the meantime it causes the divide to increase, by playing sides. Until slogans are racist. One side are saints, and the other are sinners. It becomes a narrative enforced. Suddenly there are experts on racism. And everybody is offended about everything because everything is offensive. See how easy that was.

No y'all are racist deal with it. Y'all are. Some form of prejudice or another.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yawn race war. Where do you get this shit from. It seems there's greater intent from that suggestion.

The commies are funding anti colonialism movements suggestions and everybody and thing seeking reparations and inciting. Do you need the direct links from the Kremlin. In fact commies have been directly funding blacks for decades. Sure they also fund white groups. Not to the same extent. These are targeted immediately because one is racist, and the other is a constant victim.

Meanwhile Chinese have been directly exploiting the woke and cancel trends.

You play the Devil's game. It's about devisiness. Nobody else has the same problems. Because they rule the state or country cannot be underscored. This is the rest of the globe. Today it's okay to wipe your ass on the American flag demanding reparations, while writing a thesis on how it was so racist. How white people need give and what they need to be. Say the same to anybody else, suddenly it is racist. The same with most of Europe, faster telling their citizens they have no national unity, flying their national flag is a hate crime. Easy divides exploited and have been for much longer.

The media panders to bigger numbers a field, suddenly there's a bunch of static. It never existed to the same increasing divides until social media came a long. Now we hear every other idiot teaching racism to white people. Every other idiot has an opinion about everything. Everything is racist. Everything is cancelled. The only crap on is full of obnoxious narratives.

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