You know what, I'm still trying to figure that out. It just seems some type of jew is always involved in situations like the Opium Wars, market manipulation during Waterloo, Tavistock, the Balfour declaration, propaganda for the word wars. It's subtle and conspiratorial but the British Empire was powerful due to Rothschild banking and I understand they are still calling the shots.
Dr. Sauder's blog.
Back in '91 during the Gulf War there were all these trading cards for the event. I think I still have a sealed box somewhere buried. I was barely 10 and even then thought it was a bit strange to have baseball cards for industrial murder and destruction; I guarantee the idea for these cards comes from a jewish brain.
This was........unsurprising.
ss: "Many are surprised to learn that unlike the pharmaceutical grade fluoride in their toothpaste, the fluoride in their water is an untreated industrial waste product, one that contains trace elements of arsenic and lead. Without the phosphate industry’s effluent, water fluoridation would be prohibitively expensive. And without fluoridation, the phosphate industry would be stuck with an expensive waste disposal problem. "
I have lived my personal life and made long term important decisions based on them being true and accurate for almost 20 years; this has served me VERY WELL. I'm disappointed to state the case that they are real, prescient and applicable. I really wish this wasn't the case. I don't want to fuck with this shit and think like this in life, it sucks. 911 convinced me.
I'm in agreement with you. Archon is the Greek term for these entities. Castaneda called them 'flyers'. I've heard the term Wetiko is appropriate. There seem to be many names or references for the same phenomena. They do not like discipline, so, you are correct.
I was the sole member of my graduating class to not take the ASVAB. This was pre-9/11. My study of the Vietnam War was the reason for this action. The ensuing wars/situations are almost beyond my ability to comprehend. It is this realization in connection to other details which finally convinced me the judaic-types are a danger, detriment and threat to all races, species and Creation itself.
ss: A brief summary on Abraham Flexner and how he was able to assist Rockefeller et al in monetizing medicine.