Ep0ch -5 points ago +1 / -6

No you're believing in fiction because an anomaly occurred.

Look at what you linked. Dumb ass. Crowd control. Microwave. That distance is what? Crowd control. Like what range? It isn't on a satellite orbital platform.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +1 / -5

Not from Planes. Angles. Planes fly over and are observable. What orbital platform? It would be visible. It would be huge. The multiple hits needed, the power source. You're talking charge times. Multiple lasers. It needs cooling. The laser gets damaged the more it fires. The laser blooms, and there's refraction, the beam to impact gets weaker over distances. It is carrying energy not light. Plus it's in upper orbit. There are angles, speed of the fly over, keeping it in orbit. Or it's full of fuel thrusters mechanics keeping it in position to fire multiple times. Where is the constant resupply and maintenance. Lifetime of a satellite what is it? A decade to 15 years? Orbital platform. Now it needs constant resupplying.

Where is the hole. Particularly from a laser. It heats an object piercing it. Leaving on metal a burned hole, where it heats the object. Every laser does this. Rocks trees metal. The impact mark. A fire inspector knows this. Where the fire accelerated from the source of the heat. It ignited from there it was hottest. Lasers leave a heat spot, where it get hotter and hotter, causing a hole or burn. Look at lasers downing missiles, and shells. They have a hole through them. Drones tend to burst into flames leaving a sorch mark. Where the laser slices through making an impact hole.

Why isn't Russia using the same tech in Ukraine?

As a fire inspector are there any compounds, chemicals that can acceralerate the fire on houses and vehicles. White ash is common in complete fire degradation. No carbon left just ash extreme heat. It's completely burnt.

Instead what we have is guesswork, and it's those aliens again.

He suggested microwave weapon as opposed to laser. Atmosphere where lasers struggle. They struggle in weather. Clouds dust. Enough to cause the beam to reflect. Microwave is even worse the further away. It becomes less believable. Guesswork outside of an anomaly. But we've seen the same thing in California. Not quite to the same extent of those cars.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Once the courts are involved they have the clout. If it can be taken to court? If it can be. It's an arm of government. Linking to other do gooder organisations. UN, Europe, regulators of broadcasters, telling the World what to say if you let them. Since the wahaa hate laws came out. They were antisemitic to begin with. Terrorism. Before everybody else jumped on the woke bandwagon wahaa can't can't can't, because of the feelings. Until now it has become literal bribery. Hunter Biden is okay to do that. But anybody else is blackmailed with once upon a time ago you member member in the 80s, and somebody accused you of the metoo. Or look at the office emails and they were so unkind, it's harassment. Wahaaaa. You're bribed. Or political suicided. Narratives are feelings and thought crimes, words are racist.

It's whatever they say it is. A tranny protesting, is given public office. But J6 is treason. What about BLM. Given public office. But.

Whatever they say it is. Until it's nothing but bullshit. Hypocrisy. Ignorance. Stupidity. The fundamental thing about censorship is it censors, to gain power it needs to keep censoring. Until it is a dystopian algorithm filtering unjustifiablely, and entire divisions of trolls are livestreaming Covid, Ukraine. The little mermaid and whatever garbage resulted from their crap.

Until basically it's the same everywhere. All the headlines. All the film scores. George Floydd has been turned into the patron Saint of Finland.

Whoops we were talking about stopping them. I don't know. Nuke please.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Adrenochrome is not from tortured babies. It is synthesised. It's oxidised epinephrine. Epinephrine is used for a number of things, it's synthesized adrenaline. Adrenochome is a chemical formula oxidising epinephrine if you're a chemist, pharmacist, and have access.

Oxidised epinephrine, adrenochrome, is used, it isn't used, because other drugs are, to stop bleeding.

It doesn't look clear either.

Adrenal glands are nasty. Think somebody like the French eat them because French people eat everything. Turn them into an awful soup. They really don't give you a coffee rush. They taste like shit.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

No you are. You're on a conspiracy forum and you're the equivalent of a pubescent teenager. Captain America, X-men. Space lasers. It appeals to your autism.

Look at lasers forensics can you do that. It melts a hole into the object hit. Missile, mortar, shell. Drones again have the distinctive burn mark of where the laser hit. Especially on metal.

Look at that picture. It as I said.

So how many planes with DEWs. It wasn't satellites. Planes it wasn't either. Not poweful enough DEWs. Warship. Or one these armored vehicles. How many did the deploy. Multiple hits, laser recharge time. How many laser hits were needed? All of that area getting zapped zapped boats houses cars trees babies etc?

You dumb fucking monkey tier pubescent autist.

Or look at that picture.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Bullshitters bullshitting.

Adrenochrome doesn't cost 20k a pop. Oxidised epinephrine. It's also a reddish color.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

No. Not at all. It's simply about ascetics. How do you place your hands for the camera or public speech. How do you hold them, keeping posture. How when speaking do you prevent extended hand gestures. It's a public image, camera thing, optics.

It has nothing to do with anything else. That position, requires posture, placement. Preventing a lack of optics. The above.

The person calls themself, it wouldn't matter, except popped at me, but posts? What have you posted? Anybody with an education can break down those posts. They aren't conspiracy unless the conspiracy is ignorance.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hahaha. I'm sorry it's funny. Is she selling or warning. I missed the point about once upon a time ago my best friend was a prostitute. But she had an honest job at the juice bar, working for a creep.

Most people can look at the missing person reports https://www.missingandunsolved.com/hawaii/hawaii-missing-person-list/

I am sure that list is bigger.

Ep0ch -5 points ago +1 / -6

You're a dumb ass. Look, no, rubber tyres melted. Yes the fire was that hot, when the car, petrol, exploded. The alloy metal melted. The upholstery. The glass shattered. No Dew.

Who fucking knows how the fire it's own beast spread there. The ground has been burnt. The weather has had some winds and rain. Look at those clouds. Lack of other traces. Washed away. Except the ground is gone, you'd see how the fire branched. Scrubs it showed some burnt up.

Why did it stop there. Wind, fire department. Planes, fire engines?

They dispatched fireplanes. They arrived later. Dropping water.

My guess scrubs carried the fire, the ground is gone to dirt. It ignited the cars and then the fuel tanks exploded. It looks like water put it out. Because the traces are gone, the ground washed off.

It also looks like the area has had heat, houses foreground lacking color. Possible damage. Burn zone where on the edge partial burnt scrubs.

Again NO DEW. It would take an incendiary.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yawn. Yes you've explained you're a stalking stalker with trannish tendencies. It starts by picking girly names and playing dress up. Importantly writing, absolute, read it, crap to people. Who does that. Hint. Stalkers.

I didn't attack this forum. You're not this forum. You're the above. The person baited. You responded.

It's not your only account. Stop lying. You're playing dress up and stalking. Read your idolect. It's the same as other cosplaying troons. Although it's quite generic with the Chinese because they're communists. They don't know latin either.

You are attacking me. What do you call that big dumb letter. Denial? You dumbass Troon.

Ep0ch -4 points ago +2 / -6
  1. Was it his role? Police Chief is a vague description for the chain of command assuming the role of press spokesman. Or please tell me his Hawaii address and when he transferred. He didn't even need to be there is that level of CGI. From a HQ. Although doubtful, that role normally requires hands on command. It simply assumes command for the cameras. Or where is his address there?

  2. Where were the fire departments located. Where did the fire engines dispatch from. They'll make a line attempting to halt and then pushback the blaze from the nearest point of contact.

  3. There is a huge problem there. Although explainable. It was a system installed as missile defense, from pearl harbor, and had Tsunami warning. Was it civil or military. Who was it charge of it? No threat, no activation. Until there was a threat which wasn't given alarm. It thought to use the new system just seen on your phone this week. Yes it's conspiratorial. I don't believe in coincidences hence I am attempting explanation. Where that is bullshit. But perhaps it didn't have a civil operator? Then it became stupid and too late.

  4. Drought, the water gets switched off for the fire department. The hydrants. Nobody else on their own is stopping that.

  5. I don't understand. They stopped people exiting? Forced them into the water? It sounds farfetched. Evac, what boats there then, time frame. It did evac them later. You're fighting a fire, all these police, firemen, it forced people where? Not much of a coincidence.

  6. Natives. Honk. Hawaiians. Honk. Yuppies and timeshares have been buying homes there for decades when it used to be affordable in its heyday. Now those homes that burnt averaged at over a million each. What is the figure of home owner? 80%. Poor natives, what?

  7. Renewable energy is a conspiracy. It's the current admin's boondoggle. Electronics have no lifetime. They're hyperconsumption, more electricity, more electronics. It's funded by big hedges, banks, tech. What is the price of a watt, a watt you cannot store, but are on the grid where it keeps charging you more, the more you use and the more everybody else use. The only thing renewable about it. How much more profit does it make. A single source for everything costing you more, the more you and everybody else use. If we force yall to buy it, you need more debts, more services, more products, more consumption. Does it produce productivity for the trillions of debt? I doubt it. But somebody else is convinced it will.

Stop airing bullshit. It needs to know how any later development and grants are handled. Before it airs uneducated musings. The only coincidence is not understanding the points she raises.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

What are you talking about. You've written another stalker letter. Refuted what? You need to refute why you're like that. I don't. What did I do? Nothing. You made it personal. Have I. Do you see me writing big dumb bullshit letters to people. Do you see me speculating on their context, rearranging their sentences. I'll jump right in making an argument subjectively, sometimes sure I might call somebody a dumbasses. Most people are. Especially in their dumb comments.

I don't need to refute anything. What did I do wrong. Nothing. You made it personal.

I baited. I had done it previously, read my comments, a number of times. Where I was tactically trying to draw the stalker out. Look who came knocking.

You have a stalker profile.

Writes bullshit to people.

Takes offense at what other people say. Not subjectively or regarding the topic. Personally wahaa he said a bad word. It's so wahaa offended.

You've called yourself a troon

You're also using a multiple account

Why are you like that. Nobody else is they don't care. It was nothing to do with you. Until look at that. You made it personal. It was nothing to do with you, nothing at all. The topic sure let's debate it. But you told me what to say. Look what we've proved about yourself? Above.

Inane argument is that big dumb fucking letter. You're still trying to prove something to me about yourself. By telling me what to say. Go stalk somebody else.

Again the purpose of conspiracy is information, not what others say. Especially if it isn't topical. Topically let's talk about it. Impossible with most of these clowns. They're as brainwashed. You want to police a conspiracy site because you're offended by what others say? The epitome of dystopia. Conspiracies offend. There you are wanting little rainbows. Say it nicely wahaaaa. Is what you said to me. Say it so nicely, Hollywood are satanic pedophile adreno cannibals. See how dumb you are taking offense, telling me what to say? You're literally worse. Much worse. You want a dumb little echo chamber of monkeys believing whatever bullshit you imagine. I was problematic when I didn't.

Hence I am being stalked by a troll.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

Yawn. Forensic's standard operating procedure. Until it has uncovered every potential victim, that death toll keeps rising, nobody is contaminating the site, except their own agencies.

They don't allow access or filming. They won't allow certain people on their land because the site gets contaminated. As more turn up demanding access.

It is panning through that ash for the bodies.

They won't open sections. What's the protocol for the site. What has local government even proposed as redevelopment and grants to rebuild?

Currently an active investigation. It should be finishing soon, the rainy season is shortly?

You call yourself that name, but you link, understand, and know nothing else. It's sad.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

They're still not Jewish. Although they use to enforce adopting censorship. How the laws passed. Hate speech. Jews, then minorities.

They're literal assholes. Radical left. It was a start up that literally embedded itself as the regulator. Where it used the offended to complain. When terrorism reared it caused all the platforms to become monitored. Then censored once these fuckwits started up. It forced their position. It has ties to a few other likewise cunts globally. UN. Europe.

It's an arm of government, it empowered them, a civilian arm. Wahaa the hate speech. We need to protect trannies feelings. Until it's fact checkers and the ministry of truth. A bunch of dumb woke cancel cancel, livestream Covid.

Yes government complies with the supposed ethics department. It sooner goes after them for any crime it can make up, like the brand new phenomenon of thought crimes. Because it's the next form of blackmail. Hence you got others, agencies, power, in on the gaff. Rackeetering off the dumb agendas, and the dystopia.

Until it filtering everybody and their dog. It starts fucking about more and more and more.

Because the fundamental thing about censorship is it censors, in order to gain power, they keep censoring. Then it starts rigging the script. Cancel this that, air fucking propaganda and bullshit crap.

Jewish was an excuse. Because they'd censor Israel all the same. Have done.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

The vaccine keeps producing variant off spike protein. Sick for life.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No they aren't, and nobody elected them either.

Israel was as affected their bullshit. They banned Israelis like everybody else off twitter. Senior cabinet Israelis. When Jack was at Twitter.

Who are they? Take them to court. Let the courts decide why they've got offices. It's a branch of bullshit. They're not even directly affiliated with the agencies.

They're a dumb fucking buffer somebody, government put in when the hate laws came out. A bunch of autists. They're civil. Since they've been grabbing power or facilitating their need. By causing more dystopia. They've provided nothing except censorship.

They aren't affiliated with anybody except an arm government that has health safety for the internet which words to say. Can't say lynch anymore shit. Because it needs those assholes. Pretty soon there's a fucking course, for the FBI so they don't use hate speech either.

They aren't anybody else. A regulator if you can even call them that. A bunch of fucking jannies.

They're no different to parking attendants. They aren't an agency like the police. They're a ticket inspector. Nobody asked for them. They are the type that wear their underpants on their head and shove crayons up their nose, getting through their day by shitting on everyone else. All they've done is censor. It provides their power. No sooner do they want more control, government keeps handing it to those idiots, because wahaa somebody was offended with the free speech.

Ep0ch 4 points ago +5 / -1

Flat Earth is a Jew conspiracy for all those Talmud lovers. It's always bombarded onto forums to deflect from real conspiracies and divide them. Then it forces the dystopia. It makes conspiracies look like real retards, causing them to be less believable to anybody else.

Dumbass. Is the Sun a disc, is the Moon, what about Mars? What shape are the planets in the sky? Why are you a dumb ass. Mars can be seen as Round like the Moon or the Sun. The simplest observation. Go look at the moon tonight, better when it's full. Watch it all night. Is it a disc? Wait till morning look at the Sun. Why are you on ! flat Planet. The simplest observation is look, they're round.

After doing the simplest observation possible. Why are you a monkey? The rest of your claims are as absurdly pointless.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Hard to say what it is?

Have they started reconstruction yet? Who are reconstructing and into what?

Are they still doing forensics, and looking for bodies?

Dew is a larp. It projects profiting off it. The lasers did it, wooow. It causes the rumor to spread. As opposed to we dunno how fire started. But your government did it, by the scary lasers it has for China. It appeals to autism. Without the lasers, half these people wouldn't even remember it. The same with adrenochrome. It needs whatever that word is. Otherwise it doesn't stick, spreading. Of course it makes real autists. They believe in Santa. Or Bigfoot. Or the Trex. But hell they're brainwashed anyway.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

But why use a laser? You could use anything. You could've aimed the observatory telescope. I mean seriously. It was that hot. It was that dry. It was a drought. The telescope caused a reflection. And whoosh.

The sophisticated laser causes the dry weather. All thoses resources. Then the monkeys do it to themselves. Why would it need to get involved. My billion, no, more now, so much more, causes a fire any monkey rubbing two sticks starts.

I watched that dumb documentary a few hours ago switched it right off. New documentary total bullshit it stunk. But released this year about these monkeys who buried their dead. Total nonsense, what age was monkey, what age was the cave. Why weren't monkey found when the cave was a mine. Why are the useless graduates telling me how monkey went into cave to bury dead when nobody established what that actual geology was. Hell any number of events could've caused different geology or forced the monkey into cave. Why was the monkey swinging through the eroded cave, going down 12 meter drops and through narrow passages with dead, when the fat man couldn't get through them. If it was adapted to walking and swinging in trees, why is it burying dead in a cave? Switched it off, when they started acting like monkeys. They started swinging about and kissing the skull. Never got far enough to see the tools the monkey used. It supposedly had fire, by rubbing the sticks together. They're calling the find the biggest in history. The monkey supposedly buried its dead. Fooey. It stunk. Don't recommend it.

But fire is millions of years old. Lasers a few decades. DEWs late 90s. 97? Boeing's jumbo jet? It needed an entire Jumbo Jet to fire the DEW. It became real redundant, missile was quicker. But it shot down the tests obviously.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

I doubt it. What does landing on the moon even mean? A computer did it? Like a simulation, or a program.

Did it occur on the moon or on the computer? Fuck off.

Some other day they'll land on the moon and not in CGI.

I debate the term landing on the Moon. Unless it's manned. Then I'll still be skeptical if they show me a movie, and not the actual footage.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Yes heaps. More so in so many of these weather events. Mainly in the inadequate response. I am pissed at it. Years of the bungling narratives. The climate. Yet there simply isn't a big enough response to them when they occur. It has been getting better in America especially. It has a lot of manpower and resources. But it's specifically that response and then an aftermath that needs to better prepare.

If the response was inadequate it suggests it wasn't lasers. Rather stupidity. Perhaps purposeful. Let it run. Why if they let it run would they need lasers to accelerate it? They let it run. A they were unprepared. B so it scammed.

I am not going over burn forensics especially if I'm not a fire investigator. But I know that fire is its own beast. This burns that doesn't. A lot to do with any wind direction, and how they tackled it. It's always at a line, often from the sides they arrived at from the nearest point to it. These save public/state buildings, wealth, landmarks foremost. Sometimes bigger buildings have their own equipment and fire systems. Hoses.

Orbital platform, kinetic bombardment is still easier, gravity. Not quite a case of simply dropping tungsten rods, rather precisely. The window to hit becomes very hard to achieve the further away. So yea the Syfi lasers, and they need much bigger powersources. As any orbital platform is easily observed and further targeted easier than its payloads.

Unless it's a satellite, these can carry lasers, they do penetrate the ground by lidar. But they're not a weapon. Unless they start manipulating the weather with them. A potential. There is also talk about beaming energy to remote locations. It isn't by DEWs. Perhaps it can be weaponised. The idea isn't.

Where is that beam weapon, power source, enough to cause significant damage from space. Because as the laser weapon enters our atmosphere the beam, blooms, becoming weaker and weaker from its source. Beam weapon, blooms. Weaker from its power source. It needs a bigger power source to extended its power.

Lasers have advanced from a boeing jet shooting down ICBMs. But they're still defensive. They still need larger power sources and charge.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

How did America as a nation form, in insurrection.

It specifically states against the constitution. Not against Congress. If indeed Trump caused the insurrection? Of which he himself wasn't a part of.

Pathetic argument and one for the Supreme Court.

Meanwhile tell me of such minorities given positions of governance, office, of public service, from eliciting insurrection? I am sure there are hundreds of examples.

I debate that Congress is the Constitution. It supposedly serves the constitution. Today it seemingly serves somebody else. Did the acting president, initiate a rebellion, or challenge Congress? If a rebellion took place he wasn't the perpetrator. What rebellion did the acting president cause? A coup? An armed revolt? An insurgency? No.

I think the letter of the law should be applied, rather than any other dubious feelings of it? Nothing occurred in the pretext of that ammendment. But it makes an amusing debate.

The pretext, is an armed rebellion, effectively breaking away from the constitutional charter, by insurrection perpetrated by the individual. When that was written, it envisaged, what, specifically. Never a Twitter Broadcast, or any other words of somebody else's misinterpretation. Physical acts of unwavering insurrection and noncompliance in person to the constitution, breaking the oath sworn. Not a protest every other Democrat attended during Trump's office. Let's not forget about Nixon. Or whatever other climate, lgbtq, minority hoohaw and what not?

I really don't think it will go their way.

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