Well this explains the memory problems I've been witnessing.
I just saw a thread where the op admitted to finally looking into the moon landing and concluded it was a hoax, I only to have the shills jump on him for being "so crazy" as to believe such nonsense. RIP Reddit, you were fun while you lasted but all the best subs have long been banned or infested.
Thanks. He claims to be a Christian now (alongside Marilyn Manson), I wonder what to make of that? For me, the jury is still out of reptilians are their own species, a hybrid, or if what we see is how demonic possession can be captured on film (celebrities eyes and video glitches).
Ooh, do you have a link of shape shifting Bieber? Haven't seen that one yet
A trad wife (traditional wife) who is also a product of the 80s
Similar story here, too. Was a degenerate hippie perpetual child, now a redeemed Radwife. Thanks to WikiLeaks, I found Jesus, and my life was truly transformed. You hear people say that, and it sounds incredulous, but it's real! For those who have gone through it, we want all our brothers and sisters to share in the joy. Because “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls,who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. " Matthew 13:45-46
Even OAN was hyping it up! InfoWars is the one station that dares to say "the globalist media is in lock-step on Russia/Ukraine, isn't that suspicious?" But even they're reporting seems benign.
And she IS White, exclusively watches Fox news. Guess they're ramping up white guilt there, too.
Thank you, Brother Zap
Me: the MSM is telling us in unison that Russia is evil and commiting war crimes. Reserve your judgement for now. My mom: This is war, this is serious! They would never lie about something like that! Me: then I guess they would never fabricate a deadly virus, steal the election, destroy businesses, and get everyone to take an experiment that doesn't even work? My mom: you're a white supremacist who gets all your news from some weirdo on the internet.
An actual conversation. If the relationship were depicted as a Venn diagram, you would see just one circle.
Also note that Hunter looks more like the man on the left
I've been thinking body double but they did really well on his voice, no idea how they do that. IIRC the og had some kind of brain injury/trauma in the first decade of the 2000s where the mortality rate was not good, but unfortunately I don't save anything so I have no source on that. But like other celebrities/spokespeople, "they" invested too much into the Biden brand to let his character die.
Yes, brother. Transvestigation is not well-received but once you see it, you can't un-see. Just last night I saw a current picture of Pharrell, who looks more like my SE-Asian/Indian sister in law than a black man. I was thinking of making a post about it.
Intense male gaze like a predator. Without the wig, there would be no softness
The Business of Being Born https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3w7cvw
Justifies home births and midwives by showing how a hospital birth leads to more medical interventions and complications, like cesareans and episiotomies. Inspired me to do 2 natural births with no drugs, no complications, and being able to go home with my babies after only a few hours.
Water fountains, kissing, hand-holding, sharing drinks, public toilets, sitting next to someone...all the possibilities they DEBOONKED in health class back in the 90s
Does anyone know who the person standing next to him is?
Hawking on Epstein island sounds like the plot of a South Park episode, lol. Sounds like you're aware of this topic, are there any other good ones I missed? My favorite twist on the concept is celebrities faking their own deaths to pretend to be other people, i.e, I really, really want to believe that Rush Limbaugh used to be Jim Morrison.
Any other celebs you think have been replaced with clones
I'm convinced "Stephen Hawking" is a role played by at least 1 actor after tptb saw how useful a "genius scientist" was in promoting their agendas. I prefer the term actor or body double though, clone sounds like far-fetched sci-fi. There are probably many body doubles for famous celebrities who either died, OD'd, or are too infirm or important to be seen by the public eye. Biden and Clinton have doubles, and Paul McCartney probably did die in a car crash but the brand (The Beatles) was too popular to let Apple records go to waste.
I don't know enough about her to make a judgement, do you have any video clips/pictures that show the differences?
Considering they've moved on to banning Latin Mass now, I believe it.
Good point. We need a term for someone who believes that "powerful people and entities are mostly concerned with the common good and betterment of the world in general" besides naive, child-like.
Covid is so dangerous in Florida, I've died 3 times now.
Great post title, mayh friend
My temper got the best of me, sorry about that.