by pkvi
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

For weeks? I thought the discord cult of leakers had been operating for months? A cult that groomed the opportune moment to leak enabling all of the fact checkers?

It was a print out. Notice the coloured ink and the creases. Surely it has fingerprints on it if he wasn't the intended recipient? Don't tell me archives take the snapshots?

Sure enough on cue there's the causality. Cross server platforms need the sanctions.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Apology, wrong reply.

There has been so many. It's an occurrence.

I am struggling to think of how something that size is destroyed so rapidly that any otherwise failsafes aren't utilitised. Lack of regs and security. Flammable materials. Explosive gases.

It's not a one off random. Sabotage when it has been on the scale of accidents to food and distribution this admin.

But there's probably an explanation.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

They actually are.

They are very pedos. Some of the worst. Perhaps not as bad as Islam. It is what is.

Hate this topic so much but it gets real fucking dark. They only added child's rights a few decades ago. They home millions of kids. But it hasn't changed much. Some of those traditions are shocking. On the exterior is a different story.

Type of stuff like the most renown Buddhist tiger sanctuary selling the tiger parts. Literally trafficking the tigers.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Damage control.

However there is a possibility it is genuine. But it would laughable. Look at Ukraine's position. It doesn't completely add up. How many shells and ammo has been gifted just been gifted and constantly being supplied. How much aid. But the report shows it Is drastically limited? It doesn't fully add up. It has been requesting for more and more. But didn't that change recently from a much wider war effort from a few places and nations. Into greater production.

Why would they leak it on discord. Plausable deniability. Faster putting more measures on discord. Who can prove the guy's group, outside of erratic claims, surley by now they'd be approaching most of them for stories as press or who knows. The press story on the group is ridiculous. He groomed naive gamers for months until finding the perfect leaker. At just the right time. But he'd always get compromised. It makes no sense not even at kindergarten. Neither does his access. Isn't there easier ways to leak this shit? Why would it sit there on Minecraft for months until the perfect leak. Background and selection and timing. Perhaps

I find it dubious the instant press of it. The complete breakdown of it in all the papers claiming or denying firing up the propaganda. A lot of other stuff doesn't get the same detail or attention. Especially if it is genuine. It seems odd.

The Ruse could possibly be trying to force Russia into brazen attacks to draw out their line and defense, into a supposed Ukraine front undermanned and limited in capacity and ammo, containing a weak Ukrainian counter offensive. Hmm possible. Possible morale and numbers are wearing. Why then is it claiming more special forces? These kind of guarantee weapons and training. Why all the aid and all the new equipment, if it's in a state of collapsing?

The article also provides no real Intel outside of information mostly available anyway. The only thing in question are the numbers. Outside of its concerns towards any allies and partners. Some of these named are in production for Ukraine. That UAE twitter nonsense tedious. Liquefied gas to Germany making shells and armour.

I'd go with misinformation the timing is remarkable. But there is more that doesn't make sense on why or how it thought to fool from a source that doesn't make sense and is probably compromised if it can be acquired that easily?

Who cares anyway. It stinks. It always does. Any war remains in the same process it was.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Possibly trying to contain the spillage. The weekly army newspaper and intelipedia, the intelipedia, is the army wiki, it incited causation fron rumbling allies bemoaning the damages. The media says one thing the leak says something else. Reeeeee. It caused them to blow it up more. Rather than blame the weekly army press. It's much better to say the secrets were stolen. Damage control.

Who knows, but it stinks. He had partial access to some servers. But I mean. I doubt it's this shit again. At what point.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

It still doesn't explain protocol. Cameras in server/archive rooms, cameras in building. Random searches on personnel. Access looking at archives. Age of person. Sweeps of personal equipment, routers, phone. Further background, monitored.

Most place around sensitive docs do. Or they don't have sensitive docs.

But outside of this is protocol. If catch idiots on discord. They don't air without the perp.

Most places treason like this is capital punishment.

Who knows who cares. It sounds like way too much bullshit.

A narrative sooner more dystopia. Or who knows. I don't wanna speculate because it stinks.

How this above. No secret since multiple breaches, since years of it. That protocol tightened up. To the point of dedicated protocols adopted. Many of these included particular measures and security of personnel, classification, and repeated checks. Aside it compartmentalised. Where it takes more and more access. No archive holds or can access everything. If it can access, it lessens to smaller pools.

But fuck it. It isn't this press. It never is.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

That size is absurd. It's over half a mile square. 20,000 cattle. Why wouldn't it be localised to a section? How does over half a mile square ignite or exploded. In a concrete, and alloy structure?

Does it harvest any methane, was it flammable materials used, does it use any other type of gas in the machinery or feeders. Where are the sprinklers? There needs to be water for waste and drinking and cooling.

I find these things to be deliberate, or the result of very poor services and regulations.

However it was a brand new building less than a year. Milkers these are robotic and cost huge upto around a quarter of million, sometimes more. It needs how many 20,000 heads. Clearly it hasn't done something right?

In a spate of disasters to food production and haulage. How is this press accidental?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why are you linking a known gay song. This is what queers being forced by Satan listen too. You made that documentary. The gay music, from ritualistic Disney. It was clearly made for the emos and queers in your documentary. It was programming people to be gay, and sacrifice to satan. Why are you trying to make me gay? I'm not buying it.

Username checks. Traxx. It's anal completely anal. Seen with known queers, Assdigger, check. Purveys satanism, check. Listens to queer memorabilia, check.

You proved this.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

You put cock in ass. You say this. Where the only thing exposed is your fetish for the queer gap. It has Satan pegging away at it. You did this. You make the documentary. If seen with queers it's because you're queer and it was because of Satan forcing you. I didn't make that content. I didn't say these things. You exposed yourself.

No. No. Shill or whatever dumb words you think to name me. It doesn't work. We are doing guilt by associations. I am fundamentally proving how dumb and stupid your logic is. It's quite flawed. It's completely queer. Then you try to blame Satan. Stereotypical.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hahaha. The dumbest. It sounds like the feces because it is.

At least they're admitting the documents are real. No. It's still conjecture. He copied them, he spent hours on the discord. Among his regular work, it was handling top secrets. Where and how?

Why haven't they found this guy yet? They found some of his members. A dose of waterboarding. A stint in the fed. Look at Jan 6.

20-30 year old with the total US intelligence Archive, happily sharing it to his gamer buddies.

Umm, something is wrong. Vetted individual has copies for top personnel and can remove secure documents on the fly. What kind of apparatus is this? No camera in base or unit where he worked. No routine checks on personnel's home systems and routers?

I find this remarkably bullshit. Not impossible. Nothing is impossible. It just beats me as stupid. Real stupid. How these breaches occur. Why such sensitive information is archived. The personnel handling the archives. No regular checks conducted. Finally finding this person or facility.

They've announced it. Strange, prior to catching.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

See again. It's a fetish with you. You admit you get pegged by the devil.

There you are having the gay sex. Assdigger is a known queer. Read name. Now that you're caught, it's the devil who made you do it.

God damn it. Exposing queers. You made this documentary. If seen with a queer like Assdigger. It's because you're queer. Suddenly you're also ritualistically worshipping Satan.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You haven't exposed anything. Except how you put cock in ass. You proved, you're faggot. You did this. You said this. You say if picture taken with gay person. It means you put their cock up your ass. Next thing look. You and your gay friend Assdigger, are sucking and jerking off each other.

This is what you proved. If you know gay person it's because you put their cock in your ass. Next topic, look removed, the pair of you are sucking and jerking each other off. You proved this. Picture. See. The evidence is right there.

This is what you've exposed. It's guilt by association. Assdigger is a queer. Obviously. There you are seen together in the next topic. You're putting cock up his ass.

You proved it. You're associating with known queers like Assdigger. It's because you put cock in his ass. All it takes is you being seen with the deviant and you're exposed. You proved this, you have the gay sex with your queer friend.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Look pair of queers. They're obviously the gays. This is what they've proved. They put cock in other ass. It's guilt by associations. They're holding each others nuts. Look proof.

Why do they do this. They're obviously very queer. This is what they proved. So clever.

Read their name definitely homo. Assdigger. Trass. Very proof.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

That you're a drug addled retarded delusional schizophrenic suffering from severe case of the bullshit.

If you have the gay friends they put a cock in your ass? Look what you proved, faggot.

You're looking for Trump dick pics to see if he was a joooo?

God damn it. Fucking queer.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No you do. You have so much dick in your mouth. You're even looking for it.

I am not entertaining your absurd ideas. Tell me why I care. I really don't. Your ideas are ridiculous. They're autistic. If you know a retard, you're definitely retarded. Look how that works. It does right. Because with you it's hereditary. You're inbred.

Until you've got the cock in your mouth, asking people to find the dirtiest pics. Dumbass retard.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're sucking his cock. Look it's in your mouth. You keep posting it all over the forum. You're even asking for proof.

I am calling you a junkie. You've got bullshit.

Trump means nothing to me, unless he's president. Then not a lot. I'm not American.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

The only dumb shill is you. You're delusional. Your argument. Let's do an example. You have a rich friend, you have no idea what this person does, but they're a friend. Suddenly they're arrested for drug dealing. Omg you're on drugs??? You went to this friends house, and at yours and so forth, you might have seen possible drug taking. But you never pictured it as their business, others there or whatever. Nobody knows, it was a party, there were lots of people. You are absolutely guilty. Let's lock you up. There is pictures of you and your friend together. You sick perverted drug addict. You let them deal in your house. You're 100% a peddling junkie.

Such a dumbass.

You're explicitly targeting one person and not everybody else she was seen with multiple times.

Guilt by association. You're definitely guilty of an addiction. It so happens to be? You're on drugs. It explains it.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Who cares? You're adding a bunch of speculation. It means nothing outside of conjecture. Why am I jumping on your delusional bandwagon because she's in that picture?

How many times was Biden and so many other celebs and political figures seen with her?

Instead you've posted shit all over this forum like a gibbering autistic. She has been seen multiple times with everybody multiple times.

In your universe it's guilt by association. What is the crime? Bullshit. Stop posting shit. You're convincing nobody else.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Something with their milkers, feeders, or waste disposal. Surely it wasn't their farts, that would be ridiculous.

But how does 2.1 mil squate feet explode?

The floor is concrete, the milking stalls use alloys. Like the robotic milkers. It also has sprinklers systems and water cleaning constant feces and for their drinking?

Something exploded. Dunno what this is? Is it any gases in the automatic equipment. Was it collecting their methane?

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, you're wrong. Completely wrong at this point.

They haven't had a go at Russia. Who wins what? If Ukraine has lost, Russia has just beat the West. How does that work? Russia hasn't agreed on peace either. There are still Ukrainian positions in its repatriated territory.

If Russia wins, it will create a domino effect. Around the globe. Picture it. Russia losing could also have that effect. Another proxy opening. Currently that Taiwan situation is bubbling. What about others like Iran. Or even more as that future continues.

At this point any war will continue. It could continue for years. What peace do you see. Even if plans are proposed. How does it rebuild, how does its citizens. They will resist or what? What about Ukraine still arming or potentially joining Nato?

Biden will be the biggest failure in history taking the rest of America with him. Greater economic trouble. Meanwhile prices will continue greater costs inflating and in shortages.

Put it this way to lose is to accept defeat. It will cost far more. Nobody is at point of acceptable defeat.

The whole automation thing seems perfect timing and Russia has been complict attacking when it did. However. This war will drag on. Despite silly leaks. Or even changes of office, or not. It was trying to contain Russia. Suddenly you're claiming they lost. How's It contained, if it just beat the West?

Containment would sooner sever crosslinked platforms?

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's not changing direction. Dream on. There's only one direction today. Why. What peace do you even imagine? It's almost ironic. What peace will cause any cessation. Russian withdrawal from its ratified and integrated territory, hahahaha. Heavily fortifying. Can Ukraine give them up, arming more in any attempts to reclaim. Requesting Nato membership, and it has how much current Nato support.

How has any leak stopped policy. If anything it has caused it more support.

Election bullshit is nonsense. It will continue to arm and support no matter the office.

But it is probably about to police discord and other crosslinked platforms more.

Outside of this what will China do? It's almost entering. Never-mind any others.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

There will be no impeachment. America gains nothing by it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Thank you. No I didn't watch it. I turned it off. Commented.

I had heard of him before being used in conspiracy of a preplanned paradigm of the World Wars and the satanists planning them.

I should've watched the whole video.

Ep0ch 5 points ago +5 / -0

How are 20000 cows exploding?

Look at size. I then read the article, not the picture. Over 2 million squarefoot.

I am still struggling to understand how 2 million square foot explodes? Also it was only built a year ago?

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

I find this dubious at best.

Where is the original document.

Surely it would be on display in its original print and format. Instead of it claiming suprious hindsight. Providing a much later background.

Why was it referred to as Nazism? It didn't exist yet.

How could he accurately predict it, if the article is genuine? Why would he use the term Nazi? This doesn't seem probable. In fact, did German's even call themselves Nazis?

The problem with any predictions is that they're often interpretations. Afterwards it seems likely to create hoaxes and claims. In the 60s it seems far more probable.

I am struggling to find the advantage. Apart from a new World power emerging from its conquest and it would be robotic and AI. Except that seems illogical then. Instead it's prophesied as Satanism. His claims are featured in the book of Satan.

Unfortunately it is far too accurate to be genuine. It employs no code or member only words that motion, because of vague predictions and foretelling subjective to constant change. It is accurate to the point of insanity. If those events didn't exist who is the lunatic saying them. So ritualistic code is employed right? You find this with every order, society, and religion.

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