72u7h -1 points ago +2 / -3

I fully understand your mission for the government now, you are here to sow derision and division.

72u7h 5 points ago +6 / -1

Flat Earth was a psyop by the CIA put on 4xhan to capture idiots such as yourself, it's a mid wit net.

72u7h 2 points ago +4 / -2

And as you've thoroughly demonstrated the education system has failed.

72u7h -2 points ago +2 / -4

Another simple jack racist? That picture is clearly photoshopped if that's what you are implying

72u7h 2 points ago +2 / -0

That'd be a long con for no pay off. Christianity is anarchistic.

72u7h 1 point ago +1 / -0

Beware what you wish for. Most people are incapable of complex thoughts, they parse information very slowly. That's why rote memorization is the primary method of teaching in government schools. When these people realize what's going on it's not gonna be quiet. I'd enjoy the silence while you can.

72u7h 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is said that forgiveness is divine but I've come the conclusion that forgiveness is understanding and in that understanding is truth, the truth is divine. I know you are scared it's alright man it's a scary thing to talk about. Most people go their whole lives just doing what those around them are doing, believing whatever they believe. It takes balls to confront the question at all.

72u7h 1 point ago +1 / -0

Schrodinger was a cat loving bitch, if anything I aspire to Dostoyevsky's fool. I can see you cannot comprehend what I'm telling you so I will speak to you like a stupid child. You trust things everyday in your life that you cannot see and cannot understand but when it comes to the question of existence you must have physical proof. If you held the same standard in your everyday life you would've died long ago.

72u7h 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the Internet was destroyed would you be able to rebuild? Fuck no. You are using technology you don't fundamentally understand and cannot see, while questioning the existence of God who you cannot see. You are a full on fucking retard.

72u7h 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is a ridiculous position. I suppose you think the Internet is witchcraft? What about the device you are using? Have you viewed it's source code? Can you see the moon right now? If not are you terrified it will fall out the sky and cause the world's tides to cease? The universe has laws that in your opinion have somehow conspired for millennia to give you the ability to question your existence and the conclusion you come to is there is no God? What a simple bitch.

72u7h 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have you ever been truly hungry in your life? Most people will watch commercials about starving children in some faraway land and feel guilty for what they have and what they don't have to experience. But how many of those people have gone three days to legitimately feel what it means to be hungry? You have lived in abundance for so long you don't know what it is to go without. How can you not see that you not needing God doesn't mean he's not there?

72u7h 1 point ago +1 / -0

Atheism is not a complex ideology. You believe that life was an eventuality on a long enough time line and nothing happens for a reason. You are arguing from the position of not believing in God suggesting God can be found in other religions. Do you not see the hypocrisy of such a position?

72u7h 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are making the assertion that what I feel or believe to be true of Christianity can be found with other religions. I am not challenging your assertion, your position as an atheist clearly demonstrates you do not believe what you've asserted. You have been arguing with idiots your entire life. In all the idiot villages in all the idiot world You Stand Alone.

Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself; but talent instantly recognizes genius. Arthur Conan Doyle

72u7h 1 point ago +1 / -0

You don't decide the goalposts.

72u7h 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's because you use hypotheticals as a way to obfuscate a complete lack of argument. You've spotted me! I've been programmed to pass the Turing test but those pesky captchas keep tripping me up. I am the most advanced intelligence you have ever engaged and I am entirely organic. I'm on a mission from God. The universe is talking to you! What do you have to say!?

72u7h 1 point ago +1 / -0

I feel like I'm talking to a college student who just discovered nihilism, it's better light a candle than curse the darkness.

72u7h 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know, never tried. I've studied religion a LOT as I view it as philosophy.

72u7h 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know most people live in the shadow of death their entire lives, very few actually confront the fact that one day you are gonna die. It's inescapable. I've seen what the fear of death has done to this world and so have you, we live in a time when your worth is the direct result of how much green paper and shiny things you have. This is obviously false! If you've ever met someone with a lot of money, I've met a lot in my life, they have no more of an idea of the nature of reality than anyone else. I'd say they have less because they've isolated themselves from the majority who do not. It's a shell game to slowly degrade people into being okay with what their governments are doing because they've been pigeonholed into a losing game. You are not the money you make. You are not the car you drive. You are not the clot.es you wear. You are not the house you rent from the government through taxes. You are none of these things and through believing in something you can't see or taste or touch by trusting completely that which you cannot see you can be free. You can be fearless! In a world controlled by people who want you to be scared you can live unafraid. That's where God lives.

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