ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +2 / -1

I just don't want flat earth feds/morons to dirty the .win. They are an amazing ward against normie tourists who otherwise might get redpilled.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fair. I'm just pointing out how much cheaper and more practical tools can be used to achieve mass atheism. By dazzling people with wonderous discoveries, it is easy to sprinkle in lies to push agendas.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've watched ships "sink" over the horizon as they travel to other continents. I've also observed the northstar not being visible while in the southern hemisphere, due to it being over the northern horizon.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 4 points ago +5 / -1


The material strength of the napkin in crumpled form is greater than the force of gravity. Same reason we don't pancake against the ground


Air has mass and exerts force. Smoke in a vaccume would indeed fall to the ground, but in the natural atmosphere, sufficieny light particles get carried by air currents. In the case of fire, the hotter and less dense air travels upward, carrying the smoke along with it while the cooler air fills in the space below.

spin of the earth

Speed is relative. If you've ever travelled on a plane or train, you'd know that you can be travelling 100s of miles per hour without feeling anything. The air inside the cabin/train car has accelerated to the same speed as the vehicle and you, so there is no wind knocking you down.

The atmosphere is the same. Through influence from the spinning earth, the air has accelerated to be in equibrium with the earth, give or take based on weather patterns. Recall above that smoke is carried by the air.

Even in a vaccume, if one observed an object get launched from earth into the sky (for instance, a stomp rocket), the initial forces on the object pre-launch bring the object in equibrium with the earth's rotation, bringing the object to a seemingly standstill to an observer also standing on earth. At launch, the only additional forces on the object are those exerted by the launcher pointing away from earth, so as the object leaves earth, it still stays relatively inline with the ground because no forces have been exerted to counter the object's sideways motion.

I am genuinely curious, if not gravity, what to you call the force that pulls a ball to the ground when you let go of it, or keeps you from falling into the sky when you jump?

ApparentlyImAHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

all it takes is some pictures to hide flat earth.

I won't deny that Nasa is capable of producing some pretty fake shit, but you'd need to hide the truth from people who go outside. Every air traveler, every hobbyist astronomer, every trainee pilot, every long-exposure photographer, and everyone capable of launching a space balloon with a gopro (read: literally everyone with a stable middle-clasd job). All supposedly to turn people aetheist, something that evolution, modern science, and Internet activism have already done at .001% of the cost of hiding the world from the naked eye.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 4 points ago +4 / -0

look at my pictures

As a flat earther, you should agree with me that any and all pictures alone can be faked and shopped

ApparentlyImAHeretic 3 points ago +6 / -3

Guys, the earth is totally flat

fuck niggers, amiright?

Da Joos

the fed doth protest loudly

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +6 / -4

I guess the feds finally decided to work on the .wins. Flat Earth is a planted conspiracy designed to discredit forums by association. It requires a highly impractical amount of resources for a tiny gain.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, because money is infinite to those who can print it

Ask Venezuela what happens when you print infinite money. Money is paper, if it is not made scarce, it has zero value.

Aerospace engineers are sworn into secrecy.

Of which there are hundreds of thousands, many of which work for opposing nations. I've taken aerospace classes myself, the very foundation of the field is based on the earth being spherical.

the stars haven't budged

Take a long exposure camera and point it at the north star for a night. you will see every star make a circle around polaris. Now travel anywhere in the southern hemisphere and attempt the same experiment. Notice the northstar is gone, because it is over the horizon.

by pkvi
ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

This feels like an excellent phishing vector. Many employees are trained to look at the url they are visiting to determine if it's legit. For instance


would be safe, but


would be a red flag. Normies might see


and think "oh it's google, they're trustworthy!"

Well done google.

ApparentlyImAHeretic -1 points ago +1 / -2

The sheer size of the operation required to hide flat earth makes it so impractical though. We're talking paying off and controlling every pilot and ship captain in the world, devising a skyscreen that changes the position of the north star based on where the user is looking from, preventing any and all travelers from travelling too far east or west. That, or preventing anyone from bringing a range finder to the arctic/antarctic. So many people would have to be in on the conspiracy that the liability of maintaining the narrative becomes absurd.

For all this, how many people talk about flat earth? How many friendships has it ruined? How many families has it broken up? Compare flat earth to utopianism, religion, or even covid. Those things have divided humanity far more effectively than flat earth ever could, at less than 1% of the cost.

Flat earth makes zero sense as a conspiracy.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 0 points ago +1 / -1

Okay, now is all that worth the millions of people you'd need to pay off and keep in line to hide flat earth? we're talking every pilot and ship captain in the world. Arguably also anyone with a telescope.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why cover up the shape of the earth? What are the stakes? How can they possibly justify the massive operation required to conceal the true shape of the earth?

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Google and its cultists see themselves as the leaders of the progressive world. It is their duty to educate the laymen and plebians, that they might lead the weak minded to salvation.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Google and its cultists see themselves as the leaders of the progressive world. It is their duty to educate the laymen and plebians, that they might lead the weak minded to salvation.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 2 points ago +3 / -1

The popular phrase "All men are created equal" is in reference to stature, not ability or appearance. It is a rejection of class systems, and has never claimed that everybody is literally the same. OP is a faggot.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 0 points ago +1 / -1

yet another study indicating that the vaccines are not effective against omicron. looks like they still remain somewhat effective against Delta based on this data.

by pkvi
ApparentlyImAHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Always vote, even if it is useless.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've gotten several normies to acknowledge vaers. It's not out of reach for them and evidence like this, while small, rejects the idea that vaers is over reported.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 4 points ago +4 / -0

ikr? As if this mandate will even make a dent in the death or hospitalization rate. I'm predicting a sharp decline in employment (without a sharp increase in unemployment claims because unvaxxed rats do not get federal protection), along with no perceptible change in hospitalization or death, just like the mask mandates and vax mandates in major cities.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not feeling confident. All of the justices seem to have their minds made up already, and I didn't sense any minds changing.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 1 point ago +1 / -0

13 adverse events, 2 reported to vaers

unfortunately, while this supports what we already know, this is not nearly enough to convince the normies.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't know why, but for some reason this feels like it would be a huge whitepill. A society exists, hated and mocked by the global elite, where the people are happy and free. Given the ability for elites to lie and gaslight on a massive scale, it seems plausible to me, if highly improbable.

ApparentlyImAHeretic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Better yet, stop giving your money to places that kowtow.

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