Corporis -4 points ago +7 / -11

JP has done many, many excellent satires of two-faced and hypocrite democrat party members and policies. He's always on point, I recommend everyone to watch his video catalog.

Corporis -10 points ago +1 / -11

Hmm, I perused my feed and thought I saw it on another community than conspiracies. You're right, I'll remove it so as to not bog down the new queue.

Corporis -9 points ago +3 / -12

Glenn Greenwald is one of the very few real journalists that are left in the world. The majority employed by main stream media are presstitudes, whoring themselves out for money and becoming propaganda.

Corporis -10 points ago +2 / -12

Yes, there is quite a lot of records in Ukraine about pedo joe biden's and hunter biden's illegal dealings in Ukraine. They were both involved in illegal kick-backs and scummy deals in the Ukrainian energy and gas market.

Corporis -8 points ago +4 / -12

Pedo joe biden and his friends have used Ukraine as their money laundering and money kick-back place for a long time, it's completely criminal. Pedo biden even threatened to withhold money from the Ukraine state when Ukrainian lawyers were about to investigate the criminal enterprises pedo joe biden and hunter biden was/is involved in over there.

Corporis -9 points ago +3 / -12

It's the Cuba crisis all over again, if the world was fine with the US threatening nuclear war over that situation they would be hypocrites chastising Russia for not wanting US weapons of mass destruction on it's border now.

Corporis -7 points ago +5 / -12

This is the Cuba crisis with reversed roles. Russia does not want US weapons of mass destruction on it's border, this is the same situation as the former mentioned and should make every shithead on here pause before they support the US or NATO.

Add to this the slaughter of russian-speaking civilians in Donbass by Ukrainian forces (especially the neonazi brigade that is part of the regular Ukranian army) and there is no excuse for supporting the former and opposing the latter.

Corporis 4 points ago +15 / -11

Nothing happens in a vacuum.

Russia has real grievances against the US, NATO and Ukraine. This conflict is manufactured by the US since they have escalated the tension at every opportunity as if they wanted a war. Pedo biden and his people are wagging the dog.

Corporis -8 points ago +4 / -12

Definately not pedo biden.

Corporis -7 points ago +4 / -11

Awesome, I hope he bankrupts the lot of them. Rittenhouse has a clear case against these fuckers.

Corporis -9 points ago +3 / -12

It is infuriating, and it is deplorable democrat party members and their stooges that were complicit in supporting the terrorist organization BLM on all fronts. Democrats bailed out criminals, refused to even press any charges and gave vast sums of money to these terrorist with not a single person getting their bank accounts frozen. Not even when the leaders of BLM embezzled the money they conned from people democrats stopped to do any soul searching. Democrats have no morals and no conscience.

Corporis -11 points ago +1 / -12

AOC is a fucking idiot and an obvious corrupt politician. She's a democrat, after all.

Corporis -10 points ago +2 / -12

Google is well-known for working with the fascist democrat party in suppressing free speech, suppressing dnc/democrat party damaging information etc. and the inverse against political opponents to the corrupt democrat party .

Corporis -11 points ago +1 / -12

Hmm, something is wonky since it is the correct preview picture but an entirely different url in the link. I'll make a post with a similar statement about the issue from the Canadian Civil Liberties Association.

Corporis -9 points ago +2 / -11

What uptick? Posting about dnc criminally conspiring to spy on political opponents and committing sedition is a topic suited for this community.

Corporis 0 points ago +11 / -11

Looks like astroturfers from shareblue/media matters are getting busy here, trying to falsely smear the site. Creating fake groups and false flags is a well used tool of shareblue.

Corporis -12 points ago +1 / -13

What has Donald Trump accomplished in 4 years?

    7 million new jobs
    middle-class family income increased $6k
    lowest unemployment in US history
    lowest black unemployment
    lowest Hispanic unemployment
    lowest female unemployment
    no new wars
    destroyed ISIS
    killed terrorist leaders
    peace in the Middle East
    American prisoners freed abroad
    criminal justice reform
    destroyed Obamacare
    tore up the Paris Climate Accords
    canceled the Iran deal
    confirmed 230 federal judges
    3 SCOTUS judges
    energy independence
    wall on southern border
    7 million people off of food stamps
    largest tax reform in history
    poverty at record low
    16% pay increase for American workers
    1.2 million manufacturing and construction jobs
    DOW, S&P 500, and NASDAQ at record highs
    manufacturing optimism doubled
    homebuilder confidence all-time record
    home sales all-time record
    lowest gas prices in a generation
    doubled the child tax credit
Corporis -9 points ago +2 / -11

Yeah, corrupt obama is guilty of sedition right alongside deplorable hillary clinton. They are both criminals.

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