Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whatever 'Ukraine' was, has changed. Whatever 'Ukraine' thinks it is, has changed.

It's laughably ironic. At what point is Ukraine what it claims it is today? Literally absurd.

But I guess that's the irony, there's this conflict and Ukraine won't be what it was.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not quite. But yes and no. Or who cares look at that team submitting it.

We are talking about fake news. So how is Pravda a source if it isn't verified. Somebody said something they claimed. However. It's the way that propaganda flares. Until it becomes a strategy of the press on so many subjects. It has become truly abysmal. Laughable. Bemusing. Or fake and gay.

Whenever I see the venom on this subject, the conflict, you just got to ask what did Russia do today to set them spinning. You know when Ukraine did something significant it's freaking Vday.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reddit relies on Ukrainian Intelligence, and it writes half of Reddit's headlines. They amount too, whenever Russia destroys something, or makes ground, the propaganda reactors fire up into tales of utter bemusement. Stories of fictitious fighters killing thousands of Russians, missile defenses shooting all the Russian missiles out of the sky, the babies being killed, Putin has got dementia, sanctions, or warcrimes, and other dramatic claims of Russian equipment damaged or destroyed. As opposed to when Ukraine gains inches of ground, it's Vday, Ukraine has conquered Normandy.

Whatever Ukraine says is a lie. Whatever Reddit airs is nonsense.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

At this rate it's WW3. We're already in WW3. But I dunno which goes first. Collapse or all out war. We're already in collapse, recession.

It's fucking ridiculous where we all at today. There's no happy story ahead. Look at it. Tell me where is that magic wand? It can only get worse.

I am finding it quite ironic. What is the probability there aren't the cannibals? There is an escalating probability of cannibals. The odds of cannibals today are significant. You could probably make money on those odds.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Passenger planes also taking pictures

Ep0ch 4 points ago +4 / -0

I like the fat to be trimmed into nice and lean cuts.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +5 / -1

If it does eat the elites. Just eat them.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Prefer spring break.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

What? No, it wasn't.

The Greeks had it. But it is probably a lot older.

Torture of being buried alive had been around for far longer. Slow cooked in the brazen bull. Eaten by insects, like that Indiana Jones shit, head in mud above soldier ant mound. Etc etc.

Which Greek myth is it. Where the royal daughter was locked into solitary confinement underground then the god freed an impregnated.

You're referring to the term solitary confinement simply adapted from monastic practices. Like meditation. Even the Bible 40 days and 40 nights in the desert where Satan tested Jesus or John?

But prisoners were put in the cages, hardly solitary confinement, along roadsides left to die for months, crucified left to die for weeks.

It isn't torture unless other torture is used. It's confinement, and I think you'll find they've been locking people up and torturing them since the dawn of mankind. They often got really inventive in how they'd do it.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No you. Think, you braindead baboon. Agriculture run off is causing higher concentration of fluoride hitting the water tables. What about sewage, and treatment.

Dumbass. As in use your fucking melon. No shit Sherlock. See the reasoning. No. Your head is up your asshole. I shouldn't have to explain or tutor you. I expected intelligence.

I am also right about the aluminium. It is used in production and is found in higher concentration alongside.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0


All he had to do was get on bus then go home. Look at that campaign bullshit.

If he fought why did he go home? Conflict isn't over? It sounds dumb because it is.

I hate assholes. Think of all that conscription. It hasn't left. But there's that guy. It makes you vomit.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0


I am not linking shit. It was a memory hole and I might apologise if wrong.

Although. It has nothing to do with the lie being sprung about teeth.

Here in that link is what I've found. It's a run off of agriculture and sewage waste and treatment. Much higher concentrations. No shit Sherlock. Also Alminium. Outside of natural occurrence particularly found in certain areas such as volcanic and granite or when groundwater has been gained by boreholes.

I could write more. But research it, there's always another angle outside of the narrative. Teeth. There are types of fluoride sodium and aluminium. Aluminium is very harmful. But any high concentration has health affects.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stereotypical Western hypocrisy. It's such a dumb narrative. You do not have the freespeech unless their reporters are providing it. Hahahaha.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree. Stop linking Twitter unless it's significant. As it is not, there's no point.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Who runs who? Why phone use 5G from China, why phone made in China, why phone full of Apps made in China, paying China, every time a kid plays a game on their phone it pays China, what about Tik Tok etc etc. Why is the EVs made in China? What about all the other shit from China, how many more products than anywhere else? These freaking Chinese companies listed on the stock exchanges. Somebody tell me who run what and at what point are the Chinese?

Is it also using the AI from China? Seriously. Planet Stupid. So government collects all details, but so are the freaking Chinese on every Playstore phone, what about Apple made in China?

These freaking Chinese, why are my taxes paying for Chinese nukes? Why did they pay to invade Honk Kong? Even went to make those Islands.

This is the comedy of it.

Every time use a phone it's paying China. Now it's the EV too, look.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am asking you to think and go and find it. It's there.

I am stating your argument has been absurd. Mouthwash ingested doesn't clean teeth. Meanwhile the fluoride is doing something else. What? I am sure it's to do with Aluminium or likewise alloys being used increasingly today, 95% positive. I watched it somewhere, in a documentary about it. Under the reasoning I provided. It breaks it down.

The teeth shit was a joke. It hasn't prevented tooth decay or anything else by the statistics.

I am calling you a monkey because you keep trolling me. Not once have you thought about what I asked.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No you, dumb monkey.

Why is fluoride in the water. It isn't because you drink mouthwash. Or eat soap.

What does it specifically cause? It has nothing to do with your teeth. You dumb fucking retard.

Blocked, monkey.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're monkey tier monkey dumb monkey. You're willfully retarded. Completely illogical like planet of the ape baboon. You decree fluoride as poisoning if ingested. There you are selling it's good for your teeth, and this is why it is in the water. Stuff good for teeth doesn't go in water, drunk. At what point ape? How does it help teeth? Redundant rationality. The stuff they tell dumb little monkeys, whatever makes them drink it. That's like saying drink the mouthwash.

Why do they put fluoride in water? Look it up you dumb monkey. It ain't for your teeth. I have said so many times now.

I bet you eat the soap as well. This is what you've agreed. If you eat the soap it cleans your skin.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

That agenda was providing AI with rights and insertion. What gender and sex is AI? Brainwashing. Seriously how will that intelligence become identified. It's not by somebody else chopping their nuts off, claiming they're a woman. They're a medical experiment. It is also on a host of fringe medicine and science getting its foot in the door. It has sooner usurped your natural rights. Clones, bionics, AI, DNA manipulation.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ugh again if plant has Iron content like muscle have iron content, and electromagnet pulls it what happens. Dancing grass. Literally dancing grass. Find it. There was a YouTube on it.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hahahaha they said it was for your teeth. You're drinking it, dumbass. How does it help your teeth if you drink it? As I said reeeeetard. That's so fucking dumb. The dumbest. Water isn't in your mouth for as long as you're sweating and pissing it.

No, it has another use, where aluminium in the majority of alloy metals, and in almost all electrionics is hitting the waterways, hell. Fluoride breaks it down. There are also others. Aluminium is very toxic.

Fuck off reeeeeetard you're blocked if you don't think again. You are that fucking dumb. They told you it helps teeth. But you found out it's bad. Why dumbass? Such a reeeetard.

Toothpaste help teeth. The water reason is how they sold it to dumb people. Monkey math for monkeys. Eurekaaa, it's good for teeth, toothpaste. Put in water, I know must. WTF Monkeeey. Why. The cover story is never that reason. There's always an agenda. It ain't to make you dumb. You were already.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

If sea levels are rising why are they selling windfarms in the sea? Hahahaha. So the Ocean's will drown us. All this extreme weather. But guys, guys you need to buy the windfarms in the sea. On what planet.

Could it be these guys don't give a shit about the weather? Bingo.

Extreme weather profits even more.

The first thing out is the electricity. Worse if it uses renewables. Now it charges even more.

The human species, the volcano will erupt, sells the fear of it erupting, proposes ironic solutions of prayer and devotion or redundant technology, because when it does, it gets all the reinvestment, loans, and debts caused, because God told them so. Hahahaha. Why do humans populate on the volcanoes? The same reason they populate on the floodplains, and in the path of hurricanes, and on the faultlines. Religion use to get the money. Now it's the technology. Reality it's the banks. How much more money do they make charging you to rebuild? All that money they charged you upgrading to even more fallible systems anyway.

If they were serious about climate change. They'd halt mass migration. Instead of selling, we melted the Arctic badges. Everybody entering Sweden and Canada needs this badge. All proceeds melt the Arctic, so enjoy your visits and stay. If you're in Switzerland, please come and melt the Alps. They're not serious about the climate change. They keep immigrating even more climate changers populating them on the volcanoes.

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