Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

There literally is no point if it makes you stupid. Real simple your nation loses land to costal erosion. If indeed it has a coast. It doesn't gain land. You can drive from end to end of your country and that mileage reads exactly what your GPS does.

But you're suggesting something absurd. It makes you dumb. I refuse to watching anything I can prove wrong in 1 second. There is no point in becoming dumb.

The Earth is growing. Population at a cost to it. But has the planet expanded. No. Same mileage when the Pyramids recorded it. If you believe in that code. If you don't, then that distance is the same, measured by everybody else reading and recording it.

Ep0ch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why are there chairs watching the bed? Hardcore work culture?

Ep0ch -2 points ago +2 / -4

Um no. Growing earth. Hahaha.

So like your country would gain mileage. You can test this in America by driving end to fucking end.

More people undoubtedly. Dumber people absolutely.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are a mook. You don't have any coherence. Read what the mook typed. Where inside your brain you imagine something Mythological, 40 virgins. No, what? Because you saw the dying, light. I didn't I had to stop going cold, complete darkness. I had to open my eyes, here I am. Otherwise I was out cold.

Why is Justice the Sun? Why does Judgement grant your passage into the Afterlife.

But you think there's all these. It makes Justice easier right.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, you are, literally braindead.

Answer why is Justice the Sun. Pretty much God in the Ancient Patheons. The Ancient Patheons the Bible evolved from. Then the Hindu who is Justice. Look at the last idiot's name. Too bad he doesn't understand it. Answering why the Afterlife has heaven and hell, because look there's Justice. Literally your heart balanced against the feather granting judgement. Ancient Egypt. Good deeds heaven and bad deeds hell. Not in every variation no. But they all have judgement.

Did you get whacked on your stupid little autistic head.

Answer why Justice is the Sun? Radiant. Because real easy science. No, why? Real easy Mythology. Made simple for autistic little dummies.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea. I know what you mean after that explanation. Thanks.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was a joke at a serial farter getting detained, thrown off the flight for being pungent. Hypocrisy. Pregnant women are praised for having babies on flight. What's worse I wonder? Potential death on a plane, or a fart. This World is full of bullshit. Hypocrisy.

However yea most people are real assholes. So much worse today. It has a real asshole problem. Overcrowding. There's a self sense of superiority everywhere. Until getting basic customer service is like a thing when people wanted customers. Today, there are only assholes. It's also because technology has fried their brains. Today's technology is inhumane. These apps, emails, self check outs. Much worse than customer care. Somebody with a functioning braincell should sue it, it is against our human rights. Where we should talk to people offering us a service. Instead of an email, where most idiots make so many more mistakes. So lazy today. These emails make you autistic. Can't type on a phone keyboard, and who even reads you properly. Worse when you know screen burn, has burnt their brains out. It invents all these bullshit words and concepts. Because people aren't speaking. They're going postal. Those apps fucking up, all the time. No customer service. Worse everybody has opinion. There is more cannot then can.

Breaching Airport security is far harder than it ever has been. So no. The IRA became political anyway. But it's still bombing stuff in N.I currently. If you think Boko Haram wouldn't park a flight right into Lagos. Yea right. They would, but they're not suicidal.

Smuggling. Like anything. Bad stuff, enriched nuclear material. C4. Weapons. Biological contaminates. Components for bombs. It's bullshit when look at these cunts crossing our borders. No checks there. So you have a point. It enters anyway.

But the fundamental thing is a flight path over cities and urbanisation. If that goes down it can kill thousands. Last time we all checked no car crash has done this. I will refer you to an airplane recently hitting a road and killing and injuring so many more. The plane had only one person on board. Airshow. Killed far more.

Nonsense. Plane crashes are fatal. Car crashes aren't fatal statistically. Statistically almost everybody in their first year of driving crashes their car where they damage their car.

Play on words for you. Left does that shit. Then it invents offense. But car crashes obviously have higher fatalities, because there are far more cars. However plane crashes almost always cause fatality.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Passengers need repressing especially if they fart on the plane. Farting on Planes is a violation and needs depressurization. Nevermind the rest of what hundreds of people get up to on a long flight plane. Arrest them already.

IRA has bombed stuff, like Hezbollah. They'd bomb even more stuff if they had the planes.

Planes falling out the sky is a far worse scenario than cars crashing. Why. Cars use roads.

The left has gone way too far over. Frothing gibbering hypocrites and society is the worst place this century it ever has been. On most things.

But there is tech that can hijack a plane remotely today, or onboard. Like a freaking EV. There are bombs the size of a beer can, bottle, that can blow up a plane. That plane is now a much much bigger bomb.

There have been accidents and hijackings evolving airplane security since aviation. It has now turned into perhaps a lot of nonsense and much bigger rules. About all the left understands. More rules for their absurd freedoms. You were given freedom so there'd be more rules. No other reason. A bunch of hypocrites anyway.

Back to planes. There is far more risk than you could ever even imagine. Nevermind, farting on the plane.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yawn that makes nonsense. Have you studied sandskrit? Ancient Hindu a source. Exactly. What about hieroglyphs the source. What about Summerian. Greek. They all have angels or what the fuck ever.

You're therefore citting, Nonsense.

Angels and demons, mythological, or alien?

Go to the source. Justice as explained needed to provide reward and punishment to control society. If you had an afterlife reward devotion duty service, then you had a hell, condemnation failure servitude.

But hang on a minute, where did the concept come from? The Cosmos. But Justice is the Sun. Ra. What about Summerian, and MesoAmerican. What about in Hindu? What is Justice, is it radiant, right, who was it?

But they all have these angels, aspiration, or demons condemnation. Many site they're physical and descended from the cosmos. Making them alien. Or simple linguistical mythology.

Stop telling me stuff, that you think means something else. It clearly has clouded your judgement and logic.

I could even tell you why Justice was the Sun. But hell I'll let you. Now if Justice was the Sun, what are angels? See how that works. Above.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

JFK. There have been quite a few more, undoubtedly. Lots. Plenty of assassinations by 'terrorists'.

Plenty of terrorists who are politically motivated. IRA were. Etc. Modern like Hezbollah.

You're suggesting there's no such thing as terrorism. Wrong.

Planes falling out of the Sky. There is literally nothing worse.

Those days when they cooked their own food on airplanes are long over. When they smoked on airplanes.. Remember that, was it in the 70s. They cooked their own food on the plane. They smoked on the airplane.

Planes are a target. And a larger risk. Not just to the plane.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yawn. Fallen from where. Makes them aliens. God damn it.

Imagine primitive man. Try too. If God was the Sun. Historically he was. The Sun God was probably the highest in the patheons. Representing Justice Summerian, was it RAH Egyptian. Until they started changing with more astrology. And these things came out of the sky. It kind of makes them alien right.

You're caught in a mythological mindset. Where angels represent good and fallen angels bad. Without fully grasping that connotation. They both supposedly colonised. But what happened. Who honestly knows what they were fully saying. It is shaped in mythology from primative descriptions, word of mouth, from the survivors of a supposed extinct level event, evolving into the concepts presently where religion has had a much greater hand in shaping it, into a passage into the Afterlife. Angels and demons. If you have a heaven then you must have a hell. Because justice needs to reward and punish.

Did these things descend or simply aspire, Egyptian, and those who didn't were condemned to Hades.

But the entire paradigm is soup. There is no complete accuracy. Today belief gives you your cause. Because you aspire, while condemning those corrupt. Makes it real simple. Control.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1


On what planet does the FBI monitor with an agent spending more time commenting? They'd raid the address where this was homed and drag it into court. Simple not stupid. This is what FBI does.

Obviously it would have to break local laws. Before the FBI are dispatched. That's another algorithm's, monitoring, job. Generally Google, it has been submitting on, upon further complaints to it.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

Yep. They has the clones.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

No. It was never anything more than bullshit. Ever. The World didn't need Reddit. Like the World doesn't need Twitter.

We had forums before Social Media came along, and shat all over the Internet. Making a bunch of dumb rules for its freaks. The forums we had didn't collect our data. Making social media nothing but Malware. The news was different in each paper, and deviated significantly on the channels showing it.

Social Media has doing nothing for civilization, nothing at all. You tube is about the only innovation. Until it has been policed by absurdity. But social media has done nothing for this planet. It has simply siphoned money somewhere else. The only thing it has caused is dystopia and the dumbing down of civilization completely.

There is nothing worse than today's civilization at all. Hyperinflation and living costs, overpopulation, a bunch of worsening services, and redundant tech. It hasn't improved anything, apart from more corruption.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Now you've resorted to peak baby bot. Literally a child. Do you have a kid. Look what you did. It is same. Baby does this, yes. They say the same thing you do. They repeat it over and over saying nothing else. Then when you say something they repeat it too you.

Proved you are a dumb child. The brains of a bot. Look at that programming. The dumbest. The equivalent of what I said.

Did you look up strawman. No, because a child cannot do this.

Go back to taking crayons out of your nose.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +2 / -2

The German revolution targeted elites. The national socialist party, targeted elites. Removed the Monarchy, and created an Emperor. Similar to the French revolution. One is praised. The other is condemned. Not much difference. When you created an Emperor he needs what? No different to the Holy Roman Emperor either. Or any other Emperor. What do they do? What is their purpose? Subjugation, conquest. But they all war, and they all have a common foe. Easier to be emperor ruling by. For or against. Becoming this other antichrist right. They've sooner become this other paradigm.

The entire anti jew hysteria was simply a run off of nationalism. Obscured by the fact it had largely removed the elite, seizing their assets and became this other country and empire. It is not to say there weren't nazi elites recreated by the chain of command. But the power structure shifted.

As far as this topic. It's absurd.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

We are doing typos on the Internet after you called me FBI? What a dumbass.

It must've been to prove Mrfoo is bestest grammar police. He isn't 2, if he said, your, properly. No, dumb dumb. You went and proved, not the FBI. So why the fuck did you say it. So clever.

Ep0ch 3 points ago +4 / -1

Reddit is the front page of Reddit's asshole. It isn't an index to anywhere else. There is no information on it, except a bunch of assholes talking bullshit for internet points, and they aren't experts in anything. Most search engines have removed Reddit's pages. Because all you read are asshole's chatting about shit. It has its own language where they grunt, squeal, and shit their asses off.

Since Reddit and Twitter the Internet has gotten much much smaller.

Searches are disappearing daily. You can literally watch them vanish before your eyes. It is worse than that, when they're replaced by lunacy.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am not. At all. You fucking dumbass. It's called logical reasoning. Most people can accumulate it by study. Or by looking it up.

Sadly we aren't ruled by logical reasoning we are propagated by dumbasses. They throw out buzzwords and the next thing you know we have a generation of autistics.

I am not posing as anybody else. I have entered into what was rational debate. Until mrfoos came along. And made it autistic. It's what you just did. Read it. You have the brain of a small autistic child. Mrfoos2. Read it. The brain of a small deformed autistic child. So clever. All because you're irrational.

Ep0ch -1 points ago +1 / -2

Yes that was for treason my friend.

What oathes did they break, like official secrets, what institutional integrity did they compromise, like espionage, acting under what authority, foreign etc. Of course it isn't always the case, sometimes felonies. They have their own tribunals and special oversight committees. Etc.

There are also Whistle-blowers. They might have been granted other status away from past treason.

I was debating the concept here. It is strong rhetoric. I am unclear if it's applicable, Bannon is rallying the pundits. In light of kind of tit for tat. Partisan. But unless the GOP call for special committees into this. It's dead in the water. It's not treason. There was also emergency powers. It's scandalous for sure. Unelectable quite possibly. Impeachable unlikely. No such thing, an exercise of nothing much. Any protection unless proven crimes greater than the hearsay, often extend further.

Ep0ch -3 points ago +1 / -4

It's nonsense. Unless it had proof of crime explicit proof of crime. Not an addict taking drugs or fucking whores.

Laundering, embezzlement, rackeetering, pedophiles. Something much worse. Explicitly showing that the Potus was involved. Explicitly showing his son was involved in crime.

Otherwise it is an embarrassment, slandering the president.

Instead there have been a bunch of vague rumours. In themselves are probably enough to quash an election, today who knows because those goalposts are so wide they'd let every greaseball and insurgent take a shucks all over them, but not enough to indicite a sitting president. In which case censorship faster reacts. Especially when the nation was still under emergency powers. And Social Media is nothing but malware. As it sooner censors drug abuse.

Ep0ch 0 points ago +1 / -1

Read what I said. You're autistic. I explain every 5 minutes, but I am talking to a retard.

You have no depth. Proved by the lol. Next you think this is a tactical debate? For what, stupid forum points. You have the brain of a siv. The only thing it retains is its dumb thick as shit skull eeking out the same bullshit argument. But the post, or the video.

I could write a fucking book. Have wrote 1000s of words. Look at what you said. It truly is pathetic, the same tired crap, repeated over and over. No argument. No logic. Look up strawman. You dumb bot. You are a bot. I am probably muted, shadow banned, all I get is this autistic child attacking me in ignorant repetition. Childlike. Worse it's a foreign child, programmed by a gibbering autistic. A fucking dumb nigger bot.

Ep0ch -2 points ago +1 / -3

Ummm No. Treasonous is the wrong word. Entirely the wrong concept. In any understanding of obstruction, perjury, or felony. Doesn't treason have to be crimes against the nation, and its rulers, and ruling bodies. These are often motivated by another country, or authority, as acts of espionage, terrorism, warfare, or slander, etc.

It could perhaps be ruled as treason if they obstructed the courts or congress willfully. Again they have certain powers outside of this. Depends on the agency.

They've committed a felony at best, committed obstruction if indeed Congress had asked for the contents. Treason I don't think so? Harder subject to debate, it could be with lawyers, but I don't think any judge would grant that charge.

As agents they often have a different judicial process. As agents what oathes did they break, which institutional integrity have they compromised, acting on what orders.

Ep0ch 1 point ago +2 / -1

Wormholes haven't even been proved. They are a projection. And a theory.

At what point is there fact establishing the wormhole? They're an observation based on theory.

Instead topically they're creating a hologram.


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