This board, like many other conspiracy boards, has a big problem with 'white' supremacism. I assume most are paid agents to sow division, but of course there are real ones that get taken in.
So here is my challenge to the agitators and others of you who consider themselves as such:
Imagine that tomorrow somehow all the jews and other non-white 'races' disappear from the face of the earth. Please explain to me what happens then.
For example, all the 'white' people live happily ever after in peace and harmony in perfect unity.
Let us have an honest, adult conversation about this scenario that doesn't devolve into name-calling and personal attacks.
What are you going to do after you obtain all that technology? What comes afterwards in this renaissance? Cultural, artistic, and philosophical advances? What would you be advancing toward?
The elites that own all the central banks and have infinite money, the one thing they sure have invested into the past 100 years is human longevity. With a total prosperous society, immortality may even be possible.
An immoral society will never be a prosperous society. What is the point of physical immortality? Do you believe that this life is all there is?