Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

I doubt it. He's the boss. He has just taken over. They often axe the lot, putting their own people in.

Any redundancy pay should have been in lieu by the previous owners.

Maybe different laws America, but seen it happen loads. Big Corps selling, merging, personnel are downsized prior, awaiting transition. New boss, do they keep, no, not often, they put their own team in. Occasionally there are a few positions. Mostly they've been whittled down to skeleton crews prior to take over. Occasionally there are clauses in mergers, keep our staff in etc. Often out with the old in with a new team.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +4 / -2

Another year of drought. Americans will be on the Oxfam. Donate 5 bucks, and you can help feed, and water the American. They're drought victims, caught in a Dust Bowl. They're eating bugs. The following year of drought it will be the Red Cross aid deliveries to the tribal warlords mad maxing over the waterholes. They're riding the camels. Such irony.

Look it's happening right now. They're probably seeding the clouds, but they got no water left. They're on Oxfam.

Don't worry the border will get closed. The cities will be on water rations. There will be the big queues for soup.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Sounds like bullshit, hammer don't get you inside. It helps but it doesn't. You have to really whack at a window to break it. These new double glazed windows, how loud how many hits. A door proper wood fire door. Not happening. Unless a bullshit door. Do wealth have bullshit door. You're saying they don't have security. Panic button. Of course they do. That call out depends on what you pay. But 10-15 minutes, top range, on site panic, San Francisco, quick, tech city and known address. Cops are longer, but they're senators, under 20 minutes. So he's whacking, loud, longer entry time from hitting, multiple hits. Meanwhile a 90 year old or whatever, doesn't get the gun, doesn't go into a secure room, pressing the panic button. He decides to wrestle with what could be anyone. It could be a serial killer. Instead it's a nudist?


Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

But he had the indoor heating? So he could frolic with the handyman, who happened to be a nudist. Because those hammers were obviously banging away at each other. Where's Nancy. Seriously it's buggered.

Sure enough they tried to turn it into another capitol seige.

But it was something much queerer.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

Of course. But it's in his presidency. His handlers you know who they are. It doesn't even matter who they are. Because the result is the same.

At this rate. Another two years of his tenure what is going to occur.

It will literally be famine in today's failures.

I cannot figure it out. So help me. Where is the win? Where is the magic wand, today. It's bottoming out. Until it does. They're only increasing it. It's like it is willful. Out to cause it to be significantly worse quickly.

But who is going to fix it and how exactly and with what? There ain't no fixing it. Literally it has to collapse. Then it seizes control. It seems.

Ep0ch 5 points ago +6 / -1

Adopt an American for 5 bucks, giving it food. For just 5 bucks you can sponsor a starving American. Donate 5 bucks and help Americans get food and water. If you donate 5 bucks, you can build a well in America.

The Great Depression part two. Brought to you by Biden.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Twitch banned the gamers for speaking on it. And started loading Jannies all over it. It plunged. Amazon bought because it needed a government front, policing the gamers selling them all the Jannies and all the Covid. Once it's there policing the gamers, it ain't going away. More Jannie Covid for them. Amazon can just add even more woke adverts in. Don't worry gamers Amazon is giving coupons off to the Jannies.

No, what happened? Never used Twitch before.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

A bunch of bigots then. Their speech or nobody else. Expected. Because literally a content moderation council's job is stopping the free speech. Hence the term moderator. They stop content. Otherwise why have they got that job.

Once it has been subjected to the content moderation. What has changed. Nothing. Just the ownership. Where he plans to moderated it even more. So he can sell it everywhere else. Tedious.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Collapsing a self sustaining nation doesn't work. It cannot collapse when it still has far more partners. They can only attempt to isolate it. In doing so perhaps it causes internal change. Not the entire point. Nato wasn't prepared to war. Nuclear no. Instead it sought a narrative for its own changes. Renewables quickly. Europe has almost as much danger of splintering, not with Nato holding it together. It like Russia will weather. But what have they created here?

Russia losing, not likely. Literally Russia losing a nuclear base without nuclear war. Because it ousted its president? Hahaha. Europe winning, no. What? Seriously. You're selling Russia will just collapse so Europe can win that shithole the Ukraine, and get a few gas coupons. Because there needs to be a winner. Hahaha.

The winner is by forcing another method.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, they provoked the whole thing. Planned the lot. The entire time they're throwing out a bunch of deflection and distraction. Hiding the motive. How popular would that be. No, it isn't mitigation. Containment, yes. But they're forcing it. While blaming it on everything else as not their fault, a product of circumstances. While literally causing it.

Mitigating collapse, because collapse it is, hahaha. It sounds nicer. It sounds like something an opponent would claim. They're doing their damnest but it ain't working. Hang on. Get the next one in. Hahaha. They forced it. It's not a product of circumstances if it stinks of agenda. They caused this shit. If they didn't why is it happening. What because of Russia. Hahaha. Ukraine is still a shithole. But you meant the gas. Come on they could open far more. But it ain't selling that, now is it. It's cutting the gas like Biden just did, he cut the gas, to sell the bullshit. Dunno how popular that was, Supreme court. But that was internal. Here they simply provoked a catalyst causing, what is it actually causing. The conflict. Sure because that's obvious. No, what else?

You meant Europe. You meant suddenly it is all provoked into the Cold War again instead of who cares. It hasn't changed much apart from it's suddenly adopting another narrative. A narrative where what does that run off really cause? Collapse sure but not the bloc, it would be Europe again 5 minutes later, movement, trade, laws, currency who knows. The bloc can't collapse if they're all armed against Russia. Instead it simply forces change by collapsing the current methods. Because it seeks to change them rapidly.

Collapse forces resets. It changes existing methods quickly. Nobody wants collapse, it doesn't make them popular, so they blame everybody and everything else. But what are they actually doing??? Look, you don't say.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

They provoked it to cause the renewables. They provoked it to contain them. Bog Russia down completely. If it alludes to peace it's the Cold War. Competing technology. In the meantime it has put them in a bigger corner. If they really whatever far more condemnation isolating them more. Let's suggest it takes Kiev. Or even deals for any territory. Big stupid wall again. As most diplomats are ejected cut off. Of course it has caused red lines and sides again. Competition. But there's also opportunity to regime change.

For the sake of argument how many European nations have just stated 2030-2035 no more gas cars. It was previously by 2040 or even 2050. By slicing the flow it diverts it. Suddenly the agenda becomes force other tech through quickly. In the meantime they're forcing and exploiting a reset. By collapsing it. But stupidly coal has just increased in usage massively. So I mean. It's all uncertain anyway.

But the problem is how much does it all collapse first and does it provoke wider conflict anyway.

I am sure they can deal in 10 seconds. If it wasn't serving some other point.

Who fucking knows except the timing was perfect and now look at it. It is forcing collapse, not because it did, but because it is causing a bigger narrative. Of course there's all this other stuff happening creating the perfect storm. But it's had planning and intent and agenda. Or what?

If they were serious about war. They wouldn't Biden or Sunak. Or even Marcon. Sure they could pull a trigger but who'd march into it. Hahaha. Nobody would even pass it through their governments. Blunder into it, by looking weak. Yea. But charge into that or another conflict. Hahaha. They haven't got national backing.

So what are they achieving? Forcing change by.. It's just getting worse first.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

But do you think the drought stops? Just because they 5G up some water detection.

You misunderstood, they've depleted the ground water tables, the rivers, lakes, and reservoirs are at historic lows. They've never been that low in history.

Yes they can start drinking the great lakes and certain rivers still unaffected to the same extremes once they install huge aqueducts.

But there's a big huge problem in sustained warm and drought periods. If it keeps up the crop failure and drought, it's the Great Depression all over again. Except it's much worse. More population. Far more population. It isn't localised either. Canada is being affected. So are all those sponsor billions of population eating American produce.

But okay the Adverts will sooner be, donate and sponsor an American well. For just 5 bucks you can adopt an American, feeding and clothing it. 5 bucks help America get water sources. But they won't matter much at all. No sooner will there be the Red Cross aid programs, and the food deliveries to America for all the malnourished Americans, those drought victims. Some irony right? Please.

There are things, tech, that can increase temperature, like seeding clouds can cause rainfall. But it really doesn't mean much if that temperature sustains for longer periods, the Dust Bowl lasted about 10 years of Great Depression. Hence the comparison. If it keeps up, it won't matter much, it will be those adverts.

If you genuinely think there's a conspiracy what caused the Dust Bowl. Radio? No, sir.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It could be tech. But it's far more serious.

Serious when there's crop failure. Drought lasting for longer sustained periods. Tech ain't gonna fix shit. That problem is ethereal. Not expenditure.

I wouldn't put it past them tampering with it. But it's bigger than that.

Factor any sustained period into today's populations you have much bigger failures.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not yet in any event. But to suggest they won't, begs the questions of why have them. They're a deterrent. Except they haven't deterred if there are increasingly sustained losses and territory held capitulates. Defense breached and threatened at further costs.

It's largely that they're still not needed. And any reaction to their use provokes more risk.

However, I really don't buy into this propaganda. It has another narrative often of blame and denial. Yawn. It of course is the same constant insults. Tit for tat.

The fact they're talking about them means they're an option. Not a dismissal. It means that idea is entertained, and being prepared for. But will it?

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Drought season. Similar to 100 years ago. Dust Bowl. Except they've been draining the ground water like mad, for decades. Look at other states and their rivers. It's gonna get a lot worse. Much worse.

This time it's a lot of things. Including solar activity. But more is the population and their activity expediting a sustained warmer period.

It is probably gonna have bigger events before it cools. It factually is. They're affecting far more people. But think a large eruption is due. Hard to say.

Had this conversation 2 weeks ago on here with real idiots. Real idiots. Didn't think. But here we are.

It's bad over there has been for a couple years worsening. Sustained warm periods massive crop failures. Drought, dry. Increased temperature. Not just there, global.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

Hahaha, uses them anyway. Because it doesn't make sense to use them to win. No, sir. Waits for the right opportunity. When you think they won't.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't know what it is and I didn't ask for it. But that pattern is everywhere like above. It happens constantly. I'd rather just ignore it. Cannot alter it. Speak about it. I am crazy for thinking it. Or it's just coincidence. But it's everywhere all the time. No it isn't people you know. They're easier ignoring. Easier perceiving any connection and ripple. Until they also start dropping breadcrumbs. Nobody knows they've done, or are doing it. It's not them doing it. But they are. They're just this other gatekeeper and conduit into something else. Consequence, causality, fate, outcome. That thing they said or did unfolds later or at the same time, through them, but in somebody else parallel. You simply observe, seen or heard this hazy distortion. If you knew what it meant then you're psychic. You could alter it. No, it's not random, that prior bench example, it's a mirror. It is also past actions as well.

by DrLeaks
Ep0ch 7 points ago +7 / -0

Because it actually makes sense. Don't share gay propaganda with children. It kind of makes pedos when you do. Stop sexualizing children.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +3 / -1

You don't. What is owning your own places today mean? Rent. More services causing it. All those utilities. Did you finally buy your own place or get the mortgage, hahaha, look at those increasing rates, hahaha. Rent. Even if you own your place. More rent. All those services like electricity. Water. Your damn TV. Buying more services. Then they just take your kids away. Get them buying more rents. Self sufficient. Hahaha. Chickens hahaha. You got the birds flu. Now they take your land away. Hahaha. You must be properly rented, vaccinated. Sure get your scouts badge, self sufficient, how much more rent are you paying for it.

You own less than gypsies. Own much less land than the state, collecting all the rents. Less than the foreign corps they're paying the rent too, making the prices higher. Less than any sheep grazing. Less than the parks full of tourists.

Seriously home ownership is at a historical low. Half or less than half the population own homes. They don't manufacturer anything else. Except the rent. Who invented the condo. People forcing rent. They're only making more condos today. Got get more rent from everybody else they sell the nation too. It drives rent, I meant inflation. It is subject to the bank's terms and conditions, increasing rates, off all the debt and all the taxes collected, and another Corp offering even more rented services.

Self sufficient is an alternate reality, one you don't own either.

In answer to the topic, the bubble is due. Cost of living. It is traditionally tackled by more home ownership. Except those rates have superseded it. Bubble. Home ownership traditionally needs manufacturing sectors.

by pkvi
Ep0ch 3 points ago +3 / -0

They banned everybody else. Assests in Minecraft are ironically owned by nobody except the program. They can seize your building, easier than the banks. It's Minecraft a computer game.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mail to friends and family? No. Unless they're on a different Internet. A Internet under stricter protocols. Non national domains?

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