Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Border control, passport, visa, and luggage checks, prior to departure. It said it. It's the Eurostar. Train. Europe via France to the UK or UK to Europe. Interconnected trains. Prior to boarding checks are made, like they are when alighting.

On the warrant. He was arrested in the UK. How if he's French. Who flagged him?

British how? French why not?

He has a supposed terrorism, check.

I don't care about that background. It's the problem and irony.

I am not condoning dystopia. It seems problematic. Why can't the French do their job and stop the migrants crossing. Here it is in this press they let criminals through. He probably isn't I am being harsh. But look.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haha. It was the train. But somehow I just don't think the terrorists care


Passports checked, language scanned. Who put out the warrant? The lazy French border force allowing the terrorists through? They're going to the UK, it's fine?

It's not like the British police haven't got anything better to do, than look over the French pension protests? Every grandad is potentially a terrorist. But you never know if it was the AI?

It's remarkable that the terrorist boarded the train.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Who issued the warrant? If France hadn't, it's rather creepy. Why wasn't he stopped at port? Passport control. Like they're aggreviating all those Brits going through their end. Who issued the alert? It might've flagged later. No it didn't. He passed port and was detained in England when trying to attend a conference. Why wasn't that flag on port? If it's terrorism?

He took the Eurostar boarded a train. What a terrorist? Come on it stinks.

He was detained alighting the Eurostar. Somehow the Frogs let him board and let the Brits arrest? Oh well it's no wonder why we got so many migrants.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

An oxymoron. What did people do prior to those platforms.

Now do you understand their agendas. Until it's metaverses. The price of everything is 3 times more. Except for the things plugging you in. They simply need far more services to operate. While everything else comes crashing down.

A complete oxymoron. What did people do before those platforms. They had more fun for sure.

But that narrative wasn't centralised

Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

Extradition agreements. Interpol. Fuck that. When it's a protest. Who put out the arrest order? If France didn't and there's no extradition or French warrant? Just creepy.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I answered. His Deadman Switch showed kids pouring water from a fountain into baths. It's a hotel in Turkey. The room those kids are in is a hotel in Turkey.

Remind me of those laws in Turkey? But even that is stretching imaginations. Who knows that story?

The rest of his suicidal drug addled ramblings. He committed suicide after that feed. Are exactly what?

I don't make anything of it. He is off his head talking about somewhere else with a vastly different culture. Was it guilt?

Lastly I have no idea who he is?

I have just read up about him. His career was defamed. He assaulted an actress. A girlfriend of another actor. He was off his nuts on drugs and alcohol when he died. But he obviously thought to leave conspiracy behind. Witnesses tried to prevent him jumping.

As far as his claims. Check out his itinerary. Was he in Turkey at that hotel at any point. Who were the witnesses? Before bothering me with the ravings of somebody disturbed.

It's a horrible thing suicide. No explanation to it. I have lost people close people. There is never any sense from it.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

He is. But all those subsidies mean one thing only.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Elon has been an asset for years and a narrative for many more.

I don't trust he has anybody but Gov interest. His own he hasn't got much power of.

As far him he's likeable enough. But don't let it fool you.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Who cares? It is what it is? Next election guy.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't that's in Turkey. It proves nothing. I haven't seen it, either. It's a hotel in Turkey. If it shows a minute of kids pouring water. The room is located in a hotel in Turkey.

What's the connection here? You meant his other claims. Proving exactly what. Talks about another culture?

How do I know this because I've seen this argument before regarding him. His claims. Where the video he linked was scrutinised. I can't tell you which hotel Google it.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

He's also a Russian.

Today he probably identifies as transgender. Ukraine has turned into this? A country assuming another body, or border.

Until it's harder not to care. I really don't.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Tediously you're talking bullshit.

If Epstein was grooming them why was anybody else? All you've got is your imagination.

Hypothetically what age were they, and who else did they fuck?

Nothing but conjecture.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're insane. It doesn't work like that with cash.

Disposable income used to procure. Any lifestyle was the promise of acclaim. Most were impoverished from reports, or promised modelling opportunities. Epstein homed them.

Who were they even they don't want to be identified. There was big payouts, compensation awarded towards.

The rest is still being trolled through. Unsubstantiated. It's narrative driven and hasn't got much fact.

Epstein groomed them for what end? His own? Blackmail? What exactly? It becomes murky on guilty. What age were they. Outside of any traffickers? Or those charged with targeting and solicting minors.

All you've got is speculation. It hasn't proved or established much apart from the mentioned criminals.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

The list? Who keeps a list? What list? The dumbest. Literal autism.

Where did the children go? They grew up and became extortionists. Obviously.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

CNN has been responsible for the rise in diabetes.

There was a huge meat diet prior to CNN, it was widespread across America for over a century. Then CNN came along. What honestly went wrong? It makes you wonder.

Sugary cereals are quite responsible.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Autism. Brought to you by another woke production selling it to nobody else. At this point it's painfully shite. Where are those numbers. Explain this? Somebody please explain why it needed another Cleopatra production. What it hopes to bring to the table? How it can possibly even hope to compare to the originals and the numerous content already available.

How does it even inspire? She was known as the whore of Egypt, by Egyptians, and she committed suicide. Why hasn't her tomb never been found? If they find her tomb go ahead. Until then the cast have more fun making this crap than absolutely anybody else has watching it. Everybody else has seen it all before so many times better.

Hahaha. Nobody is watching it.


Antiquity, Egyptians have condemned it as being bullshit. Cleopatra had Greek origin.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

The idea is charged rifles firing lasers. Which I think have had much bigger significant breakthroughs. It's hard finding this on localised search engines. I believe they're far more compact now. Find it.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't accused Clinton once you dumbass.

I haven't accused Trump either.

I haven't accused Gates.

I might have when first opening this account made jokes, who wasn't then. I don't recall any accusations persay.

And I don't like any of them.

I find this shit the stuff of hearsay.

What actually occurred, details?

There was younger girls involved with Epstein, accusations of rape, sex with minor is this, and the past court trials, involving minors. He was accused, awaiting sentencing, he dies prior. Ghisaline Maxwell is sentenced for soliciting minors among other charges. Prince Andrew settles out of court with a then minor at the time.

The next thing there's a bunch of bullshit. Where snuff Island has become the stuff of demons and cannibals and pedophile pizzas. No sooner everybody who went there ate little kids? Everybody who was seen with Maxwell or Epstein summoned Moloch and dined on the virgin blood.

What happened? Conjecture outside of Ghisaline Maxwell. Epstein.

Prince Andrew is also conjecture. Where is the proof. Settlement. Supposition.

There are no facts outside of a bunch of speculation and the criminal charges on Maxwell and the then imprisonment of Epstein awaiting trial.

Topically I find this topic politically motivated. It hasn't proved anything except what has been brought to trial, and instead incites conjecture.

What I dislike is it's targeting one person seen with Maxwell or Epstein when like you said Clinton was. So was almost everybody else who was in some kind of wealth and political and social circles. You're calling on the guillotines because of the politics. I need evidence to be a part of the daily stupid picture posts.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. But they're two separate people. Crime is on individual sentencing and actions.

The point being yes they partially operated in the same criminal acts. It doesn't me shit to anybody else. What does it mean? Without evidence and more than circumstances, they attended a place where either were, or were seen with them, your accusations are otherwise bullshit.

You are retarded, suggesting everybody who knew either partook of the same actions. That's conjecture. Unsubstantiated happenstance.

What was a little bit more damning was the black book. It is suggestive. But it doesn't prove shit either. It simply suggests.

Ultimately it all died with Epstein. She is imprisoned and is otherwise silenced. Or where is all the details?

Instead you're musing, and any blackmail is still operating. If it wants a head it still has snuff island hanging over them??

by pkvi
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Evidence of the cloning chambers. Arizona?

It has been. But to what extent remains debatable.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

No. Look what happened to Adani. Until it is faster trading in rupees?

Who cares today. It's gonna get uglier sooner.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why wouldn't he. What's the information. Conjecture. Trump getting his way. Hahahaha. But on the other shoe.

They use these narratives for politics. They use them to silence opposition. They use them to cause dystopia. They use them to profit.

What was the crime. All you've got are hers? What were they again? Something something illict rackeetering supposed trafficking of the gullible seeking wealth and fame. Epstein's died with him.

Bullshit largely. A bunch of bullshit. A bunch of nonsense and fiction. The stuff of adrenochrome cannibals and satanic rituals. It could happen if you believe it does and probably does happen in the depths of the depravity.

Was there the snuff Island? On snuff Island it releases the trafficked. It catches them for the human sacrifices. Wealthy flock to the Island for the annual snuff sports. Snuff Island lets the perverted do what they want. They just have to order premium pizzas, selecting the dough. Escaped from snuff Island are victims looking for multi millions in alimony. They were promised marriages and careers. Instead they became a banquet for Moloch. Their blood became the essences for elites to flourish.

What were we talking about?

by pkvi
Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

She was heavily connected, watch the documentaries about her. Royalty, political elite, actors, show business. She was everywhere in society for decades. Until proven to be an Epstein accomplice. Were they bound hand and hip. No, but they were complict. To what extent, only with what's been convicted.

This topic I find tedious. Nobody will know all of that story. Outside of any actual crime. All it has is speculation. When it is only speculating on certain people, not everybody else seen with her, it's a dumb narrative.

But as far as speculation goes they were friends. No crime. Just because Trump didn't like Epstein. Supposedly. Doesn't mean he wasn't friends with her. Guilt. Not without proof. Conjecture. She could have easily provided him models. Again no crime. Unless they were children. Not like he hasn't got a history of those, also being a socialite, and also hosting numerous functions from so many venues and businesses. Happenstance.

Who fucking cares. Obviously idiots do. Let the FBI troll it, and the gullible speculate. But as far as any loose ends. It has gone away. It died with Epstein. She was convicted. Will it hit the big feeds. Not without big evidence. There is none. The only people talking are dumber narratives trying to make more dumber narratives. Until it has turned political.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Where is Epstien in those photos?

Where is Maxwell running kids there?

At what point do you think it was the only thing she did socially?

Why is Maxwell, Epstein?

These topics are so dumb

You assume anybody seen with somebody else knows everything about them.

You assume because everybody who is seen with a criminal has committed the same crimes.

How dumb is that? Go back to evidence school.

Stop bombarding this forum with anecdotal happenstance

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