Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I don't know why you need lasers.

You could seed it. Any evidence destroyed in a blaze.

Otherwise seeding has likely caused this. A history of deforestation. A history of stupidity. A history of adding millions of people into its nation. One of the highest on the Planet for immigration. Then it's wahaa climate change. Until democracy is hypocrisy.

How many has Canada added into its population. Directly into the Arctic. While deforesting for urbanisation and agriculture. Next they need better weather or weather they control.

What is that element that is highly flammable? You wouldn't need a DEW. The dust is enough to ignite in dry conditions. No residual traces it's burnt into the fauna. DEW you need more hits, it would have trace points.

Aside from any conspiracy. It's plain stupidity that cause. How many years of it already. Nobody on top of it until it's too late.

But regardless in the tilt, true North on the move. A solar medium. Where is that heat affecting more. Where have the flares hit. We have had these recently, affecting coms and satellites. In our Northern hemisphere?

In short you could accelerate it so many ways, but most leave traces. Any conditions are already exasperated.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

It is a lot more conspiratorial than that. Full blown dystopia.

You're white walled on almost every post now on Reddit. Not every sub but it is becoming so. The filters and AI running them, are you don't have a say.

If you can get past the filters, I.P, location, and whatever dossier they have about its connection. You're still filtered by AI, on content submitted, prior to it hitting the page. White walled. It isn't even on the screen. Awaiting approval. Binned. Further you've replied to either a Mod or Bots in the topics generated and they checksum a score, up, down, attack, harass, expell, away from other users.

At what point. The day we let them. No resistance to the dystopia until it is that adverse to any other notions of thought and speech.

Reddit as always by its construct was the worst for free speech. Karma. Until now all it is, is an Advert campaign with shills and AI commenting to themselves, echoing.

The problem now is it has come here. Attacking users via down votes. It's the problem. It's how it begins. Until it is banning users. Putting filters. Next it is white walling the content. Then using AI to post.

There is either speech or there isn't. There isn't efforts to tell people what to say. Otherwise people aren't speaking. It's faster an AI.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +4 / -2

Stop this bullshit. They're real. To what extent remains the exact reason we don't use them.

At this rate. We will. Almost a matter of fact. Probability is becoming significant.

Uranium is edible you probably ingest trace amounts. It is a very common element, although the methods of its extraction and enrichment are costly. Uranium enriched into 235 is where it becomes far more radioactive.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

I think populism has other notions.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

You are a stupid nigger.

Canada has burnt the last 5 years.

At what retard stupid point, hasn't there been a disaster force not FEMA. But the army and national guard ontop of this. Vehicles, aircraft, monitoring, prevention.

Right now almost a third or quarter of Canada is ablaze. It needs all available personnel trained and ontop of it. No excuses. They should have training and additional vehicles. Or they're useless.

In the old days not long ago the army did this job. It was their job. Before civilian authority.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

There are prominent Jews everywhere. They work hard earned well. Partially down to their religion. Its ties to family and their community. While their religion binds them together. In doing so becomes as a description, mafia.

But to suggest, they pull all the strings on every single thing is ironically absurd, and in every nation. Tedious.

Epstein was an American at what point can't he be both. How Jewish was he? Seriously skull cap, beard, curls, synagogues? Or did he use his origin as a means to gain wealth. At that point it's power not religion. The same as so many elites.

But he was American. Not an Israeli. Sure he had suggestive links. But the majority of his transactions and wealth were American.

Stop being dumbasses.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

1/3 of Canada on fire. He should dispatch his entire national guard, and most Canadian armed forces.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

You're a retard. What are you trying to say. Because it sounds like you've got your underpants on your head, and your thumb up your butt. Read what you wrote. It's a looney from an asylum. Emotional, angry, frothing madness. It cannot even get a sentence out.

No, it wasn't Israel who did any of that. It was America. Yes they have affiliations and interests. But it was Americans.

Epstein wasn't Mossad. Since when? He was an American. He didn't traffic Jews either. It wasn't Jews meeting him. It was American elites. Jews didn't cause 9/11.

At what fucking point are you insane? The day you put your underpants on your head shoving your thumb up your butt. Obviously. Read that name. It says it. Turtlebam. Seriously. A loon.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

What water in a drought? What planes if there are that many fires?

So for example 100 men, 20 fire engines, 2 helios took 2 weeks to extinguish a wildfire. It burnt 25 miles square.

Understand it yet?

Nothing. Planes can fly limited sorties, fill drop, return. Every fire engine and fire fighter and volunteer is already dispatched. They're being sent who knows how that all works. But despite efforts most of the time wildfires have to burn themselves out.

The problem is and continues to be no military/national guard response. It should be employed to assist. In fact an entire battalion should be given direct training. It should craft additional aircraft, vehicles. At this point it is beyond oxymoronic. There needs to be a disaster force with dedicated response training. Especially in repeated scenarios. No excuses.

The problem is deployment in Nation's as big as Canada, USA, etc. But come on. It cannot be that difficult to deploy and recon the meteorology, geography, conditions working alongside existing prevention.

I mean they're selling occurrence. Instead of organising additional personnel. They're still braindead. No no our forces need approval before providing dispatches.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2


What are we looking at? Bullshit.

Person sitting on the background? A person added ontop of the background is asking if the background is irregular?

Where did the clouds go after the explosion. Yea they're clouds. They aren't anything else.

They're even filtered if they've disappeared later. If they're filtered they've been edited.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

He's retired. He left that job. Who was he. Nobody now.

The only glowie is you. Your butt is so full of jizz it's given a glow. You spread that jizz everywhere, lightening. Look at that name, it's the glow jizz.

I offered his position on another thread. Yet here we are after he resigned. You're still making dumb stickers.

Did you research that public record. Why the supposed transfer. Address on Maui? Like Vegas to Maui is huge. At what point was Hawaii offering that job externally. Hey it's guys your dream retirement. Being police commissioner. Or lieutenant. What? Nice cushy desk job don't forget the fire alarms. Not.

Or was he that guy from a press office sent to Q&A. Now it seems he's not.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

What's that do to his campaign? Unelectable. Because the other runner will defy. He'll rally for resistance to it. Because it is electable. Unless we're talking the deaths justifying it. Most will see it as another dumb stunt. Emergency powers to extend admin. That will incite much much more resistance.

The only way it would be enforced is if it kills on a scale of the original strain. Now why is that? You have all these boosters and they were worth shit. You're immune compromised.

It isn't about the disease. It's about extending emergency powers. It's about another useless booster. It's about who gives a crap. Burn it to the ground. Try it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Probable odds are none.

Supreme court rejected the vax mandate. Who is wearing masks? Hospitals so what. Let them do their job, wearing their dumb masks. At hospital.

Lockdown will incite larger resistance. Much larger. Today. It's not an if. It will. Unless death justifies it. Do variants cause that? Disease had passed through your immunity, unless it's compromised, becoming weaker. Although still affect the sickly. All disease does. Perhaps it's tweaked to cause worse. But not statistical. Statistically there will only be resistance on a much larger scale to enforcing shit. It's unelectable. How many States will adopted it. Partisan down the middle.

Secondly who wants to know. Is testing even reporting it. Not that dumb dance again. It isn't concurrently. Live with it. Stop bothering us. Use your fucking brain. Sick get well. Really sick go to the hospital.

Of course death could change opinions. But nobody is fooled twice

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Why is it always the girl? Every single time. Girl age young. I start to believe it less. Every time.

Apparently it was a UAV convention, showcasing UAVs. Is that ironic?

If you believe one or the other. I don't believe much.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not when the economy is at the debt ceiling. No other citizen is listening to it. Except the blind dumb irrational and sick.

No. What are they premeditating?

I am sure they might try it. Look at France. Come on. How much pushback will there be. Entire populations would go bananas. Unless it significantly causes. But by all means. It doesn't work twice on those grounds.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Supreme Court ruled what? Where are the deaths to warrant it? What there is, is jab season, selling its yearly booster.

Laughably what is that policy in America? Does it still have a Covid hotline? Does any tests still get reported to health providers? Or have people learned how to live with it yet? Seriously these people today. What to do....

Instead, it's the media, and hospitals trying to get paid off their ponzi schemes. Buy the booster because every one sold gives your medical provider, a royalty, and shareholders dividends. What?

Almost the only reason they'd lockdown again isn't because of Covid. But who knows what those deaths are? They simply aren't enough to warrant it. Not yet. Or any other time.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Stop being dumb, that was being ironic.

Jews have national service in Israel. They all fight for Israel at one point or another.

Today right now, dunno what that situation is. Reforms and a load of reservists are refusing to fight for Israel. Protesting.

So in Europe, they're a group who might be excluded from a draft if it came to it. Conjecture it hasn't come to it. But so are a load of other minorities. Until there is that situation who knows what it is? Ironically why would they be. The first comment. They all fight for Israel in Israel. Except it isn't how religious exception works. No shit? What.

The rest of my comment you haven't mentioned, it's only whatever suits your fantasies. How nobody else is loyal either. How patriotism is a thing of our pastime. They all fly different flags whenever they can wave them. In a situation like what happened in Paris, what happens?

You offered conjecture, where in a scenario, of if a war broke out between America and Israel, what would happen. Nothing is that answer. It wouldn't happen. Not until any alliances are broken. You have refused to understand why there was Israel. Instead you ignorantly assume it's because Israel runs the Planet. All elites are Jewish. Instead of it being another prop.

I'd imagine any draft would become as totalitarian as Ukraine right now. Maybe not. We have professional armies long before then. But that scenario is faster nukes and then it obviously would become what kind of conscription.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

What. Speak properly. Can you talk properly.

If Jews are gone, are Trannies? What are you saying. You retard?

I am neither a jew or a tranny. Have no wish to become either.

I presented you a question to think about. Instead you act like a dumb nigger.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

No you are. Illiterate echo chamber. Dumb. I am not here for you to tell me what to say or attack me for saying it. I am unbiased. Am I down voting anyone. I offer a opinion. Take it, talk about it, or leave it. There you are being a nigger, attacking people over their opinion, in a place we are discussing opinions? There you are also telling people what to say. Ignorantly.

I am not. I asked you to think. It seems you're far too fucking ignorant.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

So do the many of the mixed populations globalists have added. It's simply to gain wealth, more services generated gaining premiums, while retaining influence and investment. What loyalty have they got. None mostly. Only to the money. Put a gun in their hand who do they shoot at? Well perhaps it's better than revolutions and coups removing elites. But it's divided, worse today, than in a long time. All it does is force dystopia. Debt forces compliance until it gets worse, who knows. To the point they'd shoot them first. Look at Paris. Holland. J6. Canada. Any attempt at insurrection is crushed to the point shots are fired. As it polices more. Locksdown entire populations because of wahaa feelings

This version of capitalism, except it's not even that today. The money isn't going back into the nation, enriching the nation, only to the debts it incurs and amounts, it is going offshore and funnelling out. As only the wealthiest are profiting more and more by it.

Israel right now. Look. Previously any Jew in Israel fights for Israel. They have national service. You meant western Jews? Dunno didn't ask.

A war by America against Israel? Hahaha. Not happening. Not by America if it came to that. It plays them off. It would arm a rival.

Israel creates a diversion. Why is there a diversion? It forces regional rivalry at it. Instead of it falling out of influence, or becoming a bigger rival. Speculation but a logical guess is better. Think about it there. What's it caused, it played both profiting. Oil fields and arming. Yawn. I hope I have let you think.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Look them up. You know them, and some are also Jewish origin.

Your problem is, read title. Have you considered it wouldn't matter? Let's suggest Israel was gone. The source of all your woes. Or their tyranny on the World?

Wouldn't it be replaced with even queerer trannies, cross lizardmen laying eggs and skin changing?


Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

You're a retard.

I explained what Israel does look at it. Is Israel running it. No. It is a diversion.

Germany what, an excuse. It policed them completely. It eradicated history. It created a paradigm where all dissent was eradicated. What did they do to Germany? They killed and raped them by the tens and tens and tens of thousands. After they surrendered.

That was Jews doing it? Hahaha, no. They were in the gas chambers or something.

These people aren't about religion unless it's their own, one they profit off and control completely.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

It's like explaining this to a baby with its thumb in its mouth a crayon in its nose.

American dominace hasn't it been? Western influence? The banking, the media, the services, finances, corps.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

You're emotional. What happened to them? Elites. Some are of Jewish origin. Are they Jewish? Americans. It wouldn't matter that race wealth or opportunity. It would be the same in that position has been countless times.

Remind us all how many Elites went to the Jew Island, that's what you're trying to say? It was a Jew Island that trafficked kids to Jews? No.

What about Hollywood directors?

What about Porn?

What are you trying to say? It doesn't make any sense. It wouldn't matter. The power corrupts. Maybe they used some jew mafia to get in. But it wouldn't matter if it was anybody else of another origin.

Somehow a few examples of it means what? Israel runs the planet? A freaking prop.

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