Dualkalibur 1 point ago +1 / -0

“We must be tolerant of EVERYONE! Except for the one group I arbitrarily chose to be the villain, fuck THEM! But everyone must do as -I- want!” Typical leftist safe space. So glad I never got into reddit.

Dualkalibur 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe it’s just a me thing but I don’t have any fucks to give when a professional sport player has a bad day or life ending issue. Clot shot issues aside(and the fact that he took it instead of refusing), these clowns running around playing a game contributes the least in society. A momentary distraction for the masses so they can be overpaid and cheered for by people they mock off the field and would want nothing to do with. Sure, there are some exceptions who are good people but it’s not enough to warrant changing my mind over it. Sports are just a game, players aren’t worth millions of dollars for their “skills”, sports shouldn’t be in colleges and university’s, let the big leagues fund their own feeder leagues.

Bread and circus for the masses and the masses eat it up. You could have 99% of the worlds professional athletes drop dead(and with clot shot enforcement it seems a very real possibility) and it won’t make my life one iota worse. Just not wasting the time and resources on it will be a net plus for the world overall.

Dualkalibur 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just disposing of useful idiots when they’re done with them. Same playbook as always. Half the accounts or better probably glowed enough to blind you anyways.

Dualkalibur 2 points ago +2 / -0

Electric drive trains can be good, depending on the use. A tank or a train that needs to get moving can make use of an electric motors maximum torque output at 0 rpm for instance. Higher rpm results in lower power output on an electric motor, so low rpm use like a diesel is ideal. But as you’ve stated the battery is the weak point in the chain. Lithium ion in a stop gap, hydrogen is nice but storage is an issue, when it comes to energy density petroleum is awesome. Easy to store and transport, easy enough to make biodiesel or alcohol to keep your fleet running in the apocalypse, but the battery is the weak point. I’m not looking forward to seeing the junkyards full of EV’s in the next decade, there’s already some filling up with impossible to recycle batteries. And even if they can recycle them, the cost of it and pollution from the process vs just making a new one is almost always lower to just make a new one. I love the old cars. My dad’s 1965 convertible runs and drives great still. My 1977 4 door hardtop starts and purrs like the 1980’s didn’t even happen yet. Cheap parts from rockauto keep my fleet of cars and trucks running happily, but an EV just isn’t getting a parking spot next to my other vehicles for a long long time, if one ever does. Hell, we had motherboards able to report in plain English what went wrong in the early 2000’s. Other languages available too if I recall. We have tons of great technology that NEVER gets used. Your car could tell you via the radio EXACTLY what’s gone wrong but that would cut into the stealership profits. Can’t have that. Dry sump oil systems that have been used since ww2 still aren’t common even when they could ensure zero downtime on industrial generators, for instance.

Dualkalibur 4 points ago +4 / -0

A perfect example of one size not fitting all. What works in sunny California or Brazil ain’t working in frozen Canada, Russia or Greenland. But if you listen to them the EV is the holy grail of transportation. Sad, really. They’re rampant fanboyism goes completely over their own heads.

Dualkalibur 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not sure where in Russia you live but as a Canadian I push back against the electric car agenda because of ol man winter. My ICE vehicles have great heat output, and I’ve added electric seat heaters to a few of them. My daily driver is an 07 ram with 542000km with the stock thermostat being 203 degrees. Seemed kinda odd when I first changed it but kept the stock temp because I loved the heat output when it’s -40C and I’m still warm and my windows are clear. I carry a can of gas in the box for emergencies and of i got trapped on the side of the road in a massive snow storm I don’t have to worry about freezing to death for a few days if I have a full tank to start with. Then I look at electric cars and wonder when the joke will end. Not only do I personally find 99% of them ugly as shit(I’m a muscle car and truck guy, not an import or euro fan) and I honestly wouldn’t want to be caught dead in one. I like turning my wrenches and changing my own parts to keep costs down, Tesla locking out shade tree mechanics behind their computer shit is another reason I wouldn’t want one. And then there’s killing your range when you turn on the cabin heater. To have maximum range they encourage you to use the seat heaters and not the cabin heater. Plus the battery has its own heater to keep it from freezing so you lose more range there as well. Now you need a 220 volt charger outside for car, or in the winter you’re wasting your time. For most of us that requires a special installation, not everyone has a 220 volt plug out on the bar for the welder or big equipment. One video I watched explained that because of the battery heater, a 110 volt charger in winter on a Tesla could be plugged in for a week straight and you’d come out to a dead battery because it wasn’t enough to both charge and heat the system. Now most people who run EV’s probably don’t care, and don’t mind a special high voltage plug and cord for their car. But for families with multiple vehicles? I need to install two just for my wife and I? Three in case one of my daughters come home? No thanks. Next, emergency vehicles. Do I want an ambulance or firetruck that needs to be plugged in for an hour to recharge to have 80% range, or a diesel that has the same range in the cold but fuels up in minutes? Hmm. Tough choice there. Gimme the diesel. The only way I’d accept an electric vehicle is if it comes equipped with a nuclear system and doesn’t need to be charged every day, has the ability to have the cooling system dump heat into the cabin, and im allowed to modify the rest of the vehicle as I see fit. Sadly we’ll never get these, as too many boomers live in fear of “dirty bombs” made from the nuclear engine and car crashes making a dangerous mess. Even though it’s clearly the superior form of EV, we don’t get to have it, military only. Which frankly sucks.

by pkvi
Dualkalibur 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bring back command prompt, ditch the GUI and have all that power at your disposal. The common user won’t/can’t hack it but there are those who can.

Dualkalibur 2 points ago +2 / -0

It helps to factor in that no one seems to remember the news headlines and debates happening on 9/10 and prior and people only focus on 9/11. Great way to get political heat off you, forcing a false flag and starting a war. Burning of the an important German building repeated in another country decades later. Time is like a river and history repeats.

Dualkalibur 1 point ago +1 / -0

No real way to make people keep interest in an online argument. But also no real easy Turing test to check for bot or human response either.

Dualkalibur 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dunno if it’s vast majority or just the majority. Some people love to troll. Some people make 30 accounts to upvote their own stuff. Some people write scripts. Some people just want to watch the world burn. These days an AI or bot doesn’t even have to be complete to be a stubborn arguer in an online space. But where people lose interest in doing it after a while a bot never does.

Dualkalibur 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not all shills are bots, of course not. But some shills ARE bots. How do we know how many are bot and how many are human? Should we just use the climate hoax people’s numbers? 97% of all shills are bots! Since they have a list of every scientist and their opinion, we must have a list of all the shills and their bot status right? Right. So 97%. Seems to be a good number, they pulled it out of their ass and ran with it why can’t we?

Dualkalibur 1 point ago +1 / -0

Shutting down the bot nets seems an almost impossible task at this point without shutting down the whole internet and starting on fresh protocols and hardware. Not exactly feasible for the whole world but doable on small networks. Finding out who controls the boy nets, and ruining them seems the only option.

Dualkalibur 8 points ago +8 / -0

Look into The Internet is Dead theory. The internet we knew in the 90’s and early 2000’s is gone, most of the traffic and responses now are AI bots. YouTube itself admitted it was worried about the Inversion back in 2013. The Inversion being when bot traffic is more than human traffic, that human traffic becomes the blocked and censored part and only artificial conversation is on the site. This was 8 years ago, there’s no way that shift hasn’t happened there and in other spaces. Much as I love the internet for its uses and information, the only way to be sure you’re talking to a human and getting through to them is to be looking them in the eye, with your hand on your EDC if need be for full effect.

Dualkalibur 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe it’s time for the Futurama Suicide Booths....

Dualkalibur 2 points ago +2 / -0

Those who are ill by choice can die in a fire. Those who drank the kool-aid not knowing what it was, I would like to save. But then I have too many friends and family in that category. An old driller of mine had a great sticker on his hard hat. “I’ll be nicer if you be smarter”. Sums up this whole plandemic nicely I find. Then again I also subscribe to “fuck off i have enough friends” when it comes to dealing with npcs.

Dualkalibur 2 points ago +2 / -0

It makes a guy wonder what else they’ve tried in the past and failed at. We know about the infiltration of academia, entertainment and medicine, “news”, politics and corporate board rooms as well as the banking industry. How deep is this rabbit hole and when we do get tired of looking and just dump some napalm down it?

Dualkalibur 4 points ago +4 / -0

It’s a sad time we live in. Once a feared spearpoint on the battlefields of WW2, now a nation of mostly sheep ready to parrot the party line. They’ve bought the marketing hook line and sinker and because it was called a “vaccine” they bought into it. Even after seeing every report say it doesn’t protect against transmission, infection, after every goal post is moved, they refused to budge. I’m not sure if it’s just cell crafted propaganda, sunk-cost fallacy, or too much “good times breed weak men” but something needs to change. Perhaps first should be their willingness to talk about cutting us off from our paid for services. Next we can point out any illness occurring from the “vaccine” shouldn’t be covered by our health care either, they chose to have it, they chose to take the risk. If the manufacturers aren’t liable for the damages I don’t feel I am for fixing their ruined health either.

Dualkalibur 4 points ago +4 / -0

Been saying this isn’t a vaccine since it started. It’s a hard push against their marketing machine.

Dualkalibur 2 points ago +5 / -3

Right? No matter what evidence is presented or lack of evidence there is to be found to support their position, they cling to it like it’s a religion and one can never doubt the dogma. In any other situation you require extraordinary amounts of proof. If you try to say I murdered someone, you need a body. Without a body it’s just a missing person. But here, we can say there’s 6 gorillion murders and only at best 115-250000 bodies to be accounted for. And yet right after a strictly Jewish nation pops up with massive support right after, what an amazing coincidence.

Dualkalibur 10 points ago +13 / -3

Excellent info. One part I stumble with getting through to some of my better informed friends who still believe this shit is they argue that most weren’t burned in the ovens, they used mass grave style pits and burned them in mass. And after refuting that saying then these grave pits should be detectable and measurable since we know what to look for we should be able to find it. Then the goal posts move to it was ALL over Europe and not just in the camps, all over Europe 6 million Jews doesn’t because of the evul germahn wahh machine. They simply want to believe it and no amount of proof like time in the ovens, temperature for zyklon b, lack of fuel and deforestation to get wood to burn that many bodies doesn’t matter. It’s sad but this is going to take generations to fix. I’m a simple man. I want justice and answers. If there’s mass graves with hundreds and millions and gorrilions of bodies, I want it documented, proven and exposed. Not some paper pusher with a nose bigger than mine saying it’s illegal to even ask.

by pkvi
Dualkalibur 3 points ago +3 / -0

We get it man, you don’t like Trump. At this point you’re a broken record (or a skipping mp3 for you damned kids skateboarding on the sidewalk). Anyone with a memory better then a goldfish remembers he was a Democrat in the 90’s. He ran as a Republican because the dems were fielding Hillary. 2016 and 2020 were both a Dem-Dem ticket to anyone paying attention. The only saving grace to Donald is they had to spend time opposing older values and not simply pushing anything and everything they wanted while the press bleats about how good the first woman president feels in their soy souls. Voting because of a set of genitals is fucking retarded right off the bat, people need to be evaluated off their platform and their track record through life of absolutely accomplishing stuff. I’m STILL glad Hillary never won and I’m not even American, but sadly my life is constantly affected by US politics, policy and business. The last president you had who was worth a damn was Eisenhower, since then it’s been downhill. Lyndon B Johnson’s grave should be used as a toilet, both Bush’s were CIA stooges, Kennedy was a frat boy who never grew up, Clinton was a Wish.com Hugh Hefner, the list goes on and on and on. At the very least with Trump I can hand him a win on no new military wars started under him. No new Iraq or Afghanistan or Vietnam or Korea. No Cold War, just a trade war with China who should be under a World Trade War and crushed outta existence.

Dualkalibur 1 point ago +1 / -0

Calling it something it’s not is indeed nothing new when it comes to descriptors in this world, but it makes understanding for those learning the subject matter a pain in the ass. It’s quite possible red mercury isn’t a form of mercury at all, perhaps even named that to send competitors in the same field on a wild goose chase. The rotating liquid metal at the centre feels very planet like in description. Our own planet being said to have a liquid iron core at the centre creating s magnetic field, it does beg the question what would planets with different metallic cores have for effects. We as a species have long understood the power potential in a spinning flywheel, but the idea of a spinning fluid metal being able to generate propulsion still seems very science fiction-y to me. I know there are many things we can’t see or even measure yet, and until we get the tools to do so we’re in the dark about a lot of reality. Different frequencies obtain different results. High frequency radio waves carry music and data. A high pitched note from someone who's trained can shatter a crystal glass. Whistling a perfect 2600 hz note in the phreaking days could net you all kinds of fun. But having your steering be sound related feels like it has a major disadvantage of needing very complicated shielding and soundproofing to keep anyone from disrupting your crafts navigation with eternal sound devices. Think a missile that doesn’t have to hit any of the crafts but could emit the right tone to cause them to all start flying down towards the ground and crash a whole squadron at once kind of situation. It’s interesting technology to be sure, but everything and I mean everything has limitations of one sort or the other.

Dualkalibur 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have heard of red mercury before, but no one seems to have a good answer for what it is. I’m guessing it’s similar to enriched uranium or plutonium, and having a difference that’s discernible to the naked eye in the form of a different colour. Have you heard anything else about red mercury? Creation, details, use besides flight craft etc?

Dualkalibur 10 points ago +10 / -0

There are no trans women, only men with mental issues. May as well demand we date Bigfoot or the tooth fairy.

by pkvi
Dualkalibur 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fact check: False Erectile function only persisted while the recipient was alive, it is not permanent. Loose bowel was not caused by the ingredients of the pill itself, the recipient hadn’t spent their life with their head up their ass enough to facilitate easy application of the coke can sized pill. Respiratory issues have never been recorded by our staff after inserting large objects for years. -Snopes.com

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