Corporis -13 points ago +2 / -15

Evidence through whistleblowers and his actions reveal that Sanders is a sheepdog for the democrat party and a traitor to his followers. He never had any intention of challenging the ruling elite of the party, instead he fools actual leftist, social democrats and those tired of the criminality of the democrat party with false pretenses of change. In reality, he never does anything against the corrupt and criminal democrat party's wishes. His "trusted friend" pedophile joe biden can attest to that.

Corporis -13 points ago +2 / -15

Israel is a fascist, racist apartheid state.

Corporis -13 points ago +1 / -14

There are more than 30 US funded bio weapon research labs in Ukraine, that fact is already established. The US is operating many illegal bio weapon research facilities in Ukraine, right on the border to Russia.

Corporis -12 points ago +2 / -14


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Corporis -2 points ago +12 / -14

There are a massive amount of RINOs and traitors in the republican party that walk hand in hand with the criminal and corrupt democrat party.

Corporis 2 points ago +15 / -13

Anyone still defending the corrupt and criminal democrats after what has been leaked by whistleblowers and discovered about the 2016 and 2020 elections are either shills from ShareBlue/Media Matters or outright stupid. The DNC riggs elections.

Corporis -11 points ago +2 / -13

Oh look, there's that pathetic loser that keeps making alts just to be toxic and repeatedly abuse other users.

Corporis -11 points ago +2 / -13

The people supporting the deep state, corrupt federal agencies and the criminal democrat party are truly pathetic, we have a number of them on this forum as well (some keep making alts to evade bans over and over).

Corporis -8 points ago +4 / -12

Trump never made a peep about it! Instead he said he "wished [Ghislanne] well" after her arrest.

There was no other choice. There was a court ruling at the time that stated no government official was allowed to make statements about Ghislaine that could impact the case.


Corporis -7 points ago +4 / -11

Elon has nothing to do with it. He is not in control of the company yet.

All the recent unbannings etc that has happened these last days are just twitter admin running scared and covering their tracks, I am sure there are still fascist democrats still sabotaging and using the censorship tools as much as they can before they are fired.

Corporis -5 points ago +6 / -11

That it was a fabrication was very obvious from the start.

Corporis -11 points ago +1 / -12

WTF OP, could you be more obvious glowing? Fuck off with your fake smearing.

Corporis -10 points ago +2 / -12

James Woods has tweeted about the fascist democrat party regime for a long time, his account was suspended by twitter for a long time because of it.

Corporis -11 points ago +1 / -12

Yes. They are so scared their fascist suppression, manipulation and shadowbanning systems will get found out. The cat is out of the bag already though.

Corporis -10 points ago +1 / -11

This has a good chance of being stopped after the leadership change at twitter.

Corporis 7 points ago +18 / -11

There are several inconsistencies being reported in the election and overt fraud like 100% of votes in batches being for Macron.

Corporis 2 points ago +13 / -11

12/12, that is an accurate list of the corrupt and criminal democrat party escalations and fascist behavior the last several years.

Corporis -9 points ago +2 / -11

It is fascist behavior, pushed by the democrat party. During President Trump's administration democrats made sure to oppose and threaten at even the hint of a pardon for Assange, with resulted in a stall for many years but no more overt actions against Assange. The moment the criminal democrats are in power again Assange is attacked and pushed for extradition to the US, ON NO GROUNDS AT ALL!

It's fucking infuriating that fascists like the democrat party members and their minions in the UK are allowed to keep running this farce while at the same time chastising other nations for claimed actions against journalists.

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