by pkvi
DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

First Pelosi, then Don Lemon, now this bitch. Fuck off, Florida is full!

by pkvi
DrinktheCovfefe 3 points ago +3 / -0

Weird huh? It's first identified at the end of November, a mere three weeks later it's spread globally despite travel lockdowns and only vaxxed being allowed to fly. So fast, that my local news is reporting how our city's omicron infection rates compare to other parts of the state. Almost like it's a complete fabrication.

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

We all know the answer to that. But this article and the ones like it that imply the baby just pops out dead to everyone's surprise is misleading. If the shot is killing them in utero, that would be known way before the moment of delivery. If everything is proceeding as normal and the baby has a heartbeat up until it is pushed out, then it shows the minor trauma of being squeezed out is enough to kill babies whose mother's have taken the shots. If it's the latter, I predict we'll see a rise in SIDS also in the vaccinated group.

DrinktheCovfefe 0 points ago +1 / -1

Obviously not, but "they just came out stillborn" makes no sense when you consider the baby's health is being consistently monitored in the weeks, days, and minutes leading up to birth

DrinktheCovfefe 3 points ago +3 / -0

I really want to know more about this. I've given birth twice and the first thing that happens when you're admitted and in labor is they check the baby's heartbeat. It's continuously monitored from then on. Are these women coming in with already dead babies and they just didn't know it? Also suspicious, as you get checked every week when you approach 40 weeks, even more frequently if you go over. Is the trauma of labor killing (being squeezed through the birth canal) killing them?

DrinktheCovfefe 3 points ago +3 / -0

Do you recall where the hot lots were sent? I'm curious which states were targeted.

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

On the subject of the end times, OP did you know that it has been prophecied that Christians and Muslims will end up fighting together for Truth and Righteousness on the side of God? Wouldn't that be something.

DrinktheCovfefe 3 points ago +3 / -0

The jews demon-inspired holy book, the talmud, says that in the end times, their evil cousins The Whites (children of Cain or Esau, depending where you look), will have all their possessions and property taken and given to the jews. Whites will also become their slaves.

What we're seeing right now is the work of the sabbatean frankists to expedite this outcome.

by pkvi
DrinktheCovfefe 3 points ago +3 / -0

Engineered Sabotage? Looks like a Trader Joe's to me.

Humor aside, they practiced this on us with the toilet paper shortage. The first time was just a humiliation ritual, this time they want it to hurt.

In other supply chain shortage news, I needed a part for my older car. The parts manager told me what usually takes 3-4 days is now up to 2 weeks- there is a breakdown between the manufacturer and delivery. As in, the part is there, but everything sits at the delivery hub for a few days now because freight shipping is breaking down.

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

I compiled and shared my "skeptic's guide to vaccines" almost a decade ago.

My account is 9 or so years old and I'm sure I read that. The conspiracies board led me to make myself official, though I mostly lurked. Aside from that, I'd only ever encountered the beefore/after first hand account videos on Facebook, which I had chalked up to being one of those elusive rare side effects. Hearing from the censored doctors (on your compilation iirc) really gave me pause. Thank you for making that.

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0


Lord help us save the children from these monsters

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's terrible. I was hoping otherwise, since they otherwise are very strict about what goes in their bodies. They don't even drink caffeine. Unfortunately I think the Catholic church is making the same mistake. Last time I went to Mass, the priest added "remove the pride of those who won't listen to health officials" and "thank you for the gift of modern medicine" (even though the shot is NOT pro Life). Usually I go to an evangelical biker church that so far hasn't taken a stance.

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

I heard the Mormons we're all taking the shot, do you know if that's true?

by pkvi
DrinktheCovfefe 4 points ago +4 / -0

The dollar is going to collapse and they want us all demoralized enough to accept a social credit system + digital currency. The vaccine passports are the beta test of the new monetary system. All these other countries going along with it also rely heavily on the fiat dollar as their reserve currency.

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you, I'll check that out. My dad is rh- but it didn't pass on to me. There's another name for the condition, EHS? Is that right?

by pkvi
DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha good eye from Jimmie Waters. Someone getting their sentence commuted?

DrinktheCovfefe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone know how to rid the body of nanoparticles? Activated charcoal or bentonite?

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

See the graphic below illustrating how each expansion of the use of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) and each new generation of wireless technology has been accompanied by a new disease.

Back in the early 2000s, George Noory on Coast to Coast AM discussed people allergic to electromagnetic radiation. They had to move far out in the country to escape the electrical grid and couldn't use microwaves. I think they suffered from skin problems, headaches and lethargy if exposed but it's been a long time.

This story stuck with me all these years even though I haven't heard of the phenomenon since. Could there be something to it?

Furthermore, and this is just an anecdote, but in 2017 my area got hit by Hurricane Irma. The first day after the storm, almost the whole power grid was out. I remember sitting in the yard and hearing more bird song than I've ever heard, and the feeling in the air changed. It is hard to describe, but it was more peaceful and "alive" than usual in my crowded suburban neighborhood. Eventually the power came back on and everything returned to normal, but there was definitely a different feeling in the air than usual.

DrinktheCovfefe 3 points ago +3 / -0

At my husband's work, the first question out of everyone's mouth after hearing a coworker is sick is "is he vaxxed?" None of the countless illnesses that plagued humanity prior to 2020 exist anymore, apparently, only covid 1984

DrinktheCovfefe 1 point ago +1 / -0

Moloch probably

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