Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Technology is to blame. The cellphone has precipitated decline to epic proportions. All those problems are a run off of it.

Spatial reasoning is artifical. It often amounts to a child playing with toys. But obviously on using screens it is increasing. Where the rest are faster declining numbers verbal matrix.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

So concerned about everybody else. It's the most concerning thing today. In the height of recession and inflation. Ukraine matters most.

A stupid Photo Op deflecting from all the rest of any voter issues at home.

Do you think he has any actual chance of reelection?

None. Unless it becomes a war where Canadians are involved with more than obnoxious narratives.

What's Trudeau's popularity? He scraped back into power and since it has been scandalous. The only thing Ukraine provides is an excuse.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Every other piece of news is another opinion about it. To any voter it makes no actual difference. He either runs or he doesn't.

I think the opinions are worse than any crime, which less face it, more or less amounts to not filling in a parking ticket. 34 counts of the unpaid parking tickets. How did it even go to court? That other guy didn't.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

How am I Russian shill. You fuck dumb autist?

You're the shill. Although you wish you were. Not even shills are as dumb as you. You're a larper. Thinks it's FBI when it's a nigger. Immediately anybody says hey about something like the bullshit news they're Russian because they didn't fit your narrative. I bet you got Russians under your bed. See it's fucking stupid. Not everybody is a Russian. You dumb nigger.

by qclick
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lots of Brits were killed. About 200 or more in 911.

by qclick
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who cares. I like national polices. Policies dedicated to the nation. Border, work, services, infrastructure, less taxation, less inflation.

Not dumb little narratives about somebody somewhere else. Or fucking dumb rights for nobody else apart from dystopia taking away everybody else's. Or bullshit empowerment, empowering nobody but nonsense.

Who cares about 911? It happened twenty years ago, it's history.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

They didn't at all. The little ones would be on two fucking raptor legs, turning into Moa, like the elephant mice which became every other species of mammal and mammoth.

The mice survived but the salamanders and snakes and newts and I am not making up bananasaur names didn't?

It is evolutionary redundant. There were dinosaurs, but today there are none. Instead we have reptiles. Dumb doesn't cut it. It's ridiculous.

But okay what about the oxygen and life. You see these big huge dinosaurs eat. The largest was a herbivore called a Bananasaur. It was on a Pangea, it means that the entire globe is on a single connected landmass. What happened to the vegetation. Every single time it moved it destroys all the vegetation creating craters, eating it by billions of tonnes a week. Meanwhile the titansaurs the largest carnivore is also killing all those trees and plants. Hey fucko how does that work? You see the species we have are diverse the predator and prey and every species has roles in their ecosystem. There isn't just the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs that didn't evolve. Because they never existed.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I am debunking your bullshit notions of dinosaurs. It is so utterly fucking tedious. You conjure nonsense. The deepstate. Hahaha. Created dinosaurs. You wanna know why it was, so they would have the oil and exploration rights.

Use your logical brain and ask yourself how the fucking hell do we have reptiles but no dinosaurs if there were dinosaurs there first?

It is profoundly stupid. It isn't evolutionary. It is just plain dumb. Nevermind the mechanics and logistics of these idiotic creations.

The closest you have are naga and medussa to your assumed reptilian dinokin. They are mythological.

Somehow you've accepted that you live on a Planet of the dodo chickens. Chickens will conqueror the Earth, aw shit they became dodos. I mean seriously it is how fucking stupid dinosaurs are right. A planet full of the dodo chickens. Better give them a few roles and shapes off existing species. Otherwise they're just dodo chickens. Chickens conquered the World. Damn it what went wrong, the poor dodos. Ludicrous. But there are your dinos.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

The raptor dinosaur was created off an extinct mega fauna emu talon called a Moa it stood at 10 feet tall. That's why raptors have feathers. Many other species of dinosaur are faster getting the feathers.

Dinosaurs are a hoax. We are in conspiracy, all you do is parrot established narratives like dinosaurs and religion.

Remarkably boring.

Ask yourself this very simple question. Why didn't the reptiles evolve? We have reptiles but the dinosaurs were wiped out? I mean seriously what went wrong? Dinosaurs did, they aren't sembiante, synchronous to their environment. A dinosaur eats how many tonnes of vegetation. How indeed is that environment habitable. The biggest creatures on the planet, outside of blue whales needing oceans, and whales and sea creatures have been found on the highest mountain ranges on this planet, and also in the depths of this planet. The biggest bore hole into the Planet contained ocean creature fossils. Not dinosaurs. Every species evolves outside. They all evolved into their habitat creating ecosystems that rely on each other to survive. If there is imbalance extinction occurs. Dinosaurs present a paradox. They're not suited to their habitat, because every time they move they're destroying vegetation needed to generate life and oxygen. When the largest dinosaurs ate and many other dinsoaur herbivores, they are eating billions of tonnes of vegetation per day. No trees. Their size isn't suitable to the landmass, a pangea full of vegetation.

What are dinosaurs, bullshit. The first ever created were fakes put on display. But they became so popular they've continued to generate big revenue. Until the lie keeps lying to make money from the lie.

None of the remains are real, models made out of plastic, chiselled rocks, or can even be proved outside of imaginations, they're presumed calcification sculpted from rocks like any other painting into absurd CGI monsters, that without complete fossils have 0 rational science behind them outside of a theory on how we supposedly evolved. It amounts to bananas.

Get over it.

by qclick
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't got an opinion on it.

Trying to understand American politics is an excerise in manure. In fact it has become most politics today. An exercise in absurdity. Just bullshit. Not that UK is better, no, it's worse. Don't care unless something changes. When it does it's often worse.

It becomes party preference. Even then it changes almost nothing except the taxes. Today it means you buy shit.

As far as Trump being anybody else. No. Just another face of office. Is he guilty of anything else. Theatre. Politics. No point in any of it. Until stuff gets better.

As a choice, Republican. They have better policies for the national.

UK almost nobody will vote Tory again. Tired of it. Time to change it. Services have gone to ruin.

But understanding this tweet, who really cares. It either improves or it doesn't.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why is it localised to twitter is that question?

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Who knows what it is.

A) It's either the Russians pulling a prank

B) It's purposely planted misinfo

C) Leaked info

I doubt it's C. Who knows. It makes little difference apart from causing more propaganda. All that comes out of Ukraine anyway. Until shit happens or not. Shit that happens always amounts to the same thing. More funding for more propaganda.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

The fundamental problem is plant based burgers are worse. They're ultra processed junk food full of chemical supplements. The saturated fats haven't gone anywhere. In fact those burgers contain far more sodium.

There is also the very concerning problem plants don't bind to your red blood cells like meats. Yes they contained more fibre, but where is any lacking vitamins, they're sooner in additives and supplements.

These idiots are sooner eating more and more chemicals and more and more exotic foods to boost that diet. Nature nil.

Laughably most vegan brands upto 60% contain the palm oil.

I can link or somebody can find it.

Topically all it has done is boost the syndicates. They produce bullshit. Ultra processed foods full of additives and chemicals.

by qclick
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was when if you recall the embassy was preportedly moving? He did a trip over there perhaps? He also proposed a peace deal.

His trip over there was 2017 and the above.

Did he write it or his press secretary?

Who knows, 2019 was campaigning.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It makes no difference to the woktivist. It's how bullshit, law, media, and journalism has become.

These guys on what ratio win cases by claiming the racism. So they will always represent it. It wins more cases and asylum then a fuck you later. Writing about it has created numbers as it becomes a source of controversy. Bigger claims, bonuses. If it doesn't win it's mostly state funded anyway.

Perhaps some of this is changing. Here look this article. But not in a majority.

Because you'd be surprised. I don't know if you've needed law recently. Look where they gained their degrees. Never seen so much bullshit in all my life. Never mind ring up and finding if this demographic only. Sometimes to the point of exclusion. It only deals in minorities. Now look at what their degrees were in, how they gained their bar. It's the same on journalism and media. Look at those degrees. Humanities? Now its selective fields. The literature mastered? What have you found?

It was staggering. Never seen so much of it. Conducting simple field work on a particular claim. Trying to get representation. Then looking at the firm's employee's specifically. All coming through today. More and more and more. The next thing look at this press. You can do this on journalism and media as well.

What have you found??

by qclick
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was written in 2019. But what happened?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

It makes no difference. The documents are old by almost a month. How was it circulated when it had for a your eyes only seal?

It is a presumed budget, regarding supplies, reinforcements, causalities of Ukrainian numbers.

How are these documents even verified, in Ukraine, and they're still subjective to change? Any muntion drops, the budget, casualties.

The leak then look, becomes a hoax. It becomes a 4d chess move. A gambit. It throws any other possible information into question. If it was supposedly credible. It can even cause enemy to do something contrary as it uses the subterfuge.

Or let's try to suggest it is genuine. A third party whistleblew. Let's face it, any asset would remain funnelling Intel. Unless it was a one-shot deal. They possibly could only get the cheese by an accident. Airing it has caused any numbers to change. Why would you announce it. Unless it causes damages. Distrust in the billions invested, the causality figures by comparison, and the constant supply and depth of involvement.

Has it changed anything except any plans? It's like Mickey Mouse wrote them. Russians are banned from Twitter. Air the Secret Plans on Twitter. Has it caused any damage to the people making plans. Embarrassment perhaps. Not even. Falling for it is often worse.

The top secret spring offensive is largely propaganda, the Ukrainians are attacking. It sounds chessy because it is. Location of attack, precisely. Umm umm what's up doc? Blank. They will decide later. Has it given away the locations of the Himlars? No but Russia might try to shoot at something? Come on.

Who cares? Is like movie. By talking about it suddenly causes more bullshit. It shouldn't. It sounds stupid. Level of bullshit today. It makes no real difference. Except it causes bullshit.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is a leading factor of infertility. I linked the Who's recent figure which is nonsense in another topic. Apparently it affects 1 in 6 people as of the 2023 statistic. But it isn't a diagnosis. It's just a statistical analytic based on non protected intercourse in a 12 month period. The rates spiked in COVID. Another detailed study only had 50 million couples globally with it in 2015. It was also an average but a clinical one.

However yes the pill really mucks that stuff up, timings, cycles, etc, causing infertility. The proof is in the pudding. Look at Western fertility rates. Since its usage. Plus there are abortions causing infertility.

I'm specifically speculating on its causes to Breast Cancer. It is only recently it has become more widespread and been granted and prescribed to even younger age groups. They don't even need parental consent anymore. And many places repeat prescriptions without doctor authorisation/approval on repeated usage. Suddenly alongside breast cancer rates have exploded. But there are probably a few more causes and factors to breast cancer.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes they do. I postively agree. I don't think the cellphones are giving me breast cancer. I don't identify as a woman.

But let's blame something because it's so much fun to have a bunch of warning labels on the hazardous products. Products like transgenders.

If we can think of a product that needs a warning label, apart from the transgenders, it must be?

No wonder it has been squashed by big tobacco. Like the cellphones. It took like 70 years to get tobacco warning labels. But seen as though they're on everything today, including alcohol in Canada. I hope it doesn't take that long to get the transgenders cause cancer?

Humor. But I think it's a combination. Although importantly it is the pill as that leading source. But it won't become significant. Other than look there's now a pill for men or some bullshit. It's the leading contraceptive despite its clear risks. The solution outweighs the side affects. Cellphone profits outweigh their damage. Until there are how many cellphones a year.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

What are we discussing exactly?

Estrogen and progesterone naturally produced, have an abundance of health risks, when taken artfically outside of their natural cycles.

They do.

The pill has heaps of side affects. It doesn't always work either. Doesn't a product like Lamisil counteract it.

The conspiracy is breast cancer affecting between 1 in 5 and 1 in 7 women today. If we can put our finger on it. Think. Those rates have exploded. But look at a linked risk of the pill. How many women take the pill today. Look at that 1 in 5 more than 1 in 5? Come on.

There are probably quite a few more factors and medicines. But it is obviously a cause.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Read it.

I am not drunk you are. Your brain only processes bullshit.

You accuse me of being a Russian shill because I didn't drink out of a toilet bowl.

Your next insult is I am drunk for having a conversation with you?

You're the epitome of dumb, like baseline level programmed. I might as well be speaking to. Look you're on a conspiracy website in a topic about press. Suddenly you have the brains of tell me this word. It is the thing you claim to hate. Somebody closed minded. Promoting what. Tell me what you're promoting. Attacking somebody else questioning the news?

The only shill is you. You made that obvious. A very dumb shill. You're immediately programmed. You couldn't be a dumber shill. You accuse me, when you clearly are.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1


What are we talking about? Top secret Twitter leaks?

Hahahaha. Pull my leg. Top secret twitter feeds.

Wouldn't you keep your asset intact. They'll be more than one briefing. Why risk the exposure. If indeed it had a source of pivotal Intel. It's not like a defection, the walls are caving in better incite them more.

You mean a third party. Why? Hahaha.

Who cares. Look Marcon in China. Doesn't it suggest. It's far more problematic. Why would there be a Chinese diplomatic solution. It specifically states, no Crimea. What does Ukraine say no peace without the Crimea. Somehow it thinks to assuage any trade? But solve global peace? You mean he needs the cookie points for French protest. Send the tanks in.

Other than the Russians have taken Bakhmut, no Ukraine is still holding out. He said, and they said, who said what. Who cares, it either is, or isn't. Until then it isn't worth the paper it's printed on.

Who really cares is that point. I am not a Russian at all. I don't care apart from hearing something without secular narratives. It's called advertising one narrative. It's a product I am not buying. Why would I. Some foreigner dictating global peace from a shithole, is interesting. Not my problem, go away. Why would I care. I don't live there. As far as any actual news went, it has become a source of gossip.

Not my problem. Until there's a bigger war, or there's peace. At this point there won't be peace. So why do I care who loses what? When there's peace it will become problematic look at it. What solution do you see from it?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No accuracy on any of it. The same headlines are hitting every other source. Propaganda and speculation. More disinformation than the truth.

The top secret documents released are probably another source of nonsense. Why would they be genuine when there are only lies on this topic. If they are slightly truthful it is only to cause lies. Who really cares anyway. It's either a case of or it isn't.

Cannot trust a word of the media today. It deflects news with scandals. It provides gossip to advertise. It provides science to cause funding. It produces propaganda to cause misinformation and promote agenda.

On this issue the only news is bullshit. It is from one prospective and one archeicture. Never seen a conflict with only one narrative. But today all the feeds are parroting the same headings and headlines. With Ukraine constantly chatting feces, sometimes providing the most absurd claims without verification. So many examples of it. No point in repeating.

Regardless I've switched off until something significant happens. It is more than he said it needs more funding.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here is the obvious candidate to breast cancer.


Squashed obviously. It's probably the morning pill as a greater risk factor. It being more widely taken when rates have skyrocketed. There are others. If I put a finger on it. Those rates have massively increased as it is being more widely used. Other factors are also breast surgery. But it is less than the statistics taking contraception and developing breast cancer.

All very conspiracy. You won't get to the truth.

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