by pkvi
Apterodactyl 2 points ago +3 / -1

If you agree with them at any level, you need to do some soul searching.

Apterodactyl 2 points ago +2 / -0

Injecting billions of people with mRNA poison, multiple times, is the greatest crime against humanity, so far...

Apterodactyl 2 points ago +2 / -0

For April fools, they replaced their logo with the cornucopia version without any publicity or fanfare.

Apterodactyl 4 points ago +6 / -2

It's real. Dolly has no braces is a rock solid example. The scene simply makes no sense without the braces.

And this residue:

Apterodactyl 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't see any political agenda there so I'm not sure what you are on about. Are there retcons that are related to politics?

Apterodactyl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reddit is all but dead but r/escapingprisonplanet has blown up in the last year, if you're interested in this topic.

Apterodactyl 4 points ago +4 / -0

The way out is through, if that makes any sense. Make peace with the fact that you are here. The Bhagavad Gita gives several paths for achieving the goal.

Check out r/escapingprisonplanet. It's a sub that popped up in the last year that looks at this.

Apterodactyl 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you do that then you just end up replacing them. We have to break the cycle of violence once and for all.

Apterodactyl 1 point ago +1 / -0

You clearly and repeatedly said that some of the hate speech here and in other conspiracy forums in organic.

What I said is "I assume most are paid agents to sow division, but of course there are real ones that get taken in."

I didn't say its organic. It is agitators and some useful idiots who get taken in and fall for the agitprop.

Apterodactyl 0 points ago +1 / -1

An immoral society will never be a prosperous society. What is the point of physical immortality? Do you believe that this life is all there is?

Apterodactyl -1 points ago +0 / -1

I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying that most of these supposed white supremacists are paid agitators who come here to discredit conspiracies by association. That is why they cannot have a reasonable debate about their ideology. It's off-script. I don't believe in censorship, but it is important to call them out.

Apterodactyl 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's why I called them out. You can see they are agitators because it is not in their scripts to give a good faith argument in support of their ideology or debate its merits and/or problems.

I mean my thing is to challenge EVERYONE'S beliefs and assumptions, just to show how little thought they have put into them.

Apterodactyl 0 points ago +1 / -1

No they are just as bad. So are the Chinese who believe they are the middle kingdom and superior to everyone else. Or the Islamic supremacists who want to jihad the infidels, etc.

Apterodactyl -1 points ago +1 / -2

What does my post have to do with 'white' shame? I am just asking what is the endgame for people who are 'white' supremacists and want to have a rational discussion about it.

Apterodactyl 1 point ago +2 / -1

Ok those are words. Thanks for taking the time to type them.

Apterodactyl 0 points ago +1 / -1

What are you going to do after you obtain all that technology? What comes afterwards in this renaissance? Cultural, artistic, and philosophical advances? What would you be advancing toward?

Apterodactyl 0 points ago +1 / -1

They can't because when you remove all the legitimate gripes of the divide to conquer, the hate and other-blaming, at the core it is the same selfish satanism of the elite. The only difference is they are the chosen in charge.

Apterodactyl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well the whole covid crisis has shown that IQ as a measure of overall emotional, intellectual, and spiritual intelligence doesn't work at all. Most of the supposedly "smartest" minds support what is going on.

You also failed to address my thought experiment. If all other 'races' suddenly disappeared, what would happen to the whites? There will also be huge differences in IQ for example. Identities would simply fracture on different superficial features, like brown versus blond hair, or the hundreds of ethnicities that also happen to have white skin.

The mistake people like you keep making over and over again is that you think this is some sort of 'survival of the fittest' game. What happens when the earth becomes inhabitable? What happens to the game then?

You have the potential to be more than an animal. You can develop self-awareness and consciousness. Then you can transcend your instinct to survive at all costs and look at the bigger picture.

Apterodactyl -1 points ago +1 / -2

There will always be racial tension until we all realize we fully realize ourselves as conscious beings with souls incarnated in human bodies. Imagine that 'white' people killed off all the other 'races'? Do you think they'd just live happily ever after? No, what would happen is they would find some other trait or characteristic to divide them.

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