Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because of the slavery reparations.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

I don't hate anybody either. Not in my nature to hate people. But I will joke for the sake of free speech.

The user is simply click baiting obviously following on current conspiratorial trends. It's laughably ironic.

Perhaps there is conspiracy on it. But it's not reptiles and demons.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

You're a demon in Jewish form. I mean why else would you demonise? Is it because you're a demon? Or are you Jewish, and are trying to possess them? I think you're trying to possess the Jews.

But I have no idea about why you fantasize about them. When everybody else ignores demons, and jews. It is quite ironic.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's hard to find any truth

Ukraine has a track record. It doesn't mean guilt but advances probability. It has committed assassination in Russia. Advisor's daughter killed by assassination. Peterborough explosion with reported affiliations towards. A recent fire in the Kremlin? On Putin's visit to Ukraine a few weeks ago boasted of attempts by drone to assassinate. Putin is a wanted man internationally with warrants for his arrest in multiple countries threatening action if on visitation. Ukraine by drone and sabotage have been stepping up attacks in Russia and have conducted attacks in Belarus.

The timing is dubious prior to any Ukrainian offensive, justifies action, like increased conscription and warrants recourse in the eyes of Russia. There are bigger questions on how a drone penetrated air defenses. But it is not impossible if inside the air defenses and used cover etc. The damage was also fiscal. Why would Russia target its power structure. This is alarming and historic. Although nothing surprises today if nukes are on the table or it likewise bombards Ukrainian command structures. Although to be seen as compromising isn't their image persay. It relies on much bigger antiaircraft sales and advanced weapon systems.

Who knows, in either event it escalates the situation which by any degree has been escalating.

The goal is surrender and acceptance of territory claimed by both sides. If any truce is to be made, it will have to accept the other side. This is almost impossible geographically without the loss of territory. Hence an escalating conflict. Ukraine doesn't want Russia in what it considers its borders, demanding warcrimes and removal of Russian occupation. Russia doesn't want Nato on its border and wants to make sure its interests, bases, trade, and commerce is protected, as well as Russian citizens who have been Russian for much longer before Ukraine claimed devolution.

Any goal uses agenda and has much wider geopolitical strategy and politics.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It was my fault. No worries.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was outlawed in the UK it's licensing was revoked from Rupert Murdoch's Sky. Because the anchor director had metoo cases. It hasn't been renewed by Ofcom the UK regulator. It is missed. Crappy CNN, it uses UK news, or has a British based branch wasn't, despite similar allegations. It was directly targeting pro Trump or pro GOP news. Now it hasn't had relicensing. Who knows if it will.

I won't watch it. I don't watch the news anymore, used too, daily, unless shit happens that makes the news worth watching. After Brexit, the government said, and the news said something else. The news constantly said something else. It put on a radio show of idiots saying something else. How are idiots experts? A bunch of stupid PM's later, tried. The Covid journalism of the damned, the constant daily cancer deaths speculated upon. Those idiots working from home offering their musings. Until it has trended even more today. These fucking assholes on camera in their rooms talking bullshit. The news has been so much worse. It has descended into rubbish. I stopped watching it. It offers nothing another headline doesn't. I don't need to read the story, it offers speculation unless it is the news. A fact that has occurred. Even then it is still liable to the propaganda. These terrorists with the mental health unless they're far right extremists. Unwatchable, as it parades the woke, and the crisis actors. 5 minutes of divers, 5 minutes of criers. Still what happened. No point in watching it tomorrow. Women are being attacked by serial killers. Tune in tomorrow for the next serial. It is rape if you look at somebody else on the underground.

I give up.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gag order by the various manufacturers. Remember a contract was leaked. It also has far wider implications. Any cases of this matter can last decades regardless. Like they did against Big Tobacco. Forget mobile phones. Immediately why would they release any findings if the narrative is still ironclad. I doubt another government like Labor could unseal emergency protocol and then on what recommendations like the UN and on what contracts, above previous?

It's not so easy as claiming it is being kept under a lid. Disclosure is upto which courts? Further how long does it take. Aren't there cases elsewhere?

Although like with the Moon Landing how long was that narrative squelched, I mean any attempt of questions purged? Until today there's only conspiracy, while everywhere else suggests. And only the shills claim, and diehards.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look at Fox news now. Oops. It thinks it can wait another generation to get back the numbers. Nope. I don't think anybody else watches the news today. Look at Biden. The only time people watch news is when there is news. Otherwise they watched a summary of the news. Or it would have too. Tell me what Tucker provided. Because those numbers are becoming far more sporadic. The news has turned into propaganda driven gossip, speculation that tells you nothing. For example I watched news flicking channels the other day. A possible murder in Glasgow of some teacher. At no point could the news tell me anything. Shots of police divers searching. Interview of staff so missed. No information in the 10 minutes of coverage on what occurred. Just assholes talking about rubbish, literally. Nothing, 5 minutes talking about divers, 5 minutes of criers. Until this is practically every single report. It contains nothing but drawn out speculation. Assholes getting paid to talk about bullshit. It is almost always gossip and crisis acting, behind the blue screens. Of course I'd have to follow the story to be able to understand what occurred. I had no idea after watching it for 10 minutes of bullshit. It would be the same on bigger stories. In fact almost everytime I try to watch news it is an advert, or the weather. What is even worse is it talking about tomorrow's papers or a holiday show or a tech show.

The news isn't worth watching. Stopped watching it after Brexit. It was the worse coverage on the planet.

Yet bemusingly it thinks to curtail it further.

American news I had fox. It got outlawed after Brexit. I have CNN and have a bunch of news channels. My phone gives better stories on its news alerts. All I have to do is read the headlines. If I need more details I suffer through any writing. It is almost always conjecture, narratives cherry picked to goad advertising of something woke or something inciting that it has virtue signalled.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

The actual footage is very gay, it was a crappy drone.

But it's not the point. The point being. Ukraine have claimed in all newspapers a few weeks ago they tried to assassinate Putin, on visit to the Crimea. They have been attacking Russian trains inside Russia. They committed at least two assassinations in Russia.

Now whatever this is. It of course being on the timing of a counter offensive. It will cause Russian recourse. If state command buildings are targeted, and attempts to assassinate the President are actively occurring.

Summarise those implications? They're kind of obvious.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hit and run.

Hardly that Captain. Isn't the Captain supposed to be the last one off the ship. But it's another trope. Not when the captain considers himself more important than the population or troops commanded. Instead is a cheerleader for more funding.

I think this conflict has had far more CGI for much longer.

I question any visitation going into an active combat zone. It hasn't since the middle ages where Kings went to war leading their armies, otherwise in modern times nations under direct attack. Generally in modern times it is absolutely irresponsible. Because we've elected a command structure. It as citizens casting ballots should provide us with security much more than pathetic narratives. Yes diplomacy is called for but not at the risks to compromising our elected.

Did these trips even occur. CGI is a remarkable thing today.

But it seems they've just been cancelled. How do you visit Kiev, if Kiev is dust? Or at least any supposed buildings hosting such narratives?

No it's not a warcrime. If he raised those stakes.

Who knows. But it's remarkable.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Haha, he's a bit too short. Antichrist is taller yes? Although if he cause the WW3. We can all blame his sacrifices.

Somehow I don't think he's even in the Ukraine. He just pops out of the tunnels for more cheese.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No. But the dynamic has just shifted. Worse. Right.

Reading into this can expect Kiev to be hit badly.

It hasn't been particularly apart from sporadic infrastructure, and utilities. With all the supposed diplomatic invites constantly pouring in on tour, that tour just got cancelled along with any other transport hubs.

Attacks on Russians trains. Its command structure. Targeted for assassination. As well as assassination happening inside Russia.

A new phase of aggression has just become justified. It suggestively will see that morale and command structure become targeted. With all the air defense what gets through? Hypersonics and bigger blasts.

Does it escalate, it has. When upping the ante, where does it stop?

It being on the eve of a counter offensive. Timing seems remarkable but not impossible by previous claims and events. It has escalated. Contrarily becoming more committed.

Or does Russia fold. Not here. Not when waving a red flag.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thank you for explaining. I apologise for attacking and misunderstanding you.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It is obviously providing the grounds to fully escalate. Whether or not the Ukraine and Allies dismiss it as a false flag.

The Kremlin and president of Russia have been targeted.

Any speculation can assume it means Ukrainian command structures will be fully targeted. How can Moscow not?

In fact, a red line has been crossed. Does it escalate further. Into tactical strikes?

Has Zelenskyy left the country? Finland?

Who knows, the timing is prior to any Ukrainian offensive. Dubious perhaps. But it was claimed by Ukraine they had attempted it already, a few weeks ago on Putin's visit to Crimea, etc, and they have also been targeting and assassinating inside of Russia.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

It means actively targeting Ukrainian command structures. It almost suggests nukes.

What happens here is reasonable justification to attack what targets on what scale?

It escalates. Was bound too, regardless.

Is it a false flag, not completely. In the sense those weapons have already targeted Russia.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes thank you.

In a lot of the World droughts and extreme heatwaves. But yes it's nice and sunny here.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

You're such a dumbass.

I have nothing to do with that. Or your fantasy.

We are discussing your fantasy. It is bullshit. No credibility. No verification. Just make belief. Nobody is buying it. It's bullshit.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

The people I am debating aren't real. What are you talking about?

Who isn't real. What shill?

Explain. There's your chance.

I am awaiting logic that didn't come from a toilet? Prove to me what you're saying.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Exactly. It's a place where all the retards say shit. These threads prove it. They're for retards. The person posting has mental health.

On what planet did I need a retard making up fantasy. Reading that crap has no conspiracy in it. It's fiction. A bunch of bullshit.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

What are you talking about you frothing retard.

The topic is ignorant. It makes almost everybody posting in it stupid. Fetal derangement syndrome.

They have no concept on how coronations occur. They think they can make a support group against it. No, you dumbass, you posting crap makes zero difference to any facts that it will occur. Like the next in line ascending.

I don't give a shit about your bad faith arguments. Your username was licked up off a toilet bowl. In fact it came from reaming an asshole. Where you literally strung shitty words together. Saying your name is in alien language for monkeys. It's remarkable you speak English, you don't understand it. Instead you just say and produce bullshit.

I didn't ask you for anything. Definitely not the faith of Iknowitsu. You know nothing about anything except for reaming assholes.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

It proves rotation. Flat Earthers often deny it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

It actually shows rotation, despite its nonsense spinning, it expected you to watch the sky and its position by comparison.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +4 / -2

Can you stop making shit up. It literally is a fantasy. You should write a fantasy book but it wouldn't sell because you've turned what little truth into a bunch of superstition and lies.

Until it sounds ridiculous and baseless.

Suddenly a religion is a mafia and it originated from the realms of mythology. Is you're race even real, no sooner are they reptiles.

The thought processes and formulation behind that is from a very disturbed mind. At least lovecraft has an origin from somewhere. It was closer to the occult than your bullshit. Your bullshit is projection. Where are your sources. It is what you claim because you said so. Typical schizophrenia. I mean seriously sell it to Amazon except I don't think you'll get published and instead run the risk of lawsuits.

It is bullshit. Stop it. Give credible sources. Not make belief.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

That report is bullshit. Political reasons seize accounts. They're called sanctions. But you meant on citizens involved in protest against government. Canada Truckers. Of course they seize accounts. Could this be why they want to track all your money for any taxes?

I freaking hate the news today. It's such utter crap. Such pointless gossip. Always talking bullshit.

There is a judicial system, I am sure, but what are political beliefs? Criminal seized. Sanctioned seized. Tax averted seized. Labelled in any manner of fine or misappropriation to be seized.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's made for bullshit, bullshit. Believe me there are these people. They tell you how to walk your dog. You have dog they tell you how to walk it. What? Give them any opportunity and they make stupid comments about it. Until bots make comments.

But this shit is staged. 100% staged. It's reverse psychology. It creates a controversial advert. No sooner had you better buy your baby even more consumption. Its pink onesie is not appropriate. It needs all the rainbow colours or else, and needs both types of doll or else. I hope any supposed carbon taxes charge more for LGBTQ. Especially the Trans.

Effectively take water and tip it over that stupid gossiping head. Nobody asked for it. Nobody puts up with it. Water isn't illegal. It shuts that bullshit up. It faster talks about being wet and stomps off to change.

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