Strange that there was a lot of fevers but not with the elderly crowd (cohort 3)...
In cohort 1, fever was reported in 25 low-dose recipients (15%) and in 62 high-dose recipients (39%); grade 3 fever (temperature range, 39.0 to 40.0°C) was reported in 8 low-dose recipients (5%) and in 15 high-dose recipients (9%). In cohort 3, fever was reported in 7 low-dose recipients (4%) and in 14 high-dose recipients (9%); grade 3 fever was reported in no low-dose recipients and in 2 high-dose recipients (1%). No participants in the placebo group in either cohort reported having fever. All cases of fever occurred within 2 days after immunization and resolved within 1 or 2 days; more than 80% of the participants with fever received an antipyretic drug at the onset of symptoms.
You seem to assume a mask either filters 0% of the air you exhale or must filter 100%. Would you rather be sitting on a plane next to someone sneezing everything few minutes if they had a mask or no mask? You can argue how much it helps or if it's poor policy but to say there's no filtering of exhaled germs is moronic.
Call it X. Does X exist? Yes, because we see the effects of it. X can be planet X or COVID. Same concept. Now maybe X isn't a planet or virus but is something we don't understand, but it still exists because we can measure the effects of X.
All of the "flat earth" arguments come from ignorance and incredulity.
Basically "... I don't understand X and it looks like Y is full of lies therefore Z must be true but I will ignore A, B, and C that debunk Z because I don't understand Z."
So to summarize the actual argument is "... I don't understand X or Z."