by gunteh
ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice thread. I'm glad other people are noticing this.

The hilariously sad hypocrisy/stupidity of it too, is that feminists want women to be "empowered", not needing a man, while advocating for larger and larger government, which is just replacing the traditional role and responsibilities that individual men would play in women's lives, as protectors and providers, creating the largest institution of patriarchy on the planet (government), while simultaneously wanting to smash the patriarchy, and ruin all men. It started out that most of the women pushing for feminism were old and ugly (most of the uber feminists still are), because they couldn't attract a man to earn his protection or resources, and they managed over time to convince more and more women to go along with them, to empower government to give them what they couldn't earn on their own. Unfortunately, government is faceless, and when overgrown, will crush both men and women under its boot. A bad government is a hell of a lot harder to tackle than one bad man.

This goes much further and deeper, too, connecting to philosophy and evolutionary genetics. As a foundation, the two highest priorities must be truth and life, with truth being the highest. If you prioritize life over truth, the first casualty is truth, and the second is inevitably life (I shouldn't have to explain this further, it should be self evident among our long history). Men, as a biological necessity, value truth, logic, and reason above all else. I imagine this was spurred on because men who didn't value truth were less likely to survive in dire situations (common when close to nature, and failure meant death), and those that did were better able accrue more resources, better enabling them to pair bond, protect their family and community, survive, and pass on their genetics. Women, as a biological necessity, value life, emotion, and empathy above all else because it makes them better mates, mothers, and caretakers, better enabling them to survive and pass on their genetics. Thus, as a philosophical necessity men must hold higher position than women, by simple virtue of our differing priorities. This means all natural and successful communities of people is patriarchal. If women hold power over men, or feminine values are held over the masculine, destruction follows.

This, of course, doesn't mean I believe women are inferior and men superior, just that we're different, and each is better suited to their traditional role than the other. The farther away from truth and nature we go, the more we fail. Nature teaches really quick what works and what doesn't. Unfortunately, western society has become so successful we abandoned our traditions, often based off hard won lessons from nature, and we're now doing things that if we were closer to nature, would rightfully kill us off. This will play out on the small and large scale, even though the large scale will fall more slowly, because truth is true regardless of scale. Societies based off of lies cannot last. We will repeat the cycle, and relearn the lessons nature taught us. Unfortunately, there will be a lot of death and misery between now and then.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

There's a bit of naivety on the right when it comes to censorship. Since the left, in every area, is censoring everyone who doesn't tow their bullshit, the reaction from the right is to view all forms of censorship as bad. It's now almost impossible to argue for or enact any form of censorship on the right, even within our own communities, to protect ourselves from obvious trolls and bad actors, with the only possible exception being child porn. Hell, it's not just an issue with those on the right, but with anyone not left.

This naive position undermines a foundational perquisite everyone has: you have the right to protect your home/community/country and who is allowed to enter it. We're seeing first hand in western countries the problems of unmitigated immigration, legal or not. The oddity is that almost everyone on the right sees the problem with unmitigated immigration, but doesn't see the parallel with protecting their online communities via necessary censorship.

If you don't protect your home, you inevitably will no longer have a home. Thus, censorship is sometimes necessary and moral.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seeing how curated and censored our modern "mainstream" anything is by our self imposed overlords (news, politics, social media, TV, movies, education, books, all branches of science, history, etc.), in conjunction with all the other confirmed conspiracies, it gives a lot more credence to men like Graham Hancock who postulate past advance human civilizations, and makes me wonder how much even our recent history (last hundred years) has been completely warped.

ApexVeritas 39 points ago +39 / -0

I've noticed the huge drop in posts, comments, votes, and general activity as well. I'm pretty sure it's from multiple reasons, one of which is a drop in bot and shill activity from the election cycle.

The other reason I believe is that most people on the right have withdrawn, for how long I don't know. Most people in the know on the political right know they got screwed over by the Democrats in the election, and then screwed over by most of the Republicans for going along with the steal, not contesting it, in some cases helping to cover it up, and certifying the election, and then got screwed over by Trump, the one guy it seemed wasn't in on the uniparty bullshit, and even he threw his supporters under the bus on January 6th.

Most of the people I've talked to are really pissed, disenfranchised, preparing, and waiting to see what happens. I've noticed myself a complete disinterest in reading political news since 01/06, for reference, I've read the news for a few hours every day since 2007, and now almost nothing.

For those paying attention, especially with what started to happen during the 2016 primary, Trump wasn't the right's last chance, it was the country's. The right, and the left, have been screwed over by the unipart for decades, playing both sides against each other while they push their multiple agendas, that all screw us over. The only difference is that the right has largely realized the charade, which is why they put in Trump(a non politician), and that since the election and 01/06, the game is over. The left still thinks the game is on, because their core philosophies make them easy to manipulate.

The U.S. as a country is over. There are 3 ways to solve conflict, and we're not using the best 2, leaving the last option: violence. It's inevitable at this point, the only question is when it starts and how it plays out. Good debate isn't happening, and the right can't vote with their feet any more in the U.S. to avoid the insanity of the false left, everything is being moved to the federal level, which is counter to the logic of the inverse square law, voting ratios, and freedom of choice and merit. Every institution has been corrupted, every foundational philosophy disregarded and upended. You couldn't design a more complete and sure destruction of society than what we're doing.

I believe most on the right realize this, which explains a lot why they've withdrawn for the time being. The dream has been shattered, the future holds pain. Why invest in politics in a rigged game and for a country that's doomed?

There's a mix of people on the right currently. There are those who think they can still vote themselves out of this (not a majority I believe), those still shocked at the realization of what happened, those trying to stick their head in the sand and endure, those who gave up and are laughing at the insanity of the modern world, those who are preparing for the violence and fall of society, and those ready to fight (but don't yet act because there is no clear leader or direction and don't want to act alone).

Bad times ahead. I believe when certain oversteps are made, social activity will return a lot, but it will be made by those who are disenfranchised, cheated, somber, angry, and ready for a fight. In the lulls between the missteps you'll mostly hear the voices of those uninformed or trying to stick their head in the sand, if we're afforded any breaks at all.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cancel culture is getting something cancelled so no one can enjoy it, or someone cancelled so no one can watch or listen to them.

Not buying something from a company because they do something you don't like is completely different, and each person's choice where they shop.

Trying to conflate the two shows more about you than the people you're trying to paint.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hypocrisy: expecting others to act differently than you do.

It's most definitely hypocrisy.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +2 / -1

Axo isn't the one advocating for the removal of someone else's ability to freely speak, whether specifically mentioned or not. You are. You're intentions are obvious. Freedom of speech is a foundational principle of civilization, and if you need it explained to you, you're a moron, but anyone here with half a sense already knows you're not here to honestly discuss conspiracy theories, but to keep people from freely discussing them as much as possible. In fact, Axo was the one who set up this forum to get away from the heavily brigaded r/conspiracy, but since you like to piss on other people and tell them it's raining, you've come here to do the same.

You've proven as much by saying "Axo going full right-wing racist troll". Instead of arguing based on merits and having good discussion/debate (civil, honest, logical), you resort to ad hominem logical fallacies, and become hilariously hypocritical demanding others have good discussion/debate to you in separate comments, but not demanding it of yourself.

Illogical arguments are just one tool people like you employ to shut down speech, not encourage it. If your ideas are so superior, lay them out, and counter the ideas you wish to disprove with your big brain intelligence. Claiming victory by silencing your opposition is weakness of character and argument. It also shows you haven't fully thought it out. You can silence and kill your opposition, but you can't silence and kill truth.

ApexVeritas 13 points ago +13 / -0

This post hits on a lot, but doesn't go far enough. Most of what was mentioned is downstream of the true causes, which is that every foundational philosophy that made us successful in the first place is being attacked, upended, and reversed. Philosophy is essentially the pursuit, study, and defense of truth. When you go against truth, you inevitably always fail.

There's a fairly popular differing opinion in most political threads where any of this comes up, especially in regards to those who are leading this mass foundational reversal: are these people stupid, or evil? If this was stupidity, at some point those pulling the strings would have to make a correct decision by accident, but they haven't, not once. You couldn't engineer a more perfect way to destroy society at the fundamental level than what is being done, to bring people into total destitution and reliance upon the globalists, unable to fight back. The people doing this are evil, and every action they take is with malicious intent. Sure there are some idiots out there going along with this and enforcing it because they bought into the lies, but the people at the top know what they're doing.

I'm in the process of writing 2 books detailing the core philosophical foundations of society, what we're doing wrong, what we can do to fix it, and large scale predictions that can be made based on all of the forces and effects in of such in the world. With the way things are going, there is one inevitable outcome: a lot of death, either through mass capitulation to the globalists by everyone, leading to slavery and mass democide, or balkanization and war. In either case, we're in the downward spiral, and the hilarious part is most people are still clinging to their old comforts with comments like "thank god it's 2021, 2020 sucked", not realizing it's going to keep getting worse.

There is no way out of what's coming without intervention by God, and even then it wouldn't be solved because people wouldn't learn one of the first lessons: do not abdicate your personal responsibilities and give them to others.

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