Any how to guides? I haven't done something like that before but it's a great idea
The more I look into all this leads me to think that we pick our destinations and God builds the path to get us there. And then we begin that journey to get there and it can take multiple lived lives in order to achieve what's necessary.
It's kind of like saying "I want to be fit and healthy" and then God sets up the path of us eating healthy and getting fit - the journey is a bitch but we reach our end state.
We're talking about the same country that Obama / Biden had the govt replaced, that same govt rubber stamping the Biden's corruption along with I believe the Pelosi's, the Kerry's, and the Romney's.
Palo Verde Nuclear is the biggest nuclear power plant in the US (maybe world?). It's situated 40 miles west of Phoenix AZ. The desert. Not saying the nuclear aspect isn't false but not sure how water would work there
We're in the cyber attack. Look at the fucking shills everywhere. We've hit end of Matrix 3 levels
Can you post a link to the video?
I'm inclined to believe this. My cats can't even push a 2.5lb weight and if the proportion differences are similar between giant and human then they should be able to get that shit done pretty easily.
Tptb probably tell the bs stories to get ppl motivated to innovate so they can benefit
Did this just come out? Because I thought there were already 4 parts
I'm guessing some form of spying software upgrade. I can't figure out how to stop it either
It's suspect given what's going on in the world. Also, do you really think the govt would have phone provided say, "this update is so uncle Sam can spy on you even harder"?
Not a fan of apple. I have an S20 samsung
Well, either Trump is truly a mastermind or he's a victim.
Need it to be a gif where the picture rotates 180 degrees and shows what pedo man is looking at and have that be Chris Hansen
Third party effect - ppl assume everyone else is too dumb to comprehend
And reddit is currently down. Gotta wipe the databases of said data
He didn't rape you as bad as others have raped. Just loosen your butthole more
Or he believes that trying to save the US is a lost cause and he just threw in the towel to get out of trying again
He threw in the towel
Tower of Babel, remixed